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Status of the DCS Richard Brenner (Uppsala University) " Structure of the DCS " Cabling of DCS sensors " Interlock " Status and near future plans.

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Presentation on theme: "Status of the DCS Richard Brenner (Uppsala University) " Structure of the DCS " Cabling of DCS sensors " Interlock " Status and near future plans."— Presentation transcript:

1 Status of the DCS Richard Brenner (Uppsala University) " Structure of the DCS " Cabling of DCS sensors " Interlock " Status and near future plans

2 Structure of DCS

3 DCS seen by SCADA

4 SCT DAQ SCADA (LCS) supervisory partition LAN SCADA (LCS) partition cooling SCADA (LCS) partition environment & alignment SCADA (LCS) partition power FSI system CAN IL LMB IL LMB IL LMB LAN IL Power supply crate IL Power supply crate IL Power supply crate Interlock Environment monitoring

5 Monitoring points in barrel SCT

6 Monitoring points in forward SCT

7 Sensor 1 Sensor 20 Omnetics connector ELMB PP3Thermal Shield SCT Barrel/Disk CAN bus 30 m USA15 LCS ATLAS Routing of DCS sensors

8 Cables for DCS sensors

9 Interlock SCT DAQ SCADA (LCS) supervisory partition LAN SCADA (LCS) partition cooling SCADA (LCS) partition environment & alignment SCADA (LCS) partition power FSI system CAN IL LMB IL LMB IL LMB LAN IL Power supply crate IL Power supply crate IL Power supply crate Interlock

10 Interlock connection cooling- power supplies

11 Status on deliverables " A FDR document is in preparation which has been a reference document in some FDR of SCT subsystems " Deliverables have been specified and costs are being updated " First final ELMB units are available

12 Near future activities " This autumn work on combining power supplies, cooling and environment under PVSS main task. Work will be done both in the system test lab and the cooling lab. " Early 2002, get a full DCS system going in Oxford Team: S. Basiladze, R. Brenner, R. Waistie, P-O. Wallin...

13 Near future activities (cont.) " Need to proceed with FDR/PRR in order to buy a large fraction of the final DCS components.

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