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Communication & Publicity Komunikācija un vizuālā atpazīstamība Joint Technical Secretariat Apvienotais tehniskais sekretariāts August 2012, Riga.

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1 Communication & Publicity Komunikācija un vizuālā atpazīstamība Joint Technical Secretariat Apvienotais tehniskais sekretariāts August 2012, Riga

2 Overall objective 2 Beneficiary and project partner’s must take all necessary measures to publicise the fact that the project is co-financed by the Programme (European Union and Russian Federation ) Finansējuma saņēmējam un projekta partneriem jāveic visi nepieciešamie pasākumi, lai publiskotu faktu, ka projektu līdzfinansē Igaunijas-Latvijas-Krievijas pārrobežu sadarbības programma. “The Beneficiary must take all necessary steps to publicise the fact that the European Union has financed or co-financed the Action.”

3 Main principle 3 The projects are Programme’s best ambassadors. Projekti ir programmas vislabākie vēstnieki.

4 Main aims 4 The main aim of the communication and visibility actions are:  to ensure transparent use of EU funds, Programme co- financing;  to increase awareness about the Programme, EU role, funding opportunities and supported projects;  to promote cross-border cooperation and its results. Komunikācijas un vizuālās atpazīstamības pasākumu galvenie mērķi:  Nodrošināt caurskatāmu ES fondu un programmas līdzfinansējuma izmantošanu;  Palielināt sapratni par programmu, ES lomu, finansējuma saņemšanas iespējām un atbalstītiem projektiem;  Veicināt pārrobežu sadarbību un tās rezultātu atpazīstamību.

5 Objectives Guidelines 3.1.4. 5 Communication and visibility activities:  ensure smooth operation of the project internaly - efficient communication among the project partners  make the project activities, achievements and impact visible to the target groups and general public  emphasise the contribution of the Programme to the socio-economic development of the region Komunikācijas un vizuālās atpazīstamības pasākumi:  nodrošina projekta raitu darbību un vadību tā iekšienē – efektīva komunikācija starp projekta partneriem (distances vadība);  padara projekta pasākumus, sasniegumus un ietekmi redzamu mērķgrupām un plašākai sabiedrībai;  uzsver programmas ieguldījumu reģiona sociāli-ekonomiskā attīstībā.

6 Project documents 6  Full Application Form Pilna pieteikuma veidlapa - Activities Pack 2 » How to Apply » 2nd Call for Proposals  Grant Contract Article 6 – Visibility Granta līgums  Model Partnership Agreement - point 11. Infomation and publicity measures Partnerības līgums

7 Programme Logo 7 Full Logo  EU flag  Programme logo united by borders  Slogan – united by borders Programme logo to download:

8 Use of Logo 8 Compulsory in ALL communication tools Lietošana obligāta VISOS saziņas līdzekļos 9 colours/ 9 krāsas Light background suggested The same size as other logos Different sizes Black & white Smallest/ mazākais pieļaujamais izmērs - 40x25 mm Simplified version/ vienkāršotas versijas izmēri - 20x8 mm

9 Communication tools (Communication and Visibility Guidelines in LATVIAN) 9  press releases, press conferences, press visits  web-sites, social media  e-publications – newsletters, project news and fact sheets  Photographs & Videos  display panels & commemorative plaques (if the total contribution from the Programme for infrastructures or construction work exceeds 100 000 EUR)

10 Website 10  the full set Programme Logo – programmas logo  the disclaimer on the homepage or the window with the article about project – atsauce pirmajā lapā vai logā, kurā publicēta informācija par programmu  link to the Programme website – saite uz programmas mājas lapu  link to the EuropeAid Co-operation Office webpage – saite uz EuropeAid darabības biroja mājas lapu “This website has been produced with the financial assistance of the Estonia – Latvia – Russia Cross Border Cooperation Programme within European Neighbourhood and Partnership Instrument 2007 – 2013. The contents of this document are the sole responsibility of and can under no circumstances be regarded as reflecting the position of the Programme, Programme participating countries, alongside with the European Union.”

