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Year 9 Options.  and-college-in-the-uk/subject-choices-at- school-and-college/

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Presentation on theme: "Year 9 Options.  and-college-in-the-uk/subject-choices-at- school-and-college/"— Presentation transcript:

1 Year 9 Options

2  and-college-in-the-uk/subject-choices-at- school-and-college/ and-college-in-the-uk/subject-choices-at- school-and-college/  hrome-instant&ion=1&espv=2&ie=UTF- 8#safe=strict&q=future+morph+quiz hrome-instant&ion=1&espv=2&ie=UTF- 8#safe=strict&q=future+morph+quiz   

3 Excited? Nervous? Daunted? No big deal?

4  Students choose four GCSEs (or one Btec and three GCSEs) to study during Years 10 and 11.  At the end of year 11 they will take an exam in this subject and be awarded a GCSE.  Btecs are mainly coursework with an exam at some point in Year 11. Mr Ward, Tutors and myself have been using tutor times to support the students.

5  Everyone has to do English, Maths & Science  Plus Core PE  Then choose four other subjects However….

6  Students choose from option blocks

7  The fourth choice will be limited  This is because more time will be needed for you to study your core subjects and so has less time than the other options  This choice will be PE, Dance or RE

8  The GCSEs will not be A*- Gs  They will be 9-1. 9 is the A* plus or highest, 4/5 is roughly a C  They will not have ‘controlled assessments’ for many subjects

9 EnglishMathsScienceHumanityMFL

10  Have a conversation with your child  Encourage them to think about their future  Use the web sites and resources available  Encourage them to make an appointment with the Careers advisor  Do not choose a subject because of the teacher or a particular friend  Come to Parents’ evening on the 21 st January But most of all…you are the adult and have the longer term perspective. Balance is key.

11  Library has all the prospectuses of the local colleges.  Careers advisor  Russell Group

12  Library has all the prospectuses of the local colleges.  Careers advisor  Russell Group  Future Morph

13  Library has all the prospectuses of the local colleges.  Careers advisor  Russell Group  Future Morph  U-Explore




17  Skill  Enjoyment  Your choices  Future career  Time for a change  Knowledge  Interest  !

18  Work hard now  Get organised for study – a space, some kit and a good light  Move the X/Station  Consider if you have the right attitude to learning  Consider if your attendance is as good as it can be  Make the most of each lesson  Get into good homework habits now

19  I really like the teacher  I really don’t like the teacher  My best friend is going to take it  My dad studied it 20 years ago  I know nothing about this subject so I’ll give it a try  The choices are awful so it doesn’t matter what I put

20  Talk to teachers and your tutor  Talk to year 10, 11 students  Listen to what they say!  Attend parents’ evening  Read the options book – twice!  Look at progress check information  What are you already good at?  Think about the future?  Consider what sort of week you will have with your choices.

21  Parents evening on the 21 st 16:30 – 19:30  The presentation will be on the website  Deadline for forms: Monday 12 th February

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