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The degree to which a test consistently measures whatever it measure Same score when administered & re-administered TYPES OF RELIABILITY 1-Test Retest.

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Presentation on theme: "The degree to which a test consistently measures whatever it measure Same score when administered & re-administered TYPES OF RELIABILITY 1-Test Retest."— Presentation transcript:

1 The degree to which a test consistently measures whatever it measure Same score when administered & re-administered TYPES OF RELIABILITY 1-Test Retest Reliability a- Administer the test b-Administer the same test to same group c-Correlate the two sets of scores

2  Number of items same  Similar structure  Same difficulty Level  Directions For Scoring & interpretation Steps administer a test to a group, Second test to same group. Correlate the two set of score

3 a-Odd numbers: 1,3,5,7,9,11,13,15,17,19 b- Even numbers:2,4,6,8,10,12,14,16,18,20  Administer a test to a group  Divide the test items into two halves(odd-even)  Score of each test  Correlate

4 1) Administer a test to a group. 2) Divide test –item into two halves(odd-even). 3) Compute the score. 4) Correlate the two set of scores. 5) High correlation.

5  A single administration.Internal consistency of test M(K-M)  Reliability=K/k-1(1- --------------- )  Ks2  K= numbers of items in test  M=mean  S=standared deviation

6 i. Length of the test. ii. Spread of scores. iii. Difficulty of test. iv. Objectivity.


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