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A2 Historical enquiry: India and the British Empire, 1757-1947.

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Presentation on theme: "A2 Historical enquiry: India and the British Empire, 1757-1947."— Presentation transcript:

1 A2 Historical enquiry: India and the British Empire, 1757-1947

2 Planning your write up L.O. To begin to prepare for your write up

3 Guidance and planning Let’s read through the guidance sheet – note that whatever question you chose, you will all write a multi- causal answer. You should lead with discussion of your title factor/theme, then introduce other factors within the 100yr context Paragraph length – generally, the more important the factor the long you’ll spend on it e.g. WW2 would take longer to discuss than say Amritsar Planning sheet (electronic version on moodle) – vital that you plan your essay

4 Proposal forms Proposal form – this needs to be completed today You should include 10 sources that you plan to use and the title of one of the questions that I gave you last lesson - reading lists for each question are available on moodle under topic 2 – these are the sources you should list on your proposal form Centre no. 17655 Candidate no. you should know this or ask Ms Dunsby Units: HIS1L Britain 1906-1951, HIS2M Life in Nazi Germany 1933-1945, HIS3L From Defeat to Unity 1945-1991

5 Past essays You will have the rest of the lesson to read through some previous essays Look for the following: How have they structured their overall essays? How have they structured their paragraphs? How long is their intro? What’s the first factor they look at (i.e. is it the focus of their question)? What other factors do they introduce? How do they use historians and evidence? How many historians have they used? How many references have they made? Have they used a variety of sources e.g. primary and secondary, books and articles? You can make some notes and it’s useful to look at their bibliographies and note down anything relevant to your question choice

6 researching Whenever you find a quote you should copy it down, note the name of the book and the page reference You will have access to a computer or laptop and a selection of books each lesson You may choose to spend a couple of weeks planning and researching your whole essay, or you may want to get going sooner and deal with a section at a time – it is up to you

7 Structure - general When I mark your essay I should be able to clearly tell what statement you are making in your paragraph and see that you have proven it with evidence Your intro should set up the main opposing quotes and the factors you’ll be considering (you can allude to your judgement here if you want) You then debate the factors through to a conclusion in your final paragraph Debate and mini conclusions should be woven in throughout your essay, don’t save it all for the end You should be quoting historians throughout and using evidence to support/refute what they say – historian based essay

8 Structure - intro You can write this at the end if you like You can structure it as you wish but the following formula ticks all the boxes: What’s so significant about the British Empire? What is the connection with India? Why did British rule in India end? Refer to the 100yr context and make it sound interesting, doesn’t need to be too long

9 Structure – first factor This should generally be the factor in your question title and it will set up your whole argument How you structure it depends on your question – sometimes a chronological approach will work but for other questions it’ll sound too much like story telling and you may consider structuring your factors in order of importance You will need quotations and always explain what was needed for independence to come about

10 Structure – other factors Each paragraph should have a focus to it You will need to cover 100yrs so all of you must discuss the Indian Mutiny and WW2 How you structure it is up to you, there’s no correct formula, but you may want to consider the following: The periods before and after your focus factor Links between your first factor and other factors Turning points?

11 Counter-arguments Obviously you will explain how historians have supported each of your factors, but you’ll also need to consider counter-arguments It may disrupt the flow of your essay if you offer a counter argument to every point you make – what you could do is allude to counter-arguments and pick them up later on in the essay if they’d fit better then Words to suggest debate: ‘despite’, ‘although’ e.g. ‘despite economic strengths, nationalism was on the rise…’

12 Important dates You are to hand in a detailed plan by the end of the lesson on Tuesday 2 nd February 2016 Final draft due: Friday 18 th March 2016

13 To Do Didn’t do this last year and caused problems so this time do the following: ALL to hand in a detailled plan with each factor to be discussed, with the counter argument and quotes. Do this before draft so know writing it up correctly Write one or two paragraphs for me and then hand in to check format ok/on the right track

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