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Warwickshire Police and Crime Panel 3 February 2016 2016/17 Budget Capital Programme Medium Term Financial Plan.

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Presentation on theme: "Warwickshire Police and Crime Panel 3 February 2016 2016/17 Budget Capital Programme Medium Term Financial Plan."— Presentation transcript:

1 Warwickshire Police and Crime Panel 3 February 2016 2016/17 Budget Capital Programme Medium Term Financial Plan

2 Achievements  Delivery of the Strategic Alliance with West Mercia  Increase in number of PCSOs and Special Constables  Fully staffed police officer establishment/structure  More police officers on the front line  Increased grants for Community Safety, Cyber, Rural and Business Crime  Investment in the investigation of Child Sexual Exploitation, Domestic Abuse, rape and serious sexual offences  Effective support for victims of crime  Investment in independent domestic violence and sexual violence advisors  Development of Integrated Offender Management  Development of Place Partnership Limited  Improved public engagement through Community Ambassadors and initiatives such as Public Scrutiny Meetings  Greater involvement of young people with Police Cadets

3 Financial Position  Savings of £28.2m achieved (HMIC Report)  Underspends of £2.82m in 13/14, £2.35m in 14/15 and an overspend of £0.16m in 15/16  Increases in Council Tax of 0% in 13/14 and 1.99% in 14/15 and 15/16  Capital Investment of £39.9m across the Alliance  Reserves of £8.7m used  Reduction in reserves of £3.7m between 2013 and 2016 to  Estimated Reserves of £26.6m at 31/3/16

4  0.6% cut in grant funding ◦ Reduction of £0.3m for Warwickshire ◦ Reduction of £0.6m for West Mercia  2% referendum threshold for Council Tax  One year settlement only  Further Formula Funding Review in 2016/17 to be implemented in 2017/18  Increased top slices/reallocations in 2017/18 likely  Funding for ESN unclear  MOJ grants known for one year only

5  1% Pay Award (£1.6m for Warwickshire)  Increase in NI (£1.5m for Warwickshire)  Unavoidable cost increases e.g. ill health pensions, Bear Scotland (£0.5m for Warwickshire)  Increase in Surplus on Collection Fund (£0.1m for Warwickshire)

6  Increased resources for PVP/CSE (£0.09m for Warwickshire)  Investment in recruitment, training and development especially of Specials and Volunteers (£0.13m for Warwickshire)  Investment in Professional Standards Department (£0.12m for Warwickshire)  New ANPR system (£0.09m for Warwickshire)

7  £7.1m of reserves required in year ◦ £5.0m to support the budget ◦ £2.1m for Rural, Business and Cyber and Invest To Save  Savings of £3.5m already in place  Capital Investment of £31.8m across the Alliance.  Increase in Council Tax of 1.99% raising £0.7m a year for Warwickshire

8  Assumptions ◦ Pay award 1% ◦ Apprentice Levy from 2017/18 (£0.4m for Warwickshire) ◦ No change to Police Grant ◦ No change in real terms to top slices and reallocations in grant. ◦ Increases in precept of 2% a year ◦ Annual 2% growth in Council Tax Base ◦ No change in recruitment strategy ◦ Alliance Capital Programme of £87.6m ◦ £17m Reduction in Reserves for Warwickshire ◦ Operation Devonport continues in 2017/18 and then ends ◦ Appointment of strategic partner to support the Chief Constables in transforming policing

9  Risks ◦ Police Funding Formula Review (1% change in Warwickshire Grant is £0.5m) ◦ Changes to Home Office Top Sliced/Reallocated Funds (Possible further increase up to £2m a year) ◦ Emergency Services Network (Possible initial cost of c.£4.5m) ◦ Reconfiguration of Policing at national, regional and local levels ◦ Changing demand and changes in the nature of crime e.g. CSE, Cyber, Terrorism

10 2017/18 £m 2018/19 £m 2019/20 £m Total £m Procurement0.500 1.500 OCC1.717 Athena0.4720.6371.109 PPL0.400 Transitional & Transactional Programme 2.000 4.000 Savings Target5.0893.1370.5008.726 Use of Reserves6.4520.122(1.090)5.484 Budget Gap11.5413.259(0.590)14.210

11 2016/17 £m 2017/18 £m 2018/19 £m 2019/20 £m Total £m Estates15.0859.04712.92310.31847.373 ICT13.7639.0094.8052.49030.067 Fleet2.9452.1002.9002.20010.145 Total31.79320.15620.62815.00887.585

12 2016/17 £m 2017/18 £m 2018/19 £m 2019/20 £m Total £m Grants7.3201.650 12.270 Use of Reserves 0.006.500 19.500 Borrowing21.0839.03011.4856.85848.456 Capital Receipts 3.3902.976.9930.0007.359 Total31.97320.15620.62815.00887.585

13 2016/17 £m 2017/18 £m 2018/19 £m 2019/20 £m 2016- 2020 £m Opening Balance 26.56919.40012.97510.86526.569 Support for Revenue -7.169-4.925-0.610+0.320-12.384 Support for Capital 0.000-1.500 -4.500 Closing Balance 19.40012.97510.8659.685 Minimum Level Of Reserves 6.800

14  1,013 Responses Received ◦ 83% Yes ◦ 17% No  Consultation closed 18 January 2016  98% respondents were members of the public Consultation Response


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