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Continuity American Sign Language III. What is continuity Continuity is a way of including an element of time within a sign. – “Last night” – “Saturday.

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Presentation on theme: "Continuity American Sign Language III. What is continuity Continuity is a way of including an element of time within a sign. – “Last night” – “Saturday."— Presentation transcript:

1 Continuity American Sign Language III

2 What is continuity Continuity is a way of including an element of time within a sign. – “Last night” – “Saturday morning”

3 What is continuity: Multiple activities The following non-manual behaviors accompany the transitional time signs: A slight pause and head nod that marks the end of one part, and raised eyebrows with the time sign to mark the beginning of the next part

4 Kinds of Continuity Durative Time Signs Continuous Inflection Beginning-end pairs

5 Continuity :Durative Time Signs All the time in an entire signed narrative tends to be accounted for. Durative time signs show how long an activity continued. Durative time signs usually occur at the END of the description. ALL-DAY, ALL-AFTERNOON, ALL-NIGHT

6 Kinds of Continuity: Continuous Inflection Repeat the verb sign with a circular movement. This shows that an activity went on for a period of time without interruption. CLEAN, WORK, WORRY MONTH, WEEK, YEAR

7 Kinds of Continuity: Beginning-end pairs Accounts for movement between places Uses signs that show a natural beginning and end, or coming and going. MEET  DISPERSE TAKE-OFF  LAND ARRIVE  LEAVE START  FINISH (STOP) GET-ON  GET-OFF

8 Continuity: Signing a Narrative Include enough information Don’t leave your listener stranded: If you say you went somewhere by train, you should also mention how you got back. If you don’t: it will feel like something is missing.

9 Durative Time Signs How would you sign the following? ALL-MORNING ALL-AFTERNOON ALL-NIGHT ALL-DAY EVERY-MONDAY EVERY-FRIDAY

10 Continuous Inflection How would you sign the following? WORK-FOREVER GO-TO-AGAIN- REGULARYLY MONTHLY WEEKLY SAME-OLD-THING

11 Beginning-end Pairs How would you sign the following? You would use these both in telling a story as if one is left out, the listener may feel something is missing. MEET-THEN- DISPERSED GROUP-WENT-THEN- CAME-BACK FLY-ROUND-TRIP BOARD-DISEMBARK FROM-ONE-PLACE- TO-ANOTHER

12 Can you see the continuity? We will watch a short video to identify a signer using continuity within a story. One a piece of paper make 3 columns: – Durative time signs – Continuous inflections – Beginning-end pairs

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