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Marcus Kirsch, XMM-Newton European Space Astronomy Center Page 1 EPIC ESAC Status of the EPIC calibration Presentation for XMM Newton UG 18 May 2006 Marcus.

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Presentation on theme: "Marcus Kirsch, XMM-Newton European Space Astronomy Center Page 1 EPIC ESAC Status of the EPIC calibration Presentation for XMM Newton UG 18 May 2006 Marcus."— Presentation transcript:

1 Marcus Kirsch, XMM-Newton European Space Astronomy Center Page 1 EPIC ESAC Status of the EPIC calibration Presentation for XMM Newton UG 18 May 2006 Marcus G. F. Kirsch with the input of the whole EPIC consortium

2 Marcus Kirsch, XMM-Newton European Space Astronomy Center Page 2 EPIC ESAC EPIC CAL menu MOS –Time and spatial dependent redistribution in SAS 6.5 –CTI and Gain refinement –Recalibration after meteoroid pn –Response to line rich sources –Long term CTI refinement for eFF mode –“Silicon feature” –XRT3 refinement EPIC background –Various tools available Cross cal –High energy flux differences

3 Marcus Kirsch, XMM-Newton European Space Astronomy Center Page 3 EPIC ESAC Patch Wings Outside Patch Source extraction circle 3 RMF Regions Patch Core MOS-new rmf implementation As of SAS v6.5:  3 RMF regions  2 Instruments  10 Epochs  60 RMFs in 20 CCFs  PSF (rmfgen default) or flat weighting to create average RMF  automatically generated in SAS A. Read, S. Sembay

4 Marcus Kirsch, XMM-Newton European Space Astronomy Center Page 4 EPIC ESAC S/W change needed + 20 new CCFs describing redistribution in core, wings and outside patch available see: XMM-CCF-REL-192, XMM-CCF-REL-202 Release date: EMOS1_REDIST_0065.CCF EMOS1_REDIST_0066.CCF EMOS1_REDIST_0067.CCF EMOS1_REDIST_0068.CCF EMOS1_REDIST_0069.CCF EMOS1_REDIST_0070.CCF EMOS1_REDIST_0071.CCF EMOS1_REDIST_0072.CCF EMOS1_REDIST_0073.CCF EMOS1_REDIST_0074.CCF EMOS2_REDIST_0065.CCF EMOS2_REDIST_0066.CCF EMOS2_REDIST_0067.CCF EMOS2_REDIST_0068.CCF EMOS2_REDIST_0069.CCF EMOS2_REDIST_0070.CCF EMOS2_REDIST_0071.CCF EMOS2_REDIST_0072.CCF EMOS2_REDIST_0073.CCF EMOS2_REDIST_0074.CCF core_old core_new wings_old wings_new core_old core_new wings_old wings_new R.D. Saxton zeta Pup RXJ 0720 MOS-new rmf implementation

5 Marcus Kirsch, XMM-Newton European Space Astronomy Center Page 5 EPIC ESAC Effect on EPIC cross calibration H1426 RXJ1856.6-37546 XMM-SOCXMM-SOC

6 Marcus Kirsch, XMM-Newton European Space Astronomy Center Page 6 EPIC ESAC M.Stuhlinger energy in ADU counts MOS-recalibration after meteoroid MOS1 CCD1 RAWX 323 showed an enhanced noise behaviour after the meteoroid event in rev 961 This caused –data loss due to mitigation of normal pixels to unvalid patterns (also for neighboured columns) –changes in detected energy Onboard offset was raised to 123 ADU (19(FF), 18(LW, SW), 20 (timing)) With that offsets the situation is back to normal however the column is under continuous observation by ISCONs pn boresight RGS boresight Column 323

7 Marcus Kirsch, XMM-Newton European Space Astronomy Center Page 7 EPIC ESAC pn - stability & response to line-rich spectra fit all spectra individually to determine the line energies (combining the NeIX He-like triplet, the OVII He-like triplet and the two OVII/VIII lines at 665.7/653.8 eV). For each of these line complexes fit 1 norm and one energy, line ratios (from RGS) and relative energies are fixed. perform simultaneous fits for selected spectra and allow only a constant normalization factor between the spectra to vary. Results: spectra taken in the same readout mode are consistent at the 1-2% level Results: spectra taken in the same readout mode are consistent at the 1-2% level Example: 6 LW mode observations Norm: –Rev. 474 thin 1.000 –Rev. 552 thin 0.986 –Rev. 616 medium 0.988 –Rev. 803 thick 1.011 –Rev. 894 thick 1.028 –Rev. 981 thin 0.986 Energy (expected energies in parenthesis) : –927.4 (922.1), –663.6 (665.7) –574.6 (574.0) The fit is fully acceptable. Below 0.5 still small problems in redistribution see zeta Puppis For further improvement continuum information from refined RGS needed F. Haberl 1E0102 Same for mos SORT OUT INCONSITENCY WITH FEATURE AT 0.5 FROM CROSS CAL PLOTS

8 Marcus Kirsch, XMM-Newton European Space Astronomy Center Page 8 EPIC ESAC feature at 1.8 keV Si feature around 1.8 keV with varying strength in different observation EQW up to –6 eV The absorption feature seems to be be related to ISM absorption (see Haberl et al. ESA SP-604) EQW (eV) -6 -2 N H in 10 20 cm -2 1.54 F.Haberl More data Or take out Scale of ratio should be same as in MCG Can we show the same plot for mos

