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WS1-1 ADM730, Workshop 1, September 2005 Copyright  2005 MSC.Software Corporation WORKSHOP 1 INTRODUCTION Open Retracted - Bad Retracted - Good.

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1 WS1-1 ADM730, Workshop 1, September 2005 Copyright  2005 MSC.Software Corporation WORKSHOP 1 INTRODUCTION Open Retracted - Bad Retracted - Good

2 WS1-2 ADM730, Workshop 1, September 2005 Copyright  2005 MSC.Software Corporation WORKSHOP 1 – COLLABORATION WITH ADAMS/INSIGHT n Problem statement u Use ADAMS/Insight to investigate the relationship between the landing gear link lengths (the design variables) and the storage clearance and torque requirements (the design objectives). Make the results accessible to others in a Web page format. Open Retracted - Bad Retracted - Good

3 WS1-3 ADM730, Workshop 1, September 2005 Copyright  2005 MSC.Software Corporation WORKSHOP 1 – COLLABORATION WITH ADAMS/INSIGHT n Getting Started u Here you will start ADAMS/Insight, import the model, and run a simulation. n To get started: 1. Change to the directory exercise_dir/mod_01_introduction. 2. Start ADAMS/View from the command line as follows: l Unix:adams05r2 -c aview ru-s I l Windows:adams05r2 aview ru-s I 3. Import the model file landing_gear.cmd. 4. Run the simulation script retract_gear to see an example of the retraction exercise. u To run the model using this simulation script, from the Simulate menu, select Scripted Controls. u Enter retract_gear in the Simulation Script Name text box. u Select the Start simulation button. The simulation stops after a few seconds, when a sensor triggers.

4 WS1-4 ADM730, Workshop 1, September 2005 Copyright  2005 MSC.Software Corporation WORKSHOP 1 – COLLABORATION WITH ADAMS/INSIGHT n Verifying the design space u Here you will use ADAMS/Insight to check the design space of the model. Using the perimeter study in ADAMS/Insight, you will quickly evaluate your model at the extents of the design space. This should give an indication of how robust the model is within the chosen design extents. n Opening ADAMS/Insight, loading an experiment: 1. From the Simulate menu in ADAMS/View, point to ADAMS/Insight, and then select Display. 2. Right-click and browse to find the experiment named lg_experiment.xml. 3. Select OK. u ADAMS/Insight opens. You will learn about the elements of the interface in later modules.

5 WS1-5 ADM730, Workshop 1, September 2005 Copyright  2005 MSC.Software Corporation WORKSHOP 1 – COLLABORATION WITH ADAMS/INSIGHT u Note what happens when you expand the Factors, then Inclusions nodes in the treeview. The Factors are the design variables that will be altered in the model. u Similarly expand the Responses, then the Inclusions nodes. Responses are the design objectives that are studied as the variables are changed. u Next, you’ll run through some simple design tasks. n To run a perimeter study: 1. In the treeview, select the + in front of Design, and then select Specification. The Design Specification form appears.

6 WS1-6 ADM730, Workshop 1, September 2005 Copyright  2005 MSC.Software Corporation WORKSHOP 1 – COLLABORATION WITH ADAMS/INSIGHT 2. Set the Investigation Strategy to be: Study - Perimeter 3. Select Apply. 4. Select the Generate Work Space tool. ADAMS/Insight creates several combinations of model configurations representing the extents of the chosen design space. 5. In the treeview, select Work Space Review to verify the model configurations. Select LowerMount or UpperLength in the list at the bottom of the main window. This displays a count for each value of each design variable through the various model configurations. Does each design variable have a single value at the lower, middle, and upper range of the variable extents? Yes / No (circle one)

7 WS1-7 ADM730, Workshop 1, September 2005 Copyright  2005 MSC.Software Corporation WORKSHOP 1 – COLLABORATION WITH ADAMS/INSIGHT 6. Select the Run Simulations tool. Now that ADAMS/Insight knows what model configurations to evaluate for the perimeter study, it has enough information to go back to ADAMS/View and evaluate all of these configurations. ADAMS/View opens and several simulations run in succession. If there are problems with the model in any of the configurations, you will see warnings and error messages. In this experiment, you should just see the warning that occurs each time the sensor fires.

8 WS1-8 ADM730, Workshop 1, September 2005 Copyright  2005 MSC.Software Corporation WORKSHOP 1 – COLLABORATION WITH ADAMS/INSIGHT 1. When the simulations complete, close the Information box. 2. From the Simulate menu, point to ADAMS/Insight, and then select Display. 3. Choose your experiment, and then select OK. 4. ADAMS/Insight displays the results data. 5. To view the results data, in the treeview, expand the Design node, and select Work Space (S-3).

