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Mike Ruppert R.I.P. 1951-2014 John Deutch Age 76 Julian Dixon R.I.P. 1934-2000 Edwin P. Wilson R.I.P. 1928-2012.

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Presentation on theme: "Mike Ruppert R.I.P. 1951-2014 John Deutch Age 76 Julian Dixon R.I.P. 1934-2000 Edwin P. Wilson R.I.P. 1928-2012."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mike Ruppert R.I.P. 1951-2014 John Deutch Age 76 Julian Dixon R.I.P. 1934-2000 Edwin P. Wilson R.I.P. 1928-2012

2  Mike Ruppert has spent 18+ years trying to out the CIA, Ruppert has collected documents about actual drug trafficking operations that Edwin P. Wilson and others had perform.  These operations had been done through the CIA and the profit money had been used to support the CIA’s funds. Conspiracy Theory Proposal Mike Ruppert at a console meeting after 18years of trying to be heard. Edwin P. Wilson, head of drug trafficking operations.

3  Mike Ruppert has documents about the agency dealing drug since before the late 1970’s, around the late 1970’s other officers tried to recruit Mike to join them in selling drugs to Americans.  Names of three specific operations known as Amadeus, Pegasus and watchtower and has watchtower documents.  18 years of trying to expose the CIA and Mike has been shot at, and forced out of LAPD for doing so but in 1996 he is successful. Support for Theory CIA having guards watching and protecting the large amounts of crack-cocaine. CIA officers holding a man down while they forcedly inject with drugs.

4  Response from CIA director John Deutch: Says if you have that kind of information to take it to the LA police Department, Inspector general, or office of one of your congress. If the allegations are right, he states that they with bring those involved to justice and hold them accountable.  Response from Rep. Julian Dixon: States that he remembers Mike Ruppert being at the last meeting but they had Ruppert’s name spelled wrong and have been trying to find him and get ahold of him for a couple days and would like to talk to him. Wants Ruppert to leave his contact information with him as well as the documents so the he can set up a time to talk with Ruppert and figure this whole thing out and bring justice. Ruppert states that he is more than willing to give up any information that he has and will do so as soon as possible. Reponses Rep. Julian Dixon CIA Director John Deutch

5  Even though state rep. Julian Dixon remembers Mike Ruppert from the pervious meeting Mike Was never apologized to for being ignored about this topic before.  To go with no apology, the state rep. and director of the CIA don’t seem to worried about taking that much action on this matter which could be taken in such way that they already know about it and are in on it or they don’t care and just want the U.S. to think that they truly worry and with actually do something about it. Weak Spots Link below goes to and YouTube video of the meeting where Mike Ruppert is finally getting his information out there and to the people who need to hear it.

6  I believe that this is true because the CIA and police know how much money is made from drug trafficking every year and with as protected as the CIA is, it wouldn’t be hard to do this and have no trace of them even attempting it.  There would be no trace because the only way that anybody can get ahold of CIA information is to be in the CIA and even then it can be hard to get your hands on certain documents.  On the other hand I can believe that it didn’t happen because if you go to look for the documents that Mike Ruppert claimed to have you can’t find any or them or anything besides interviews about the documents. Where I Stand Now think about how you feel.!

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