9 Marcus Kirsch, XMM-Newton European Space Astronomy Center Page 9 EPIC ESAC high energy EPIC differences EXPLAIN SITUATION

10 Marcus Kirsch, XMM-Newton European Space Astronomy Center Page 10 EPIC ESAC Diagnostics to solve the high energy differences What we did to understand differences XRT QE PSF  Steve, Martin

11 Marcus Kirsch, XMM-Newton European Space Astronomy Center Page 11 EPIC ESAC pn-telescope effective area residuals seen in various sources changes in the telescope effective area between 6-9 keV in agreement with simulations on gold layer thickness Especially for 3C273 featureless continuum by RXTE Reduce residuals around 7 keV and between 9-12 keV for observations with very high statistics Ongoing work including ground cal measurements and multi layer simulations at MPE, not yet released to public v F.Haberl Ratio plot And state influence on high energy xcal

12 Marcus Kirsch, XMM-Newton European Space Astronomy Center Page 12 EPIC ESAC Remaining high energy differences Table of fluxes in different energy bands - Richard via 1/2XMM -Steve -Martin

13 Marcus Kirsch, XMM-Newton European Space Astronomy Center Page 13 EPIC ESAC strategy to solve it Flux differences may show that MOS is lower at low energies and higher at high energies At low energies QE ma be changed for MOSs That would introduce an overall but energy constant offset in flux that could be introduced in the ARF? Scatch with stratgy to solve problem MOS pn MOS pn MOS pn 1) 2) 3)

14 Marcus Kirsch, XMM-Newton European Space Astronomy Center Page 14 EPIC ESAC EPIC BGWG XMM-Newton EPIC BackGround Working Group founded Stearing and supervising committee to provide the user with clear information on the EPIC Background and (SAS)-Tools to treat the EPIC Background correctly for various TBD scenarios (ESAC, Goddard, Leicester, MPE) Regular meetings and telecons Released: –BG analysis web page with recommended information, papers, summary tables etc.: –XMM-ESAS XMM-Newton Extended Source Analysis Software package  model the quiescent particle background both spectrally and spatially for the EPIC MOS detectors –XMM-Newton blank sky event files  to be used when the user has difficulty in extracting a suitable background region from their observation Under development: –FILX: SAS tool to perform professional screening for flares for EPIC-MOS and EPIC- pn –XMM-ESAS for pn –Double background subtraction (Clusters of Galaxies)

15 Marcus Kirsch, XMM-Newton European Space Astronomy Center Page 15 EPIC ESACXMM-ESAS soft proton flare screening modeling the quiescent particle background both spectrally and spatially for the EPIC MOS detectors producing background spectra for user-defined regions of the detectors and background images (FITS standard) XMM-ESAS is based on the software used for the background modeling described in Snowden, Collier & Kuntz (2004, ApJ, 610, 1182). S.L. Snowden, K.D. Kuntz M1 particle BG subtracted M2 particle BG subtracted M1 particle NOT BG subtracted M2 particle NOT BG subtracted Proton flare screening

16 Marcus Kirsch, XMM-Newton European Space Astronomy Center Page 16 EPIC ESAC blank sky images superposition of many pointed observations of pipeline product data from 2XMM background events files and exposure maps –Mode (eFF, FF) –Filter (all) –Type (filled, unfilled) –Vignetting (with, without) S/W –select events from a certain area of the sky –Cast event files on sky –Re-project and rebins exposure maps onto sky Available from ESAC BG page image from events files with sources removed image from events files after event filling procedure Variation of spectra with location Black = galactic centre red = galactic anti-centre green = north galactic pole blue = south galactic pole J.A. Carter, A.M.Read

17 Marcus Kirsch, XMM-Newton European Space Astronomy Center Page 17 EPIC ESAC plans for the future High energy Redistribution for line rich sources not yet perfect in lines MOS rate dependent CTI MOS rate dependent CTI important for bright sources Energy refinement of fast modes PSF – –core of the PSF is very slightly underestimated. This effects the MOS more than the pn. This can produce an error in the enclosed energy of at most ~2 %, depending on instrument, energy and extraction radius.  model the PSF as a combination of a King function plus a Gaussian function – off axis PSF –Development of off axis PSF Pile-up Pile-up modeling  Keeping fingers crossed that nothing brakes that needs massive re- calibration

18 Marcus Kirsch, XMM-Newton European Space Astronomy Center Page 18 EPIC ESAC for detailed information XMM-Newton Calibration Portal EPIC Calibration Status V2.5 (SAS6.5) Cross Calibration Document, Release notes for every new CCF General Calibration Documentation we keep on calibrating

19 Marcus Kirsch, XMM-Newton European Space Astronomy Center Page 19 EPIC ESAC MOS - CTI refinement MOS CTI has been adjusted The example show is one of the cases that needed strongest refinement Some fine-tuning for earlier revolutions needed Energy accuracy for standard observations better than 5 eV M Stuhlinger/ M.Kirsch +/- 12 eV Taken out

20 Marcus Kirsch, XMM-Newton European Space Astronomy Center Page 20 EPIC ESAC pn - long term CTI refinement for eFF mode EPIC-pn Extended Full Frame (eFF) mode showed an over-correction with time for the onboard calibration source at Mn energies. Line energy accuracy at Mn- K (Al-K) energies changes by up to 0.1 % for observations performed at in late 2005 in the Extended Full Frame mode with EPN_CTI_0015.CCF K. Dennerl, M.G.F. Kirsch Taken out

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