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Chapter 6-4 Text pp. 216-219 p. 229 #22, 25, 27, 28.

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Presentation on theme: "Chapter 6-4 Text pp. 216-219 p. 229 #22, 25, 27, 28."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chapter 6-4 Text pp. 216-219 p. 229 #22, 25, 27, 28

2  “A habitual and firm disposition to do the good.”  Natural Virtues  Good habits  A fruit of the repetition of good moral actions  Supernatural Virtues  Gratuitously imparted to the soul at Baptism  Make it possible to perform supernatural acts  Faith, Hope, Charity

3  Faith – infuses the soul at Baptism. Allows one to accept truths guaranteed by the authority of God.  Trinity, Christ as fully God and fully human, Christ truly present in the Eucharist.  Not a mere intellectual or academic acceptance of Catholic doctrine  It is freely given if requested, but can be lost if neglected.  Losing Faith is often more about not wanting to live a moral life than it is about authentic intellectual doubts.

4  Faith is a requirement of salvation  Protect it from that which may harm it.  Exercise Prudence in deciding what to listen to, read, or view.  Don’t fear alternative ideas, but be cognizant of where your Catholic formation has not yet prepared you to recognize false ideas.

5 1. Voluntary Doubt 1. Intentionally ignoring an aspect of Divine Revelation 2. Schism 1. A refusal to submit oneself to the authority of the Pope 3. Heresy 1. The decisive denial of a baptized person of one or more tenants of the faith. 4. Apostasy 1. Implicit or explicit complete repudiation of the Catholic faith. 5. Atheism 1. Denial of the existence of God

6  The virtue by which we desire the kingdom of Heaven.  A confident expectation of God  Fostered through a life of prayer  Sins against Hope  Despair – Loss of trust in God because of doubt in his faithfulness or his interest in each person.  Presumption – Either expecting salvation without personal effort or trusting solely in human effort without the aid of God.


8 1. What is a virtue? a) A disposition to do good b) An inner voice of a human being c) An attribute of God d) Teachings of Christ in the Sermon on the Mount 2. How does Faith relate to reason? a) Faith and reason are incompatible b) Reason must come before faith c) Without faith we cannot understand things by reason d) Faith does not contradict reason 3. Name and identify two sins against faith 4. Name and identify two sins against hope.

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