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On Implementing Sorting Network Machines with FPGAs

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1 On Implementing Sorting Network Machines with FPGAs
Rui Marcelino (UALG/EST) Horácio Neto (IST/INESC-ID) João M. P. Cardoso (IST/INESC-ID) Jornadas REC 2007 IST -8, 9 FEV

2 Motivation With a new kind of devices likes PDA’s, Mobile Phones, new needs are invoked Databases access from embedded device are a reality and tends to grow Sorting is an integral component of most database systems The performance of queries in these systems is often dominated by the cost of the sorting algorithm Search and sorting are becoming important features for embedded applications

3 Idea Development of sorting machine Coupled to a microprocessor
Boost the global performance of general embedded database application Embedded Microprocessor Sorting Machine

4 the outputs satisfy: y0  y1  y2  … yn-1.
Sorting Network x0 y0 Sorting Network x1 y1 . . xn-1 yn-1 the outputs satisfy: y0  y1  y2  … yn-1.

5 Sorting Network Algorithms
Odd-Even K. Batcher, (1968) Bitonic-sort Merge-Sort Odd-Even New sort algorithms have been proposed without significantly improve on Batcher results Sort Network n 2n n

6 Graphical Representation (transposition odd-even)
x0 xn-1 . x1 x2 x4 x3 x5 y0 yn-1 y1 y2 y4 y3 y5 xn-2 yn-2 1 2 3 stage n Comp_Swap, Comparator Swap Stage, number of disjoint Comp_SWap Depth, number of parallel steps Length, or size, which is the number of total comparison-swap

7 ODD-EVEN MERGE a’0 a’1 a'2 a'3 a'4 a'5 a'6 a'7 x0 x11 x2 x31 a0 a11 a2
stage x0 x11 x2 x31 a0 a11 a2 a3 1 2 3 x4 x51 x6 x71 b0 b11 b2 b3 b'0 b'1 b'2 b'3 b'4 b'5 b'6 b'7 x8 x91 x10 x111 x12 x13 x14 x15 8 7 9 10 y0 y1 y2 y3 y4 y5 y6 y7 y8 y9 Y10 y11 y12 y13 y14 y15

8 Proposal implementation of sorting network on FPGA devices
Different implementations can be done: Pipelined  more hardware resources, high data throughput Odd-Even Transposition Bitonic-Sort, Merge Odd-Even Sequential  less hardware, Network split on sequential stages

9 Odd-Even Comparators: n·(n-1)/2 Steps: n Advantages: simplicity,
x0 xn-1 . x1 x2 x4 x3 x5 y0 yn-1 y1 y2 y4 y3 y5 xn-2 yn-2 1 2 3 stage n Comparators: n·(n-1)/2 Steps: n Advantages: simplicity, locality scalability

10 Sequential - II … … … … x x x x x y y y y y n Comp 2 - Swap clk n Comp
1 2 n - 2 n - 1 n Comp 2 - Swap clk n Comp -1 2 - Swap y y y y y 1 2 n - 2 n - 1


12 Sequential - II (animation)
2 1 3 6 5 Cycle=1 Change=1 x x x x 2 1 3 6 5 Cycle=2 Change=1 1 3 6 2 3 1 6 5 Cycle=3 Change=1 1 3 6 3 3 1 6 Cycle=4 Change=1 2 6 1 5

13 Sequential - II (animation)
Cycle=5 Change=1 3 6 2 5 1 3 6 1 6 6 3 1 Cycle=6 Change=1 3 5 2 1 6 5 3 2 1 Cycle=7 Change=0 6 3 1 6 6 3 1 Cycle=8 Change=0 5 3 2 1

14 Sequential - I … … … … … x x x x y y y y Switch network n 2 Comp/Swap.
1 n - 2 n - 1 n 2 Comp/Swap. Switch network clk n Regs y y y y 1 n - 2 n - 1

15 Comparator Swap MUX n A CHANGE n B COMP n L A>B CHG MUX n H

16 Switch Network

17 Sequential – I (animation)
2 1 3 6 5 Cycle=1 Change=1 Cycle=2 Change=1 1 3 6 2 3 1 6 5 Cycle=3 Change=1 2 6 1 5 Cycle=4 Change=1 3 6 2 5 1 Cycle=5 Change=1 3 5 2 1 Cycle=6 Change=1 Latency minimum= 2 Cycles Latency maximum= N Cycles

18 Latency

19 Experimental Results* and Conclusions
* Xilinx ISE 8.2i

20 Thanks!

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