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Anne Ciliberti and Marianne Gaunt VALID Steering Committee Co-Chairs VALE Users’ Conference January 4, 2013.

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Presentation on theme: "Anne Ciliberti and Marianne Gaunt VALID Steering Committee Co-Chairs VALE Users’ Conference January 4, 2013."— Presentation transcript:

1 Anne Ciliberti and Marianne Gaunt VALID Steering Committee Co-Chairs VALE Users’ Conference January 4, 2013

2 VALID Vision To be the catalyst in transforming the role of libraries in higher education in New Jersey through the use of a shared information technology infrastructure

3 VALID Strategies Reduce duplicative efforts Eliminate information/service silos Engage in enterprise-level collaboration

4 VALID Deliverables Easy access to state-wide collections A more comprehensive research collection through reduced duplication Freed-up space for new transformative uses through weeding and a last copy retention plan State-wide academic library borrower card State-wide institutional repository for unique state- wide resources

5 VALID Deliverables Reduced cost of library operations in : Resource sharing (ILL) Cataloging Acquisitions Reference Systems (software, hardware, maintenance)

6 VALID Deliverables Free-up resources (staff and financial) for more strategic/transformative services: Support for MOOCS Faculty research support (data preservation, open access journals, digital humanities, etc) Industry-university partnerships Student learning enhancements

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