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Personality I: Measuring differences in organizations.

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Presentation on theme: "Personality I: Measuring differences in organizations."— Presentation transcript:

1 Personality I: Measuring differences in organizations

2 Road Map for Course Personality II I II I Relationships Group Context

3 Measuring Personality Specific: Mach, Type A

4 Measuring Personality General: Big 5 –Openness –Conscientiousness –Extroversion –Agreeableness –Neuroticism General: Myers Briggs Type Indicator

5 SN Acquiring information (search behavior) sensingintuition TF Making decisions (using information) thinking feeling JP Establishing goals (values) judgingperceiving EI Managing relationships (energy) extroversionintroversion

6 Work Styles ExtroversionIntroversion Think better with othersThink better by reflection

7 Work Styles ExtroversionIntroversion Think better with othersThink better by reflection SensingIntuition “God is in the details”“Big picture is key” Thinking Feeling Decide by principleDecide by needs JudgingPerceiving Reach closure quickly Leave options open

8 Communication Styles ExtroversionIntroversion Think out loudVerbalize thought-out ideas SensingIntuition Specific, feasible ideasNovel, general ideas Thinking Feeling Logic, facts, dataPersonal, lively anecdotes JudgingPerceiving Focus on task at hand Focus on process

9 POPULATION DISTRIBUTION Extrovert > 4 < Introvert Sensing > 4 < Intuiting Thinking > 4 < Feeling Judging > 4 < Perceiving 49%20%31% 22%37%41% 49%31%20% 61%19%20%

10 Personality differences in organizations Working relationships –Source of personal bias –Blinders In groups –Conflict and misunderstanding –Complementary: perspective, flexibility, creativity Group projects –Achieve balance

11 Limitations Cognitive only Few dominant on all: we can do both We can behave and change against type Simplified, Static, Imperfect Good for: –Self awareness –Managing relationships –Making groups work

12 Key Themes Preferences in work styles and communication Source of conflict, but also key to high performance Application: getting the right mix Other differences: race, gender, age

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