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Presented by Mansyur Andaya Desi Purnama K Childa Faiza Sadirin Santoso.

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Presentation on theme: "Presented by Mansyur Andaya Desi Purnama K Childa Faiza Sadirin Santoso."— Presentation transcript:

1 Presented by Mansyur Andaya Desi Purnama K Childa Faiza Sadirin Santoso

2 (Memex/Memory Extender). A sort of mechanized private file/library. A device in which in individual stores his book, records & communications, in which is mechanized so that it may be consulted with exceeding speed and flexibility

3 Hyper = over or beyond Signifies the overcoming of the old linear constraints of written text. = branching & responding text 1992 Ted Nelson, Hypermedia.= branching &responding graphics, movies & sound.

4 Hypertext :  Link the text  Can connect with other media ; graphics ; animation ; or sound  Example : Google search, wikipedia Hypermedia :  Link the media  Can connect with not only text, but also media ; photos ; even movies  Example : U Tube

5 The Advantages of Hypertext :  Ease of Tracing References  Ease of Creating New References  Information Structuring  Global Views  Customized Documents  Modularity Documents  Consistency of Information  Task Stacking  Collaboration

6 The problems of using hypertext that is usually encountered : *How to show the links between document and *What sort of information is linked to the document

7 Some of hypertext applications are Business Product catalogue and advertisement Organizational chart and policy manuals Annual reports and orientation guide Resumes/CV and biographies Treaties, contract, and wills Newsletter and newsmagazine Software documentation and code

8 Information recourses Encyclopedias, glossaries and dictionaries Medical and legal reference books Religious literary annotations Collage catalogue and department guides Travel and restaurant guides Scientific journals, abstract, and indexes

9 Personal learning Instruction and explanation Repair and explanation Time lines and geographical maps On-line help and technical documentation Cookbooks and home-rapair manuals Mysteries, fantasies, and joke books Hyper novels and hyper poems

10 The utility of Hypertext for educational purposes is to create a personal learning tutorial which is commonly know as The Computer Assisted Learning (CAL) The application of hypertext for the educational purposes for creating the CAL, is appropriate to its interactive capability and flexibility

11 For teacher or designer expend the notion of text including : picture, sound, music, animation and video It is very useful to help students with clearer explanation, description as well as illustrations. Since hypertext system is very flexible, it enable students or user to choose and learn any topic of his interest

12 Hypertext system can be implemented in learning of all language skills: Listening, speaking, reading, and writing And also language aspects: Vocabulary and Grammar However, The application of hypertext in learning grammar shows the best and most successful result

13 Matur Nuwun Sanget

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