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Greenwich High School NINTH GRADE ORIENTATION Class of 2016.

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Presentation on theme: "Greenwich High School NINTH GRADE ORIENTATION Class of 2016."— Presentation transcript:

1 Greenwich High School NINTH GRADE ORIENTATION Class of 2016

2 P.T.A. Co-President: Laura Erickson Co-President: Jennifer Meredith

3 Academic Excellence Half of all students take and pass one or more Advanced Placement classes Average A.P. score: 3.7 out of 5.0 24 AP courses offered 90% of graduates attend college AP and SAT at or near 10 year highs – rank GHS top third of DRGs A and B

4 Advanced Placement Courses Calculus ABEuropean History Calculus BCGovernment/Politics Computer ScienceComparative Govt. StatisticsU.S. History BiologyPsychology ChemistryFrench Environ. Sci.Spanish Language Physics BSpanish Literature Physics AMandarin Chinese English LiteratureGerman Economics (Macro/Micro) Music Theory

5 Academic Support  Learning Centers  Stand By Me  AVID  STARS  Reading classes and programs

6 Opportunities for all  sports = 51%  student activities = 88%  music program = 952 (students)  theater program – 456 (students)

7 Developing a Program  Performance Level  Graduation Requirements  Student Interests, Needs and Future Plans

8 Ninth Grade Schedule  Math (Algebra or Geometry)  Science (Biology or Integrated Science)  English (World Literature)  Social Studies (World History)  World Language  Physical Education/Health  Electives

9 Graduation Requirements  English – 4 credits  Math – 3 credits  Science – 3 credits  Social Studies – 3 credits  The Arts – 1.5 credits  P.E./Health – 1.5 credits  World Language – 2.0 credits  Electives – 6 credits  Performance Standards

10 Orientation Dates (upcoming) 3/30 Course Selection Completed 5/3 House Orientation at GHS 6/6-6/8 Schedules Distributed 8/27 9 th Grade Orientation at GHS

11 GHS Administrators (11-12) Dana Tulotta – Folsom House & Mathematics Brigid Barry – Sheldon House & English Rich Alessi – Bella House & Social Studies Marcia Schenker – World Language Coordinator John DeLuca – Science, Technology Education Rosemarie Ampha – Special Education Lorraine Termini – Dean of Student Life Linda Woods – Guidance Coordinator

12 Resource Room Support

13 Alternative Programs Comprehensive Support Program (CSP): within GHS designed for students who require higher level of academic and/or social/emotional support in a smaller setting. ARCH : within the community (not based at GHS) Small, highly structured program Serves the academic and social needs of secondary students who require an intensive level of support throughout the school day.

14 Related Services Speech/Language Occupational Therapy Physical Therapy Services are provided in various settings –Regular education classrooms, Resource rooms, Therapy rooms, Community and Job Sites Based on each child's IEP; services will be discussed at the articulation PPT meeting

15 GHS Attendance Policy Expectation: students will be present, on time and active participants in the learning process Distinguish between No Fault and Excused/Unexcused absences Threshold for number of Excused and Unexcused absences and Tardies per semester

16 Communication  GHS Website:  e-mail:

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