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Essential Question –Practical Arts What career do you believe is meant for you? Bell work: Bell Work: Read the first 4 paragraphs on page 236. Stop before.

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2 Essential Question –Practical Arts What career do you believe is meant for you? Bell work: Bell Work: Read the first 4 paragraphs on page 236. Stop before reading Your Self Concept What are the principles and beliefs that you consider important? Why?. After bell work read pages 112-113 be ready to discuss Collaborate with team members about Group Project Work on individual Current Event. ALL PAPERS MUST BE TYPED!! I will explore reasons why I am interested in certain career fields.

3  Do you know anyone who doesn’t get nervous before speaking? What is their secret?  What do you need to do to deliver better speeches in the future?  Why is it best to outline your speech rather than write every detail? How did you feel before and after you last spoke in front of a group?

4 Why is it important for students, employers & parents to READ and sign the agreements? I will understand what is expected of me as a student in a work based learning program Current Event Assignment First week Assignment Due Next Thursday/Friday – Look at the 11 Republican Candidates and write a one page report on them – their values, their views and the stance about the presidential office. In your summary please explain why you think they qualify or do not qualify for the office of leader of our great country. Group Current Event – Due October 9 th – EVERYONE in the team must participate in this. Today you will start your research and brainstorm.

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