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The Industrial Revolution: Developments and Impact.

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Presentation on theme: "The Industrial Revolution: Developments and Impact."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Industrial Revolution: Developments and Impact

2 Urbanization: the growth and development of cities

3 Problems of the Industrial Revolution Long hours for low pay Dangerous working conditions Harsh factory discipline Child Labor Lack of adequate living conditions Disease/epidemics

4 Solutions Laws protect children and women Working standards established Improve living conditions Workers can strike and collective bargain– Unions Public education reforms passed

5 Advances in Technology: Electric Power : 1831: Michael Faraday – moving a magnet through coil of copper wire creates electrical current 1860: Joseph Swan – first primitive light bulb 1879: Thomas Edison – first practical/useable light bulb

6 Question How would electric power change people’s lives?

7 Advances in Technology: Transportation : 1850s: Henry Bessemer – Bessemer Process for making stronger steel 1851: First train in India Stronger steel means better building materials 1830s: Steam-powered trains and train lines developed, expand through 1800s 1852: First train in Africa (Egypt) 1891: Russia’s Trans-Siberian Railroad started




11 Question How did the improvement in the railroad impact people in their lives and work?

12 Advances in Technology: Communication : 1844: 35 miles of telegraph lines in the US 1837: Samuel Morse creates the “telegraph” – then Morse Code 1866: Telegraph cable laid across the Atlantic Ocean floor 1870: Wires from England to India News and information could be received in hours rather than days/weeks

13 Advances in Technology: Communication : 1900: 1.5 million telephones in America 1876: Alexander Graham Bell invents the telephone

14 Question How did the advances in communication change daily life?

15 Tree Map Effects of Industrial Revolution Transportation CommunicationNew Laws List positive effects List positive effects List positive effects

16 Writing Assignment In 2-3 sentences, answer this question: Which of the effects of the Industrial Revolution (transportation, communication, new laws passed) was the most important? Explain why.

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