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Congratulations!. Housekeeping  Is your grade correct? Please keep your grades monitored in IC, and alert me immediately to any discrepancies.  The.

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Presentation on theme: "Congratulations!. Housekeeping  Is your grade correct? Please keep your grades monitored in IC, and alert me immediately to any discrepancies.  The."— Presentation transcript:

1 Congratulations!

2 Housekeeping  Is your grade correct? Please keep your grades monitored in IC, and alert me immediately to any discrepancies.  The Daily Course Calendar is regularly updated, and posted on the class website  Writing contests are now posted on the class website; optional credit is available for submissions—see me for details.  Making up work? Need to see me? Please make an appointment.

3 Paz de Christo Food Kitchen I slept and dreamed that life was joy. I awoke and found that life was but service. I served and discovered that service was joy.  Rabindranath Tagore  Can you give three hours of your time to prepare and serve a meal to approximately 150 needy and homeless people ?  Thank you for your kind hearts this Friday:  Momen—Period 0  Nazmina—Period 1  Zach—Period 3  Surabhi—Period 5

4 AP Language and Composition Friday, 12 February 2016  Time will pass; will you? 59 school days remain in the spring semester.  Today’s Class:  Rhetorical Analysis: Barack Obama’s “A More Perfect Union”  Obama declared his candidacy for the Presidency on Feb. 10, 2007, nine years ago.

5 Eco Fact of the Week According to the Wall Street Journal, the U.S. uses 100 billion plastic shopping bags annually, but only 1 to 3 percent of plastic bags are recycled worldwide. Industry figures show 90 percent of all grocery bags are plastic bags, which are made of polyethylene, a petroleum product. Production of plastic bags contributes to air pollution and energy consumption, and it costs companies 4 billion dollars a year. The amount of petroleum used to make 1 plastic bag would drive a car about 11 meters. Polyethylene bags take 1000 years to break down, and when they break down, they break into smaller and smaller toxic bits which contaminate soil and waterways, poisoning wildlife. Eighty-six percent of all known species of sea turtles have reported problems of entanglement or ingestion of marine debris. Approximately 1 billion seabirds and mammals die each year by ingesting plastic bags. Less than 5 percent of US shoppers use canvas, cotton, or mesh bags. Hamilton students and teachers can raise that percentage and help the environment by shopping with reusable bags. Or, they can recycle their plastic bags in Basha’s supermarket. Every Basha’s in Chandler, Arizona has a recycling bin solely for plastic bags at the store entrances. Students for Sustainable Schools will be selling steel water bottles for $7.50 during conference and lunches in the upcoming weeks, and any funds gained from the steel bottles will be directed toward installing water bottle fillers in Hamilton’s drinking fountains! Keep an eye out for them! An E-waste drive is currently ongoing until Friday February 26th. Winning fourth-hour classes will receive a donut party. Bring in E-waste!

6 Coming Due—do not squander time— that’s the stuff life’s made of!  Tuesday:  Vocabulary Log #11  Synthesis Assessments— tii upload is required  Are you working on your research paper draft? Due 2/22  Basic Content: Page 13, “The Classical Model”  Likely 10-15 paragraphs—all elements of the model are required  Using the rubric as a guide  “Chunk” the work—we’re on “homework light”  The draft must be word-processed and uploaded to tii on 2/22 for credit. 100 points. NO LATE WORK will be accepted.

7 You’re killing us… so says the college board…  Goals:  Create strong writers who will have the necessary skills to write effectively in their college courses and in their personal and professional lives  Foster reading “between the lines”—extracting the connotative meanings of words and the cultural, political, or historical contexts of various texts.  Encourage students to be informed citizens and consumers who understand the manipulation of a variety of media by advertisers, politicians, and institutions to impact them in their daily lives.  Course Outcomes:  To evaluate, practice, increase proficiency, and master at an individual rate your ability to be a creator of and an informed receiver of language and all forms of communication both verbal and non-verbal but with an emphasis on written language  To demonstrate sound logical thinking and critical judgment drawing on research, knowledge of the world, and personal experience  To develop to proficiency effectiveness of persuasive and argumentative writing and independent thought  To practice to proficiency rhetorical analysis of both fiction and non-fiction across time and culture, evaluate argument, and create an argument with sophistication and nuance  To master all elements of composition including content, focus, conventions, and style  To experience regularly and practice to proficiency a timed environment for both multiple choice and writing assessments

8 Today’s Class  Score Close Reading  Return synthesis essays, and assign synthesis assessment—due Tuesday. tii upload required  Retain essay/turn in cover sheet for practice points  Rhetorical Analysis—Barack Obama’s “A More Perfect Union”—speech on race in America  Group Work: During each break, identify, and discuss, at least FOUR rhetorical strategies—do seem to be used to appeal to logos, pathos, or both?  (activity continued on Tuesday)

9 Close Reading:  Close Reading: Defining an author’s purpose, and identifying and analyzing the techniques and strategies employed to achieve and support that purpose.  Vocab Log #11 out?  Term logs out?  30 minutes, questions 1-28 “I am woman” and “But a far more important…”  7 minute group discussion. Circle two questions from each set to discuss with your group—these are the only four questions you can change, but only after discussion.  Score and turn in

10 Assess and turn in refutations  45-50  I got this. I cited at least one source—two are better.  40-44  I got most of this. I cited at least one source.  35-39  I get it now, but I need to work on this. I did not cite a source.  Deduct 5 points if your work is not word-processed.

11 What is rhetoric?  The traditional definition of rhetoric, first proposed by Aristotle, and embellished over the centuries by scholars and teachers, is that rhetoric is the art of observing in any given case the “available means of persuasion.”

12 Rhetoric—Whose idea was it?  Socrates: 469-399 B.C.E. Socrates  Father of Western philosophy and Mentor to Plato. Epistemology and logic.  Plato: 424-348 B.C.E. Plato:  Student of Socrates and founder of “The Academy” Philosophy, logic, ethics, rhetoric and mathematics.  Aristotle: 384-322 B.C.E. Aristotle  Student of Plato, and teacher to Alexander the Great.

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