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Day I Staple together your annotated copies of “Pandora” and “Demeter and Persephone” and then turn them in! Grab a purple textbook! Absent last class?

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Presentation on theme: "Day I Staple together your annotated copies of “Pandora” and “Demeter and Persephone” and then turn them in! Grab a purple textbook! Absent last class?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Day I Staple together your annotated copies of “Pandora” and “Demeter and Persephone” and then turn them in! Grab a purple textbook! Absent last class? Check the class website for directions!

2   Read p. 1188-1189 in Literature Textbook Homer’s World

3   What do you know about Homer's World? What do you know about Homer's World? Pop Quiz!!

4   Epic Hero:  Possesses superhuman strength, craftiness, and confidence  Helped and harmed by interfering gods  Embodies ideals and values that a culture considers admirable  Victorious in perilous situations Characteristics of the Epic (p. 1194) Copy these in your notebook!

5   Epic Plot :  Involves a long journey, full of complications, such as  Strange creatures  Divine Intervention  Large-scale events  Treacherous weather Characteristics of the Epic (p. 1194)

6   Epic Setting:  Includes fantastic or exotic lands  Involves more than one nation Characteristics of the Epic (p. 1194)

7   Archetypes :  Characters, situations, and images that are recognizable in many times and cultures:  Sea monster  Wicked temptress  Buried treasure  Suitor’s contest  Epic hero  Loyal servant Characteristics of the Epic (p. 1194)

8   Epic Themes:  Reflect such universal concern as  Courage  The fate of a nation  A homecoming  Beauty  Loyalty  Life and death Characteristics of the Epic (p. 1194)

9   Let’s make a list!  Think of people – male and female – who are generally considered heroes.  What makes them heroic?  What qualities are essential to a hero? What is a Hero?

10  The Odyssey (p. 1204) “Book 1: A Goddess Intervenes”  What traits do we already see Odysseus revealing about himself?  Copy in your notebook under a new page titled “Book 1 & 5 Notes”

11  The Odyssey (p. 1206) “Book 5: Calypso, the Sweet Nymph”  Look at lines 9-12. 1.What comparison is being made? 2.What does this tell you about Hermes? Answer both questions in your notebook.

12  The Odyssey (p. 1206) “Book 5: Calypso, the Sweet Nymph”  This describes the home of Calypso, who’s held Odysseus captive for 7 years. 3. In what kind of dwelling does Calypso live? (line 15) 4. What relationships does she appear to have with nature? (lines 17-31) 5. What do you know about Calypso from this first description? (lines 15-31) Answer questions in your notebook.

13  The Odyssey (p. 1206) “Book 5: Calypso, the Sweet Nymph”  This describes the home of Calypso, who’s held Odysseus captive for 7 years. 6. Read lines 43-54. Which of Odysseus’ qualities is emphasized? Answer questions in your notebook.

14 Homework: Finish reading book 5 and answering The Odyssey questions, due 2/16 Notebooks due, 2/16 Vocabulary Test, 2/24

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