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Internal Features of the skin. Learning Target: Describe the characteristics of the dermis. (knowledge)

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Presentation on theme: "Internal Features of the skin. Learning Target: Describe the characteristics of the dermis. (knowledge)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Internal Features of the skin

2 Learning Target: Describe the characteristics of the dermis. (knowledge)

3 Structure 1.Skin (cutaneous membrane) b. Dermis (Tissues) -Dense irregular Function Gives the skin toughness and elasticity

4 Structure 1.Skin (cutaneous membrane) b. Dermis (Tissues) -Simple and stratified cuboidal Function Makes up sweat and sebaceous (oil) glands

5 Structure 1.Skin (cutaneous membrane) b. Dermis (Tissues) -Smooth muscle Function Constricts blood vessels to regulate temperature Makes up tissue of arrector pili muscle

6 Structure 1.Skin (cutaneous membrane) b. Dermis (Tissues) -Nervous -Blood Function transmits messages supplies nutrients to the skin cells regulates temperature

7 Structure 1.Skin (cutaneous membrane) b. Dermis (Tissues) -Stratified squamous Function Makes up hair follicles

8 Hair shaft Basement membrane Sweat Gland Pore Epidermis Dermis Sweat gland Sweat Gland Duct Hair follicle Blood vessels Arrector Pili muscle Sebaceous Gland Sense Receptor Dermal Papilla

9 1. Epidermis 2. Dermis What layers/tissues do you see? 3. Dense Irregular 4. Simple cuboidal 5. Stratified squamous keratinized 6. Stratified cuboidal

10 1. A sebaceous gland is made of simple or stratified cuboidal epithelial tissue 2. Sweat glands are made of Simple or stratified cuboidal 3. What’s this? Dense irregular 4. Tissue type? Smooth muscle

11 Structure c. Subcutaneous Layer (not a true layer of skin) Tissues: -Loose connective Function Binds skin to underlying organs

12 Structure c.Subcutaneous Layer Tissues: -Adipose Function Insulation, conserves body heat

13 Structure c.Subcutaneous Layer Tissues: -Blood Function Supplies nutrients to cells

14 Hair shaft Basement membrane Sweat Gland Pore Epidermis Dermis Sweat gland Sweat Gland Duct Hair follicle Blood vessels Arrector Pili muscle Sebaceous Gland Sense Receptor Dermal Papilla Subcutaneous Layer Adipose


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