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Ahlan Wa Sahlan – welcome to Jordan Opening session note SAMENA – Convergence to Jordan Mickael Ghossein – Chief Executive Officer- Orange Jordan.

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Presentation on theme: "Ahlan Wa Sahlan – welcome to Jordan Opening session note SAMENA – Convergence to Jordan Mickael Ghossein – Chief Executive Officer- Orange Jordan."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ahlan Wa Sahlan – welcome to Jordan Opening session note SAMENA – Convergence to Jordan Mickael Ghossein – Chief Executive Officer- Orange Jordan

2 2  Country economic evolution Real GDP likely to grow at 1.4% in 08 & at 1.9 in 2009. Telco contributes 9-10% of GDP. Inflation rose 16.8% up to July with expectation of 14.8% end 2008. Inflation forecasted at 5.5% in 2009. macro economic environment Economy Population Telecom  Population dynamics Population : 5.89mill Jordanians, 1.3 mill expats 35% of population are young (0-15ans) 2.4% population growth rate 17.7% of population are rural 5.4 Average household size Around 1.3 mill emigrant: live in Jordan  Specificities of the telecom market 15.2% multi SIM ownership (market global): 22.6% of multi sim (1 sim Orange and at least 1 sim from competitor): 79% Mobile Penetration reached Regulation: 77 license issued; 22 individual and 55 class. Keen to license 3G soon. Source: Economist Intelligence Unit, Jordan DoS, Central Bank of Jordan, IPSOS Segmentation

3 3  NBN: National Broadband Network - a government fiber network that covers all universities, schools, gov entities & others  FBWA: Two WiMax licensees (Umniah & Wi-tribe) started operations with a potential of 6 licensees in the market  MVNO: Two potential licensed MVNOs (Friendi, i2) are likely preparing to sign contracts with MNOs - to launch service soon  Market Share: Zain has lost market share for the past two years while Umniah has gained market share and Orange maintained position  One Network: Zain launched the “one network” concept across the region covering five countries: Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Bahrain & Iraq  Wholesale Entrants: new players {Hadatha, VTel (Falcon Landing party) & XOL} are preparing to launch mainly wholesale IP & transport services in the market competitors

4 4 regulatory issues  Licenses: The regulator has issued 77 licenses (22 individual, 55 class) till end of July 2008  MVNO: The regulator has issued a new instruction for MVNO in August 2008  3G: The regulator issued consultation for licensing frequency for the 3G cellular communications technology  LLU: the regulator issued consultation on LLU and currently preparing to launch draft instruction for local loop unbundling  Bitstream: Orange Jordan launched bitstream level three while the regulator and ISPs are pushing for bitstream level one

5 5 Jordan is over liberalized; we need to protect the future survive a price war through differentiation; differentiation through convergence

6 6 Orange Jordan convergent offer in place and growing integration giving: Orange Business Orange Home Orange Enterprise

7 7 benefits of integration: financial tools billing systems convergent offers

8 8 fine examples of convergence offer - IPTv - UPPC - surf & talk - double play - livebox

9 9 mobile, fixed or internet cannot stand alone and survive across the world acquisitions of broad band companies

10 10 financial markets are struggling to balance between capitalisation and globalisation customers demand everything less price, better quality and value SPEED

11 11 growing demands: more and stronger competition

12 12 convergence around mobile? convergence around fixed?

13 13 welcome to your country; welcome to Jordan

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