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Salli Anne Swartz Artus Wise Partners Paris, France.

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Presentation on theme: "Salli Anne Swartz Artus Wise Partners Paris, France."— Presentation transcript:

1 Salli Anne Swartz Artus Wise Partners Paris, France

2 On December 21, 2012 : The French Parliment enacted the (NAME IN FRENCH) or the Security and Counter Terrorism Law. This Law extends (extends what? Existing legislation? If so, please state which legislation) and specifies the preventive (why preventative?)legislation about data mining.

3 July 24? 2015 : Enactment of the Intelligence Act The French government implemented (? What does this mean in this context) this Act but not the Section on data mining because the effective date has been delayed to the nomination of the President of the Commission nationale de contrôle des techniques de renseignements”, (CNCTR) The CNCRT, “is an organ in charge to advise the Prime Minister on the opportunities to use, or not, a data-mining devices



6 I - METHODS OF DATA MINING AND COLLECTED INFORMATIONS 1)Methods of data mining a) Technical means to capture images and words b) Technical means to capture computer science… I don’t understand what this means… 2) Information collected a) All type of information b) Intercepted correspondence(isn’t this covered by a)? How is it different?

7 METHODS OF DATA MINING Technical means to capture images and words  Article L 853-1- I of the Internal Security Code provides for the use of technical means for the « captation, fixation, the transmission, and the record of private or confidential statements or the pictures in a private places »  Authorization for 2 months (to do what?)  Destruction of the information within 30 days

8 METHODS OF DATA MINING Device to capture computer science ???? Article L853-2-I of the Internal Security Code provide for the possibility to access, record and transfer data mining stored in a computer systems with a technical means which provides covers?: the information as it appears on the computer monitor of the utilizator of data processing treatment ?? NOT CLEAR, Such as ???? the information received and emitted by audiovisual peripherals NOT CLEAR such a???? GIVE EXAMPLES

9 COLLECTED INFORMATION All type of information Article L851-1 of the Internal Security Code : Information or documents can be collected, processed and/or stored by the computer network or the electronic communication services : what is this?

10 COLLECTED INFORMATIONS Intercepted correspondence : Article 852-1 of the Internal Security Code  Intercepted correspondence issued by a electronic communication may also be controlled and collected  The authorization of interception gives also the authorization of collection  The authorization may be extended to the entourage of the target if there is serious grounds to believe that they can provide some informations  Destruction of the informations after 30 days if it appears that there is no connexion with the delivery authorization

11 II – ACCESS TO PRIVATE INFORMATIONS BY GOVERNMENTAL ENTITIES, A PROCEDURAL UNDER AUTHORIZATION 1 – Who can acces to the informations ? 2 – For what goal ? 3 – Who gives the authorization ?

12 ACCESS TO PRIVATE INFORMATIONS BY GOVERNMENTAL ENTITIES, A PROCEDURAL UNDER AUTHORIZATION Who can acces to the informations ?  The intelligence agencies (Article L811-2 of the Internal Security Code)  The « intelligence community » (L811-4 o the Internal Security Code)

13 MOST IMPORTANT INTELLIGENCE AGENCIES AND COMMUNITIES IN FRANCE Ministry of Interior DGSI - Direction générale de la sécurité intérieure Directorate General for Internal Security UCLAT – Unité de coordination de la lutte anti-terroriste The Co-ordination unit of the fight against terrorism (Intelligence community) Ministry of Defense DRM – Direction du Renseignement militaire Directorate of Military Intelligence DGSE - Direction Générale de la Sécurité Extérieure Directorate General for External Security

14 MOST IMPORTANT INTELLIGENCE AGENCIES AND COMMUNITIES IN FRANCE Ministry of economy and finances DNRED – Direction Nationale du Renseignement et des Enquêtes Douanières - National Directorate of the Intelligence and Customs Investigations TRACFIN - Traitement du renseignement et action contre les circuits financiers clandestins Since its foundation in 1990 its aim is to fight against illegal financial operations, money laundering and terrorism financing

15 ACCESS TO PRIVATE INFORMATIONS BY GOVERNMENTAL ENTITIES, A PROCEDURAL UNDER AUTHORIZATION What are the goals ? National independence and defense Major interest of the foreign policy, execution of he european and inernational settlements and foreign meddling prevention Proliferation of WMD prevention Major economic, scientific and industrial interest Prevention against the collective violence infrindging the « Public peace » Prevention of the action leading of the continuation or reconstitution of abolished groups Prevention against the subvertion of the Institution’s republican form Crime and organized delinquency prevention Terrorism prevention

16 ACCESS TO PRIVATE INFORMATIONS BY GOVERNMENTAL ENTITIES, A PROCEDURAL UNDER AUTHORIZATION Who gives the authorization ?  The Prime Minister gives the authorization  This authorization is given after obtaining the opinion of the CNCTR

17 THE CNCTR National commission of Intelligence methods« Commission nationale des techniques de renseignements » Independent administrative authority Replace the CNCIS (National Commission of security interceptions supervision – « Commission nationale de contrôle des interceptions de sécurité ») 9 members : 2 deputies, 2 senators, 2 members of the Council of State, 2 magistrates of Court of cassation, 1 representative of the ARCEP (the French telecommunications and postal regulatory body)

18 MINISTER authorization request (L821- 2 CSI) CNCTR gives an opinion within 24hrs (L821-3 CSI) PRIME MINISTER authorizes implementation for 4 months or refuses Implementation of the measure PRELIMINARY OPINION OF THE CNCTR Ordinary procedure

19 PRELIMINARY OPINION OF THE CNCTR Emergency procedure MINISTER authorization request (L821-2 CSI) PRIME MINISTER authorizes implementation for 4 months (L821-1. L821-4 CSI ) Implementation of the measure

20 III – ENTITY RELAYING INFORMATIONS (Art. L 851-1 CSI) Operators of Telecom and network communication (are include the service providers like skype, viber..) Internet acces providers, hosting compagnies…

21 IV - DATA RETENTION PERIOD (L822-2-I CSI) 30 days for the intercepted correspondences and words capted 4 years for the informations or documents 6 years for the informations or documents which are encrypted No delay for the cyber attack data

22 V – TENDENCY TO EXPAND DATA MINING BEYOND COUNTER-TERRORISM The law provides some specific derogations for the terrorism prevention The operators and Intelligence agencies could be obligated to install an automated data processing system on their network This system will detect the « sensitive » connexions (which represents an terrorist threat) France has 13 Internet Exchange Points where we can install this system.

23 VI – SPECIFIC CRIMINAL SANCTIONS What’s happen when someone decides to reveal the implementation of an intelligence process ? What’s happen when someone refuses to deliver the information to the Intelligence agencies ?

24 What’s happen when someone decides to reveal the implementation of an intelligence process ?  Revealing an implementation of an intelligence process is punished by 1 year’ imprisonment and a fine from 15 000 to 45 000 euros (when it’s committed in bad faith), Article 881-1 of the Internal Security Code

25 What’s happen when someone refuses to deliver the information to the Intelligence agencies ?  The opposition to deliver informations is punished by 2 years’ imprisonment and a fine of 150 000 euros, Article 881-2 and -3 of the Internal Security Code

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