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Faculty career development through establishing institutionalized mechanisms to address the needs of pre- tenure and post-promotion faculty in the IDEAL.

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Presentation on theme: "Faculty career development through establishing institutionalized mechanisms to address the needs of pre- tenure and post-promotion faculty in the IDEAL."— Presentation transcript:

1 Faculty career development through establishing institutionalized mechanisms to address the needs of pre- tenure and post-promotion faculty in the IDEAL departments of the College of Arts and Sciences Change Project Description Increase attention on faculty career development by identifying needs, opportunities and best practices by career stage (pre-tenure and post- promotion faculty) and establish institutionalized mechanisms for addressing those needs in the IDEAL departments of the College of Arts and Sciences. Goals of Change Project:

2 Specific Objectives and Outcomes Outcomes: 1. Generate a report to identify the needs, opportunities and best practices for the career development of faculty at all career stages 2. Build participation and support for the development of institutional mechanisms for faculty career development within the College of Arts and Sciences 3. Propose recommendations for the creation of institutional mechanisms for faculty career development

3 Convene separate caucuses for three career phases to identify best practices for career development in CAS IDEAL departments Develop best practices guidelines for pre-tenure, associate and post-promotion faculty in CAS IDEAL departments Disseminate best practices for across CAS IDEAL departments with support of chairs and Dean Objectives by career stages

4 Pre-tenure Faculty Convene a caucus to identify best practices used in CAS IDEAL departments (date: April 7 at 1:00) Input and feedback will be solicited regarding  Policies in place which are found helpful to balance work and personal needs  Potential obstacles to take advantage of exiting opportunities  Strategies to help prioritize well (short term vs. long term goals)  Ways to improve time management

5 Associate professors Convene a caucus to identify best practices used in CAS IDEAL departments (date: April 7 at 2:30) Which mechanisms would provide support and help:  Understanding requirements for promotion  Design and implement a timely plan to fulfill them  Achieve international recognition  Effectively use of sabbatical leaves towards obtaining strong external letters and increasing visibility

6 Convene a caucus for career development in post- promotion phase (date: April 9 at 1:00) Potential discussion topics: impact of loss of funding on productivity mechanisms to help defining new professional venues efficient utilization of sabbatical leaves transitioning into new roles Post-promotion Faculty

7 What has been achieved so far: Caucuses dates have been set and invitations have been written for the three target groups Date for meeting with chairs has been set Dean of Arts and Science has been contacted and a meeting time is being arranged Best practices from other institutions have been studied Separate protocols for three caucuses have been set: stage- appropriate discussion points have been identified and will be used to initiate discussions

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