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1. Chapter 2 Test percentage = ________% 2. Did you meet your goal? WHY or WHY not? (assess and reflect on your preparation). 3. Study (preparation) Plan.

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Presentation on theme: "1. Chapter 2 Test percentage = ________% 2. Did you meet your goal? WHY or WHY not? (assess and reflect on your preparation). 3. Study (preparation) Plan."— Presentation transcript:

1 1. Chapter 2 Test percentage = ________% 2. Did you meet your goal? WHY or WHY not? (assess and reflect on your preparation). 3. Study (preparation) Plan for next test? 4.Set a new goal: IF you did not meet your goal it stays the same as last time. IF you met your goal you must improve by at least one point Day 2 11-28

2 Test Versions C and D, be careful about #ing! Due tomorrow (beginning of class). Hand in with test! Day 2 11-27


4 Go to Click on Member Login in the top right corner. Scroll down and click create a new account. Create your own account: Account ID: stroudsburg94 Student Activation Code: stu1483 Both names must be in your username!

5 1. What are the charges on a proton? an electron? and a neutron? (think of what you know from other classes)? Day 4 11-30

6 Go to Log in. Click on the assignments tab and complete the posted assignment.

7 When you are done. Write down the two standards where you had your lowest scores (you will need this for Monday). Review every question you missed. Play a game on this website – you must remain logged in and active on this website for the entire period!

8 Go to and Log in. Click on the assignments tab and complete Practice Test 2. Anyone that improves their score from Friday will receive a bonus point. Review every question you missed. Complete the Random Practice assignment under the assignments tab – you must remain logged in and active on this website for the entire period!

9 What does the inside of an atom look like, and how do we know? Day 1 12-5

10 1. What is an atom made of (think of what you know from other classes)? Day 3 11-5

11 1. Brainstorm with your discussion partner: everything you know about an atom. 2. Look up the definition in the back of the book, and record it 3. Draw an atom of hydrogen. Draw an atom of oxygen. (There is no wrong answer at this time… Draw something!)

12 ATOM Neutron Proton Electron (0) (+) (-) Nucleus

13 When and Why do we use models? In chemistry:




17 Continuous matter – accepted for nearly 200 years -Aristotle & Plato 400 B.C. Basic particle = an atom – “indivisible” -Democritus The Atom in Ancient Greece

18 After the Greeks, Before 1600… Alchemists Conducted ___________. Established standard lab ___________. Developed __________. Created lab _________. Tried to change ____ into ____ through transmutation experiments techniques medicines apparatus lead gold

19 1. Can atoms be broken down into smaller pieces? If yes, what kind of pieces? Day 4 11-6

20 Early Scientists - 1600’s Robert Boyle One of the first scientists to rely on ____________ to gain new ___________. Founder of the ________________ Boyle’s Law relates ________ to the _______ of a ____. experiments knowledge Scientific Method pressure volume gas

21 Developed __________________ Early Scientists - 1600’s Sir Isaac Newton Laws of motion Newton’s Cradle

22 Sparks of Knowledge - 1700’s Benjamin Franklin Demonstrated that _______________ is _______________ and that objects can have _______________ or _______________ charge. lightning electrical positivenegative

23 Sparks of Knowledge - 1700’s Law of conservation of matter states that during any ________ or _________ process, matter is neither _______ nor ________ In a reaction, the mass of the reactants ___________ the mass of the products. chemicalphysical created destroyed E Q U A L S

24 Sparks of Knowledge - 1700’s Joseph Proust Developed the law of definite proportions or constant composition which states that the _____ ratio of elements in a compound is always _________. Examples: mass the same Water 1g H : 8g O Carbon Dioxide 3g C : 8g O

25 Law of Conservation of Mass – Mass is neither destroyed nor created Reactants mass = Products mass Law of Definite Proportions – A chemical compound contains the same elements in exactly the same proportions by mass regardless of the size of the sample Lasting Laws

26 1. Who called the basic particle of matter an atom? 2. The ____ were obsessed with trying to make gold? USE YOUR NOTES!!!

27 1. Calculate and record your test percentage. 2. Did you meet your goal? WHY or WHY not? (assess and reflect on your preparation). 3. Study (preparation) Plan for next test? 4.Set a new goal: IF you did not meet your goal it stays the same as last time. IF you met your goal you must improve by at least one point Day 5 11-7

28 Dalton’s Atomic Theory (1800s): 1.All matter is composed of extremely small particles called atoms. 2.Atoms of a given element are identical in size, mass, and other properties; atoms of different elements differ in size, mass, and other properties. 3.Atoms cannot be subdivided, created, or destroyed. 4.Atoms of different elements combine in simple whole- numbered ratios to form chemical compounds. 5.In chemical reactions, atoms are combined, separated, or rearranged. Modern Atomic Theory: 1.All matter is composed of extremely small particles called atoms. 2.A GIVEN ELEMENT CAN HAVE ATOMS WITH DIFFERENT MASSES 3.ATOMS ARE DIVISIBLE INTO EVEN SMALLER PARTICLES. 4.Atoms of different elements combine in simple whole- numbered ratios to form chemical compounds. 5.In chemical reactions, atoms are combined, separated, or rearranged.

29 Dalton’s Atomic Theory (1800s): 1.All matter is composed of extremely small particles called atoms. Modern Atomic Theory: 1.All matter is composed of extremely small particles called atoms.

30 Dalton’s Atomic Theory (1800s): 2.Atoms of a given element are identical in size, mass, and other properties; atoms of different elements differ in size, mass, and other properties. Modern Atomic Theory: 2.A GIVEN ELEMENT CAN HAVE ATOMS WITH DIFFERENT MASSES

31 Dalton’s Atomic Theory (1800s): 3.Atoms cannot be subdivided, created, or destroyed. Modern Atomic Theory: 3.ATOMS ARE DIVISIBLE INTO EVEN SMALLER PARTICLES.

32 Dalton’s Atomic Theory (1800s): 4.Atoms of different elements combine in simple whole- numbered ratios to form chemical compounds. Modern Atomic Theory: 4.Atoms of different elements combine in simple whole- numbered ratios to form chemical coms.

33 Dalton’s Atomic Theory (1800s): 5. In chemical reactions, atoms are combined, separated, or rearranged. Modern Atomic Theory: 5. In chemical reactions, atoms are combined, separated, or rearranged.

34 We have Atoms! – 1803-09 John Dalton Atom’s Appearance __________ _____ ________ Different __________ Solid Sphere Like marbles sizes colors weights

35 Read / review pages 102- 104 AND answer #s 1-4 and 8 on page 104 - Due Friday 11-8

36 1. How does the law of conservation of matter apply to the mass of reactants and products in a reaction (use your notes if needed)? Day 6 11-8

37 What does the inside of an atom look like and how do we know?


39 1. Our atomic model was the first to show… (use your notes from Friday if needed) Day 1 11-11


41 1. Our atomic model represents electrons as… (use your notes if needed) Day 2 11-12

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