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 An elements properties can be predicted form its _______________________.

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2  An elements properties can be predicted form its _______________________.

3  Location on the periodic table

4  If a substance is ____________, it can be pulled or drawn into a wire.

5  Ductile

6  A _______________ is a positively charged particle in an atom’s nucleus.

7  proton

8  True or False Metals are malleable, ductile, brittle and good conductors.

9  False

10  An element’s ________________ shows the number of protons in its nucleus.

11  Atomic number

12  Dmitri Mendelev created the first _____________________.

13  Periodic table

14  The particles that are involved in the transfer or sharing between atoms are ____________________.

15  Valence Electrons

16  A(n) _____________________ has some of the properties of both metals and nonmetals.

17  Metalloids

18  The family of _______________ is the most reactive group of metals in the periodic table.

19  Alkali metals

20  The ____________ and the ________________ are shown at the bottom of the periodic table in order to keep the table a reasonable size.

21  Lanthanides and Actinides

22  A mixture of metals is called a(n) __________________.

23  Alloy

24  True or False Nonmetals are good conductors of heat and electricity.

25  False

26  True or False From left to right on the periodic table, the elements are arranged in order of decreasing atomic mass.

27  False

28  The mass of a proton is about one atomic mass unit.

29  True

30  True or False The reactivity of the metal elements generally increases as you move from left to right across the periodic table.

31  False

32  What are the pieces of information found in a square on the periodic table?

33  Atomic number –  Chemical symbol –  Name of element –  Atomic mass -

34  Name my group? I am a solid that is moderately reactive. I conduct heat and electricity well. Sometimes my metals have unusual colors. What family am I?

35  Transition metal

36  Name my group? I am a solid that is highly reactive. I appear silver- white. I conduct heat and electricity well. What family am I?

37  Alkali Metals

38  The sun and many other stars are made mostly of the element __________________.

39  Hydrogen

40  True or False  Nitrogen nuclei and energy are the products of the nuclear fusion of the sun’s hydrogen.

41  False  Helium

42  When two identical nonmetal atoms are bonded together, the result is a(n) __________________________.

43  Diatomic molecule

44  I am a gas at room temperature. I have a greenish-yellow color. I am highly reactive and I have poor conductivity. What family do I belong?

45  The Halogen Family

46  I am colorless and at room temperature I am a gas. I do not conduct heat or electricity well. I do not react to other elements. What family do I belong?

47  The Noble Gas Family

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