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Cambridgeshire School Improvement Board Achievement of Vulnerable Groups 1 st February 2016 1.

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1 Cambridgeshire School Improvement Board Achievement of Vulnerable Groups 1 st February 2016 1

2 Percentage achieving a good level of development 201320142015 14-15 Direction of Travel 13-15 Direction of Travel All Pupils (7340 pupils)51.061.365.9 55  15 Boys (3781 pupils)43.452.658.9 66  16 Girls (3559 pupils)59.169.972.9 33  14 FSM (Jan Census) (699 pupils)31.541.242.9 22  11 Non-FSM (Jan Census) (6641 pupils)53.864.368.1 44  14 Any SEN (484 pupils)10.615.916.7 11 66 Non-SEN (6856 pupils)54.365.669.1 44  15 Home Language: English (5450 pupils)53.563.967.6 44  14 Home Language: Central/Eastern European (455) 23.741.251.4  10  28 Home Language: Other than English (1073 pupils) 34.346.558.5  12  24 Combined FSM & Any SEN (104 pupils)9.68.311.5 33 22 Combined Non-FSM & Non-SEN (6098 pupils) 56.266.871.7 55  16 Source: DfE SFR 39/2014 released 16 October 2014 and Cambridgeshire internal data

3 Percentage Achieving L4+ R, W & M 201320142015 Direction of Travel 13/14 Direction of Travel 14/15 Change since 2013 All Pupils (6240 pupils) (An increase of 93 pupils) 71.975.977.8 44 22 66 Boys (3195 pupils) (+17) 66- 66 Girls (3045 pupils) (+76) 75.877.981.6 22 44 66 FSM (Jan Census) (687 pupils) (+29) 46.751.253.1 55 22 66 Non-FSM (Jan Census) (5452 pupils) (-37) 75.278.981.4 44 33 66 FSM-6 (1277 pupils) (+25) 33 44 88 Non-FSM-6 (4862 pupils) (+102 – there are less unknown pupils) 44 22 66 Any SEN (1144 pupils) (-169 pupils) 27.930.431.2 33 11 33 Non-SEN (5043 pupils) (+209 pupils) 85.688.588.7 22- 33 Home Language: English (5500 pupils) (-76) 33 22 55 Home Language: Central/Eastern European (246) (+43) 47.951.765.9 44  14  18 Home Language: Other than English (682 pupils) (+111) 63.670.275.5 77 55  12 Combined FSM Jan & Any SEN (257 pupils) (-60) 15.823.518.9 88 55 33 Combined Non-FSM Jan & Non-SEN (4569 pupils) (+108) 86.189.490.4 33 11 44 Note. 2015 figures are Provisional (Nexus). Percentage point changes have been rounded. See next slide

4 Percentage Achieving 5+ GCSE grades A*-C including English and Maths (First Entry) PROVISIONAL 20142015 Direction of Travel 14/15 All Pupils (5804 pupils) 55.958.0 22 Boys (3023 pupils) 50.652.6 22 Girls (2781 pupils) 61.663.8 22 FSM-6 (1100 pupils) 31.329.9 11 Non-FSM-6 (4703 pupils) 61.364.5 33 Any SEN (1099 pupils) 21.120.8 - Non-SEN (4705 pupils) 65.266.6 11 Home Language: English (5344 pupils) 56.558.3 22 Home Language: Other than English (460 pupils) 48.754.2 66 Note. 2015 figures are Provisional (Nexus). Percentage point changes have been rounded.

5 Analysis of pupils who failed to reach the expected level at KS2 in 2013 “The 1659”

6 Defining the cohort 1659 4281 “The 1659” – pupils who failed to achieve L4+ in reading, writing & maths at KS2 in 2013 Pupils who achieved L4+ in reading, writing & maths at KS2 in 2013 The 2013 KS2 cohort – the 5940 pupils who took the KS2 tests in 2013 Complicating factors  Some pupils live outside Cambridgeshire  School Census data is not available for all pupils  Fisher Family Trust data is not available for all pupils 27.9% of all pupils are in the 1659

7 8 out of 10 SEN/FSM pupils are in the 1659 SENSEN/FSMSEN/BMEBMEBME/FSMFSMSEN/BME/ FSM KS2 Cohort 9232491527196728250 The 1659627206106133277042 % of total68%83%70%18%36%25%84% England ‘1659’ cohort 66%71%65%27%36%40%68% (27.9% of all pupils are in the 1659 in Cambridgeshire) Worse Better

8 Size might matter – pupils attending smaller schools did better*  A smaller proportion of pupils in smaller schools are in the 1659  Pupils attending larger primary schools are over-represented * Excludes Special schools

9 Comparing rates, there are twice as many pupils in the 1659 open to social care* compared to Cambridgeshire  Eight of the 1659 were looked after by Cambridgeshire in May 2013, a rate of 48.2 per 10,000. The Cambridgeshire LAC rate was 36.0 at the same time  A further 20 had been looked after by Cambridgeshire previously  Six were subject to a Child Protection Plan in May 2013 with one more having had a previous plan. This is a rate of 30.1 per 10,000, again almost double the Cambridgeshire rate at the time of 15.4 *Includes LAC and CP, all need codes (including disability)  87 (5%) were open to Children’s Social Care* in May 2013, more than double the Cambridgeshire CIN rate  A further 288 (17%) had a previous involvement with Children’s Social Care*. Nearly a quarter of the 1659 had current or previous involvement with Children’s Social Care

10 Is it to do with the performance in SEND? Children are no more likely to have a statement / plan in Cambs than elsewhere. SEND makes more of an impact than FSM. Children with a statement / plan do about as well as elsewhere. Children with SEND but no statement / plan do worse than elsewhere. There is a stronger correlation between funding and achievement of SEND with no statement / plan than with disadvantage.

11 SEND makes more impact than FSM… and compared to national, the gaps are bigger in Cambridgeshire 79% of all pupils are non FSM and non SEN 73% of all pupils are non FSM and non SEN

12 12 Not Published Source: DfE LAIT and SFRs 2014.

13 13 Not Published Source: DfE LAIT and SFRs 2014.

14 Stronger correlation between funding and achievement of SA/SA+ pupils than disadvantage Source:

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