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Digging Deeper into The Toulmin Model Introduction I found the Wood (2012) article inspiring, so I though I would delve into the Toulmin Model further,

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2 Digging Deeper into The Toulmin Model

3 Introduction I found the Wood (2012) article inspiring, so I though I would delve into the Toulmin Model further, since I am not as familiar with it as I would like. I synthesized Wood’s (2012) chapter on the Toulmin Model to create a presentation I might use in the classroom.

4 Defines essential parts of an argument Explains relationships among parts of an argument Provides a tool for evaluation of arguments

5 ClaimWarrantSupport Claim: your position or proposal Support: your evidence Warrant: beliefs and principles that underlie your claim (A claim may have multiple warrants.)

6 Toulmin’s Model of Argumentation Claim Warrant Support Warrants can strengthen the claim and its connection to the support.

7 ClaimWarrant backing Support qualifiers rebuttals Backing shows a warrant’s reliability. Backing shows a warrant’s reliability. Qualifiers tell when, how, and why a claim is reliable. Qualifiers tell when, how, and why a claim is reliable. Rebuttals explain when a claim is not true. Rebuttals explain when a claim is not true.

8 Claim Support Warrant Backing Qualifier Rebuttal What are the 6 parts of an argument in Toulmin’s model ?

9 Excavating Warrants

10 Dig deep! Warrants are: Assumptions Principles Values Shared ideas or beliefs and may not be apparent on the surface….

11 Buried Treasure Warrants can: Persuade the reader Establish common ground Help identify flaws in an argument Warrants do the heavy lifting of supporting your claim and its connection to your support

12 Digging Directions A warrant: – Links support to a claim – Supports the claim by showing that the data is relevant So students should: Look back and forth between their claim and support. Ask: Why does that data (the support) mean my claim is true?

13 Digging Directions Additional questions students should ask: How does the support demonstrate that my claim is valid? What else must I believe to connect the support to this claim?

14 A good warrant: Is a reasonable interpretation of facts Is a logical extension of thought Does not assume more than the evidence supports

15 Videos of Toulmin Model Instruction D8 _detailpage&v=fW5wrhl6NgI

16 Lesson Plans/Resources huckleberry-finn-with-the-toulmin-model- a357976 huckleberry-finn-with-the-toulmin-model- a357976 An interesting lesson plan for Huckleberry Finn using the Toulmin Model. min/pop2e.cfm min/pop2e.cfm A scaffolding worksheet to help students create or analyze arguments.

17 References Hillocks, G, Jr. (2010). Introduction: Planning for powerful learning. Teaching argument writing (pp. 1-11). Portmouth, NH: Heinemann. Wood, Nancy V. (2012). Perspectives on argument (7 th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall.

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