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The New Zealand Institute for Plant & Food Research Limited VISG polyploids project – Datasets.

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1 The New Zealand Institute for Plant & Food Research Limited VISG polyploids project – Datasets

2 The New Zealand Institute for Plant & Food Research Limited Goals and Outline Identify datasets from outcrossing allopolyploids »For implementation of peeling and conditional peeling »For integration of peeling and BIC method Triticum tauschii linkage map dataset White clover QTL mapping dataset Future Actinidia polyploid dataset

3 The New Zealand Institute for Plant & Food Research Limited Triticum tauschii dataset – to test peeling and conditional peeling T. tauschii is a diploid wheat relative, source of the D genome of wheat Dataset obtained from the GrainGenes website, Bikram Gill 1993 291 RFLP loci for 60 progeny (some dropped due to missing data) Segregation patterns: AC, BD, AHB

4 The New Zealand Institute for Plant & Food Research Limited Existing dataset - white clover 2n=4x=32; complete disomic inheritance (~1:1 ratio of markers linked in repulsion and coupling phases) Map: Barrett et al. (2004) TAG 109: 596–608 QTL mapping: Barrett et al. (2005) Crop Science 45:1844–1850 P6525 x P364/7 182 F1 full sibs Linkage map (n=92) 493 SSR loci 1144 cM, 8 homoeolog pairs QTL map (n=182) 292 SSR loci 11 cM/locus, 8 homoeolog pairs Seed yield, inflor/plot, total seed wt

5 The New Zealand Institute for Plant & Food Research Limited White clover SSR map Segregation pattern # polymorphic loci Percent ao x oo (P346/7)17235% oo x ao (P6525)18437% ab x ab204% ab x ac408% ab x cd7716%

6 The New Zealand Institute for Plant & Food Research Limited White clover map Homoeolog identification »96 SSRs (19%) detected homoeologs »4-14 markers between homoeologs »Marker order fairly well conserved

7 The New Zealand Institute for Plant & Food Research Limited Actinidia datasets for peeling and BIC The Actinidia (kiwifruit) genus contains 2x, 4x, 6x and 8x species. Map development has been completed in A. chinensis (2x, n=29, Fraser et al. 2009) Mapping data to become available in two polyploid crosses (2010): A. deliciosa (6x) x A. erianthe (6x) »Transfer diploid map across »Examine meiosis in both parents, preferential pairing or not »A. deliciosa behaves more like autopolyploid A. chinensis (4x) x A. melanandra (4x) »Tetraploid chinensis – a strict allopolyploid

8 The New Zealand Institute for Plant & Food Research Limited Summary Extension of the peeling and conditional peeling approaches has been identified for dealing with the missing data problems inherent in mapping in outcrossing allopolyploids BIC or reverse jump-MCMC will be implemented for model testing Datasets currently or soon to be available have been identified Polyploids group: Rod Ball, Scion Sammie Jia, PFR Nihal deSilva, PFR Mark McNeilage, PFR Brent Barrett, AgResearch Gail T-V

9 The New Zealand Institute for Plant & Food Research Limited

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