9 WS1-9 ADM730, Workshop 1, September 2005 Copyright  2005 MSC.Software Corporation WORKSHOP 1 – COLLABORATION WITH ADAMS/INSIGHT The Work Space chart shows each model configuration and the resulting Response (Design Objective) values. l Did all of the models evaluated run to completion, yielding values for Maximum Torque and Wingbox Clearance? Yes / No (circle one) l What is the difference between the highest and lowest Maximum Torque values? ____________________________ n Perimeter study conclusions: u The perimeter study is a quick way to run the model at the low, middle, and high values of the design variables, yielding an indication of how robust the design space is. u If failures occur for any of the trials (simulations), or any Response (design objective) values appear odd in the Work Space chart, now is the time to reconsider your model and the design space extents.

10 WS1-10 ADM730, Workshop 1, September 2005 Copyright  2005 MSC.Software Corporation WORKSHOP 1 – COLLABORATION WITH ADAMS/INSIGHT n Fit a response surface; optimize on the surface u ADAMS/Insight can generate a response surface, which is a polynomial fit between the quantities that are altered (the Factors) and quantities that are studied (the Responses). This analytical representation of the input, output relationship has benefits including: l Rapid evaluation of any solution within the design space (simple polynomial evaluation process). l Rapid analysis of design space “gradients”; provides sensitivity analysis information anywhere in the design space. u Optimization on a response surface is fast due to the polynomial system representation. You will do a simple optimization on the surface to determine a configuration with: l The maximum wingbox clearance. l No regard for the maximum torque requirement.

11 WS1-11 ADM730, Workshop 1, September 2005 Copyright  2005 MSC.Software Corporation WORKSHOP 1 – COLLABORATION WITH ADAMS/INSIGHT n The response surface setup and analysis has been done for you. To view the response surface fit for the current model: 1. Return to ADAMS/View by closing the ADAMS/Insight window: l From the File menu, select Close ADAMS/Insight Window. 2. Display the saved experiment lg_experiment_rs: l From the Simulate menu, point to ADAMS/Insight, and then select Display. l Enter lg_experiment_rs.xml. l Select OK. Note that an Analysis node exists, containing a Model_1 node. Model_1 represents the response surface fit to the design problem.

12 WS1-12 ADM730, Workshop 1, September 2005 Copyright  2005 MSC.Software Corporation WORKSHOP 1 – COLLABORATION WITH ADAMS/INSIGHT n To perform an optimization on the surface: 1. From the Tools menu, select Optimize Model. 2. Assign weighting factors for the objectives that you want to satisfy: l Maximum Torque: Weight of 0 (or Oper = Ignore) l Wingbox Clearance: Weight of 1 3. Set Oper in the Design Objectives column (the optimization criteria) to Max for the Wingbox Clearance. 4. Select Run. The optimization should finish quickly. 5. What configuration of the model yields the maximum clearance, without regard for the torque Objective? ________________________________________________________________

13 WS1-13 ADM730, Workshop 1, September 2005 Copyright  2005 MSC.Software Corporation WORKSHOP 1 – COLLABORATION WITH ADAMS/INSIGHT n Share the response surface results with others u Since a response surface is simply a polynomial fit of the outputs to the inputs, it is easy to share this information with others who don't know how to run MSC.ADAMS products. u Response surface data can be created in a dynamic Web page format from ADAMS/Insight, simplifying data sharing. Next, you publish a dynamic Web page from ADAMS/Insight so that others can test model configurations within the design space, without running the MSC.ADAMS products.

14 WS1-14 ADM730, Workshop 1, September 2005 Copyright  2005 MSC.Software Corporation WORKSHOP 1 – COLLABORATION WITH ADAMS/INSIGHT n To publish the response surface results to a Web page: 1. Select the Export to web, slk, etc. tool. 2. Leave the default name in the File Save text box, and select Save. Now the results can be viewed and tested from within a Javascript- enabled Web browser. 3. Open lg_experiment_rs.htm in a Web browser. The Web page lets you alter the factors, or design variables, within the design space extents. As you change the variables, the responses, or design objectives, change according to the current location on the response surface. Assuming that the response surface fit was good, these values indicate the performance of your MSC.ADAMS model without having to run ADAMS.

15 WS1-15 ADM730, Workshop 1, September 2005 Copyright  2005 MSC.Software Corporation WORKSHOP 1 – COLLABORATION WITH ADAMS/INSIGHT 4. Assuming that your boss is not an MSC.ADAMS user and just wants the answers, what values would he or she get for the torque and wingbox clearance objectives if he or she set the design variables at 58 cm for the Upper link length and 39 cm for the Lower link mount? _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ n Summary u You used the ADAMS/Insight Perimeter Study to verify the design space that you were investigating. u Next a response surface was fit to the design problem, yielding an analytical representation of the system response. u An Optimization was then performed on the response surface and the results were published as a dynamic web page.

16 WS1-16 ADM730, Workshop 1, September 2005 Copyright  2005 MSC.Software Corporation

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