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Increased Effort through Goal-Setting and Self-Reflection Data Interpretation Week 14.

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Presentation on theme: "Increased Effort through Goal-Setting and Self-Reflection Data Interpretation Week 14."— Presentation transcript:

1 Increased Effort through Goal-Setting and Self-Reflection Data Interpretation Week 14

2 Pre-Survey I gave a pre-survey to my students before implementing my action research project. It was at the end of 1 st quarter and it was in the form of a personal grade card. They rated themselves based on the following questions: How do you feel about reading? Outstanding, It’s tough, but I like it, too hard. I make a wise-choice…never, sometimes, most of the time. I do my best work…rarely, often, every time.

3 Goal/Implementation Plan We discussed as a class what a goal is and came up with the following definition: A goal is to get better at something you are already good at. I sat down one-on-one with each student and went over their pre-assessment scores. Each student then decided on a goal they wanted to obtain based on these scores and drew a picture of it. (I dictated in writing). I also asked them how they planned to reach their goal and helped them write a plan of action. Example-Goal: To identify 15 out of 20 sight words Implementation Plan: I will practice sight words using flash cards for 10 minutes everyday.

4 Wise-Choice Folders Students have folders they keep at their desks. I refer to them as their Wise-Choice folders. I provide independent practice for students upon completion of their daily work. For the use of this project, I tailored each student’s Wise- Choice folder towards their specific goal. Example: Student A set a goal to improve lowercase letter recognition. I provided independent practice activities to reinforce this skill. *Note-Wise-Choice folder completion is not required. It is a choice each student can make on their own.

5 Pre/Post Assessment A pre and post assessment was given to each student. Both assessments were exactly the same, with the hopes of seeing improvement in specific skills through effort (goal implementation plan and Wise-Choice folders). Most students improved in all areas, not just the area they set as their goal!

6 Pre/Post Assessment Results Student A

7 Pre/Post Assessment Results Student B

8 Post Survey I gave a post-survey to my students after implementing my action research project. It was identical to the pre-survey previously given. They rated themselves based on the same questions as the pre-survey. Students that felt reading was difficult on the pre- survey were much more optimistic on the post-survey after reflecting on their goal-setting and effort!

9 Pre-Survey Class Results

10 Post-Survey Class Results

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