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Slide 1 September 21, 2010 deM 132 McLean Hospital DRAW Meeting.

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Presentation on theme: "Slide 1 September 21, 2010 deM 132 McLean Hospital DRAW Meeting."— Presentation transcript:

1 Slide 1 September 21, 2010 deM 132 McLean Hospital DRAW Meeting

2 Slide 2 1.Introduction of Guests 2.General Announcements 3.Division of Basic Neuroscience 4. Portfolio Management 5. Grant Administration Competencies 6. Roundtable Discussion 7. Q&A / Open Forum McLean Research: DRAW Agenda

3 Slide 3 1.Effort Reporting – Raquel Espinosa 2.Two Day Correction Window – John Cavanaugh 3.InSight - New Fund Balance Statements – Pete Paskevich 4.McLean Research Intranet Added Feature: “Feedback / How Can We Help?” – Pete Paskevich McLean Research: General Announcements

4 Effort Reporting Questions 617-643-9330; October 30 Return deadline October 1 FY10 Pd 2 effort reports to be distributed FY10 Period 2 Effort Certification Forms (Covering 4/1/10-9/30/10) Distribution: October 1 Deadline: October 30 Escalation: Chiefs (Nov 14), Compliance (Nov 29), Sr. VP of Research & PHS VP of Finance (Dec 14) Training: Mandatory effort reporting training for investigators and effort managers who haven’t already completed training requirement (e.g. new investigators and new effort managers)

5 NIH SF424 Error Correction Window Closes on 1/25/11 –Proposals submitted after 5PM on the due date will be subject to NIH’s late policy and may not be accepted for review. 2-business day application viewing window remains open as long as errors are corrected by 5PM on the due date. –NIH will accommodate system-wide and issues as needed –See details on notice NOT-OD-10-123

6 Slide 6 Division of Basic Neuroscience Chief: Joseph T. Coyle, MD (Effective October 1, 2010) New Division

7 Slide 7 Research Portfolio Management McLean Research

8 Slide 8 McLean Research: Portfolio Management In order to enhance research portfolio management and to reduce research fund deficits:  Enhance financial reports, tools and oversight processes for improved fund management and more accurate and timely identification of fund in deficit and at imminent risk of deficit  Update, communicate and ensure compliance with policies and procedures  Improve communication between Research Administration and McLean research community  Expand support of researchers

9 Slide 9 McLean Research: Portfolio Management  Enhance financial reports, tools and oversight processes for improved portfolio and fund management and more accurate and timely identification of fund in deficit and at imminent risk of deficit 1.Reports for McLean PIs, Research Administration and Finance a)Insight financial reports b)InfoEd – Proposal Tracking; Proposal Development 2.Re-mapping of Chief of Service codes 3.Processes a)Resource projections annually by lab b)Regularly recurring tracking of fund balances and burn rates by Research Administration and Finance  Early warning to PIs as needed

10 Research Fund Management Initiative  Update, communicate and ensure compliance with policies and procedures 1.Review, clarify and update policies and procedures a)Simplify when possible 2.Develop manual that includes: a)Detailed responsibilities of PI, lab-based research administrators and Research Administration b)Checklists for PIs and grant managers c)Procedure flow charts d)Organizational chart 3.Provide contacts who can offer support and guidance 4.Make information more easily accessible a)Research Intranet ( Slide 10

11 Research Fund Management Initiative  Improve communication between Research Administration and McLean research community Optimize use of modes of communication 1.Research Intranet 2.Email 3.Departmental Research Administrators Workgroup (DRAW) 4.Research Committee 5.Mailman Research Center Steering Committee 6.Research Town Meeting Slide 11

12 Research Fund Management Initiative  Expand support of researchers 1.Continue Research Admin open door policy for PIs and administrators in addition to regular office hours for:  Pre-award  Time and effort reporting  Post-award  Research Finance  Portfolio management 2.Enhance training a)New PIs b)Lab-based research administrators c)General research community Slide 12

13 Slide 13 Grant Oversight Grant Administration Competencies McLean Research

14 Slide 14 McLean Research Goal: Ensure that all PI’s and research grant administrators at McLean Hospital have requisite knowledge and skills to manage their grants.  Advisory Committees:  DA’s (DA’s and PI’s)  PI’s (PI’s)  Training  Assessment and feedback

15 Slide 15 McLean Research Changing Research Landscape:  Increasing complexity of federal regulations  Public demand for research accountability / transparency  Significant audits / settlements  Greater scrutiny  Effort reporting  Cost Allocation  Cost transfers  Unallowable costs  Subrecipient monitoring  Delinquent reporting to sponsor

16 Slide 16 McLean Research Department Administrators:  Roles and Responsibilities  Pre-Award, Progress Report Documents  Subcontracts  Allowable Costs  Income & Expense  Effort Reporting

17 Slide 17 McLean Research Principal Investigators:  Roles and Responsibilities  Scientific Integrity  Effort and Salary  Financial Oversight  Conflict of Interest

18 Slide 18 McLean Research ROUNDTABLE DISCUSSION What do you think should be the focus of the monthly DRAW meetings? What do you think the Departmental Administrators Advisory Committee should discuss as topics? Q&A / OPEN FORUM

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