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Asian Invasians Nick Yun, Jenny Cho, Jae song. China - China has many internal resources - Thinks their culture is superior - Has no reason to be influenced.

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Presentation on theme: "Asian Invasians Nick Yun, Jenny Cho, Jae song. China - China has many internal resources - Thinks their culture is superior - Has no reason to be influenced."— Presentation transcript:

1 Asian Invasians Nick Yun, Jenny Cho, Jae song

2 China - China has many internal resources - Thinks their culture is superior - Has no reason to be influenced by foreign nations.

3 British - Strong nation at the time - Loves profit and expanding - Comes to China to look for new trade. -They traded tea, spices, porcelain, and silk for silver

4 Trade Britain had nothing the Chinese wanted except silver currency which costed the Britain a fortune. - china was internally self sufficient. - they didn’t desire inferior foreign products.

5 Opium Then, Britain introduced Opium in the late 1930s. - addictive - recreational use - britain made profit

6 Chinese Opium Addict

7 Big Money? In 1836, Britain smuggled 8 million pounds of opium into China. That equaled 18 million dollars. But when the Chinese government tried to kick out Opium, Britain retaliated with military force.

8 Opium Wars Causes: - differences in culture - disregard for opium restrictions

9 Opium War chinese demanded that foreign transgressors be turned over to the Chinese courts The British looked at China as a primitive heathen nation Chinese looked at the foreigners with the disdain born of centuries of culture.

10 First Opium War

11 Victory for Britain Britain won the war easily because they had better military technology and definitely more experience in warfare.

12 Treaty of Nanjing 1842 British gained more freedom British nationals were subject to only British law regardless if crimes were committed on Chinese soil. The British no longer had to pay the stiff trading tariffs that had cut into profits open ports for the British

13 More As a result, over the next 30 years, the opium consumation continued to increase.

14 Ganghwa Incident Korea was taking a anti foreigner step and attacking any foreign powers trying to imperialize They misguidedly attacked a Japanese ship Japan demanded an apology and made a treaty

15 Attack on Ganghwa

16 Treaty of Ganghwa made korea independent from tribute to China forced Korea to open 3 ports to Japan (Busan, Incheon and Wonsan) made Korea very susceptible to imperialistic powers

17 Donghak Rebellion Donghak means eastern learning Korean uprising to against poverty Wanted to restore political stability Tried to counter foreign influence catalyst of Sino-Japanese War

18 First Sino-Japanese War August 1894 ~ 17 April 1895 War of Qing dynasty China and Meiji Japan fighting over Korea Japan wanted korea for resources such as coal to fuel their industry and also to expand their powers China also wanted to expand to prevent being taken over Japan wins the war by dominating the sea



21 Treaty of Shimonoseki April 17, 1895 Japan owns Taiwan and the Penghu Islands (Liaoning Province) China pays Japan 200 million Kuping taels for reparations Japanese ships get permission to operate on the Yangtze River

22 The Boxer Rebellion Early 1900s Chinese peasants and every day people gathered an army called the “Boxers” harmed foreigners and embassies anti-christian ultimate goal was to stop imperialism from foreign nations put down by eight nation alliance (british and japanese)


24 Korea under Japanese Rule Japan officially claimed Korea in 1905 and annexed in 1910 until 1945. Japan ultimately wanted their resources and to expand their empire.

25 Japanese Empire 1939

26 Second Sino-Japanese War July 7, 1937 to September 9,1945 Japan wanted resources without paying for it Republic of China vs. Empire of Japan China was defending itself from Japanese advancements


28 抗日戰爭 The War to Resist the Japanese

29 Resistance. Japan surrendered to the Allies in August 1945 after the atomic bombs were dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

30 Japan had to retreat occupation from Korea and China.



33 THE END Thanks for Watchening.

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