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Chapter 5: Personality and Values 5-1. Personality, the Way It Is Measured, and the Factors that Shape It Defining Personality Personality is a dynamic.

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Presentation on theme: "Chapter 5: Personality and Values 5-1. Personality, the Way It Is Measured, and the Factors that Shape It Defining Personality Personality is a dynamic."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chapter 5: Personality and Values 5-1

2 Personality, the Way It Is Measured, and the Factors that Shape It Defining Personality Personality is a dynamic concept describing the growth and development of a person’s whole psychological system. T he sum total of ways in which an individual reacts to and interacts with others. 5-2

3 Personality Determinants Is personality the result of heredity or environment? Heredity refers to those factors that were determined at conception. The heredity approach argues that the ultimate explanation of an individual’s personality is the molecular structure of the genes, located in the chromosomes. 5-3 Personality, the Way It Is Measured, and the Factors that Shape It

4 Early research tried to identify and label enduring personality characteristics. Shy, aggressive, submissive, lazy, ambitious, loyal, and timid. Early efforts to identify the primary traits that govern behavior often resulted in long lists that were difficult to generalize from and provided little practical guidance to organizational decision makers. 5-4 Personality, the Way It Is Measured, and the Factors that Shape It

5 MBTI One of the most widely used personality frameworks is the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI). Individuals are classified as: Extroverted or Introverted (E or I) Sensing or Intuitive (S or N) Thinking or Feeling (T or F) Perceiving or Judging (P or J) INTJs are visionaries. ESTJs are organizers. ENTPs are conceptualizers. 5-5 ?

6 Key Traits in the Big Five Personality Model 1.Extraversion 2.Agreeableness 3.Conscientiousness 4.Emotional stability 5.Openness to experience 5-6

7 How The Big Five Traits Predict Behavior At Work 5-7

8 The five factors appear in almost all cross-cultural studies. Generally, the findings corroborate what has been found in U.S. research Of the Big Five traits, conscientiousness is the best predictor of job performance. 5-8 How The Big Five Traits Predict Behavior At Work

9 The Dark Triad 1.Machiavellianism – the degree to which an individual is pragmatic, maintains emotional distance, and believes that ends can justify means. 2.Narcissism – the tendency to be arrogant, have a grandiose sense of self-importance, require excessive admiration, and have a sense of entitlement. 3.Psychopathy – the tendency for a lack of concern for others and a lack of guilt or remorse when their actions cause harm. 5-9 How The Big Five Traits Predict Behavior At Work

10 Approach-Avoidance The approach-avoidance framework – casts personality traits as motivations. Approach motivation is attraction to positive stimuli. Avoidance motivation is our aversion to negative stimuli. 5-10 How The Big Five Traits Predict Behavior At Work

11 Other Personality Traits Relevant to OB Core Self-Evaluation – bottom line conclusions individuals have about their capabilities, competence, and worth as a person. Self-Monitoring – measures an individual’s ability to adjust his or her behavior to external, situational factors. Proactive Personality – people who identify opportunities, show initiative, take action, and persevere until meaningful change occurs. 5-11 How The Big Five Traits Predict Behavior At Work

12 Terminal and Instrumental Values Values – basic convictions about what is right, good, or desirable. Value system – ranks values in terms of intensity. The Importance and Organization of Values Values lay the foundation for understanding of attitudes and motivation. Values generally influence attitudes and behaviors. Terminal values – desirable end-states of existence. Instrumental values – preferred modes of behavior or means of achieving terminal values. 5-12

13 Generational Differences in Values 5-13

14 Generational Differences in Values 5-14

15 5-15 Generational Differences in Values

16 Person-Organization Fit People high on extraversion fit well with aggressive and team-oriented cultures. People high on agreeableness match up better with a supportive organizational climate than one focused on aggressiveness. People high on openness to experience fit better in organizations that emphasize innovation rather than standardization. 5-16 Generational Differences in Values

17 Hofstede’s Five Value Dimensions Of National Culture Five value dimensions of national culture 1.Power distance 2.Individualism versus collectivism 3.Masculinity versus femininity 4.Uncertainty avoidance 5.Long-term versus short-term orientation 5-17

18 5-18 Hofstede’s Five Value Dimensions Of National Culture Different cultural values by nation. Enormously influential on OB research and managers, but still criticized. Original work is more than 30 years old and based on a single company (IBM). Important social and political changes since then. Methodology concerns.

19 The GLOBE Framework for Assessing Culture The Global Leadership and Organizational Behavior Effectiveness (GLOBE) research program updated Hofstede’s research. Data from 825 organizations and 62 countries. Used variables similar to Hofstede’s. Added some news ones. 5-19 Hofstede’s Five Value Dimensions Of National Culture

20 Implications for Managers As a manager, you are more likely to appreciate, evaluate positively, and allocate rewards to employees who fit in, and your employees are more likely to be satisfied if they perceive they do fit in. Plan to objectively consider your employees’ performance accordingly. Consider screening job candidates for high conscientiousness, as well as the other Big Five traits, depending on the criteria your organization finds most important. Other traits, such as core self-evaluation or narcissism, may be relevant in certain situations. 5-20

21 Implications for Managers You need to evaluate your employees’ jobs, their work groups, and your organization to determine the optimal personality fit. Take into account employees' situational factors when evaluating their observable personality traits, and lower the situation strength to better ascertain personality characteristics. Although the MBTI has been widely criticized, it may have a place in organizations. You may consider the results helpful for training and development. The results can also help employees better understand themselves, help team members better understand each other, open up communication in work groups, and possibly reduce conflicts.

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