11 Display panels –100 000 EUR 11 should incorporate - informācijas stendā iekļauj:  the Programme logo, which shall cover at least 50% of the area of the display panel – 50% stenda klāj programmas logo  a phrase - frāze  Name of the Beneficiary, title of the project – finansējuma saņēmēja un projekta nosaukums  start/end time of the works – darbu uzsākšanas un pabeigšanas datumi  minimum size shall be 1500 x 1000 mm – minimālie stenda izmēri “This project is co-financed by the Estonia – Latvia – Russia Cross Border Cooperation Programme within European Neighbourhood and Partnership Instrument 2007 – 2013”

12 Display panel 12

13 Project display panel 13 Beneficiaries and project partners should also produce a display panel with which to promote their Programme co-financed project at an exhibition or event, or at the entrance of a training centre or office reception.

14 Commemorative plaque – 100 000 EUR 14 should incorporate – informatīvā plāksnē iekļauj:  the Programme logo, which shall cover at least 50% of the area of the commemorative plaque – 50% plāksnes klāj programmas logo  a phrase - frāze  the date on which the object was finished – objekta nodošanas datums  minimum size shall be 500 x 300 mm – minimālie plāksnes izmēri “This [name of the structure] was co-financed by the Estonia – Latvia – Russia Cross Border Cooperation Programme within European Neighbourhood and Partnership Instrument 2007 – 2013”

15 15

16 16 Download Documents to be Completed Questions asked during 2nd Call for Proposals are published in FAQ section subscribe the Programme news learn about the information seminars and register on-line!

17 Kopsavilkums 17  Ievērot visas vizuālās atpazīstamības prasības  Koordinēt projekta komunikācijas pasākumus ar jau eksistējošiem organizācijas komunikācijas pasākumiem  Padomāt par komunikāciju ilgākā termiņā (publikāciju izplatīšana, Interneta mājas lapu uzturēšana)  Iekšējā un ārējā komunikācija – abas ir svarīgas  Vienmēr lietot programmas nosaukumu un logo  Lietot korektu vizuālo informāciju un faktus  Komunikāciju pasākumu efektivitāti atspoguļot ciparos (preses relīzes, raksti, audio & video faili, publikācijas, mājas lapas apmeklētāji, dalībnieki pasākumos)

18 Guidance Documents 18  Communication and Visibility Manual for European Union External Actions  Programme’s Guidelines for Grant Applicants Section 3.1.4 - Publicity and Information Requirements  Programme’s Communication and Publicity Guidelines for Open Call for Proposals (also in Latvian) _ _  Glossary - » Glossary&Abbreviations

19 Jāatceras! 19 If publicity requirements are not fulfilled, the related costs are not eligible for ENPI co-financing! Ja publicitātes prasības netiek ievērotas, ar tām saistītās izmaksas nav attiecināmas uz programmas līdzfinansējumu! No information can be made public before the Grant Contract has been signed! Informācija par projektu netiek publiskota līdz Granta līguma parakstīšanai!

20 Further Information 20 LATVIA Vineta Šnore Joint Technical Secretariat Phone: +37167509526 E-mail: ESTONIA Liane Rosenblatt Branch Office in Tartu - only for Lõuna-Eesti and Kesk- Eesti areas Phone: +372 738 6011 E-mail: Artur Viira Branch Office in Jõhvi - only for Kirde-Eesti and Põhja-Eesti areas Phone: + 372 339 5609 E-mail: RUSSIA Sergey Balanev Branch Office in St. Petersburg, Russia Phone: + 7 812 325 83 51 E-mail: Vladimir Skorokhodov Branch Office in St. Petersburg, Leningrad Region, Russia Phone: + 7 812 325 51 84 E-mail: vladimir.skorokhodov@e vladimir.skorokhodov@e Ekaterina Moskaleva Branch Office in Pskov, Russia Phone: + 7 8112 79 40 54 E-mail: ekaterina.moskaleva@estlat ekaterina.moskaleva@estlat

21 PALDIES par dalību Igaunijas-Latvijas- Krievijas pārrobežu sadarbības programmas seminārā! 21

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