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THE FINISH LINE OHIO ASSOCIATION. TIMING There are four methods of official timing: 1. Hand timing, 2. Fully automatic timing, 3. Video timing, 4. Transponder.

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Presentation on theme: "THE FINISH LINE OHIO ASSOCIATION. TIMING There are four methods of official timing: 1. Hand timing, 2. Fully automatic timing, 3. Video timing, 4. Transponder."— Presentation transcript:


2 TIMING There are four methods of official timing: 1. Hand timing, 2. Fully automatic timing, 3. Video timing, 4. Transponder timing. Fully automatic timing should be used as often as possible. There is no time adjustment necessary with fully automatic timing. Official time starts at the flash of the pistol or timing device, not the sound it makes. THE FINISH LINE


4 Electa Pocket Chronograph (ca. 1890s) TIMING DEVICES Sand Dial Stop Watch Capture Pad Identilynx Sprint Eight Digital Stop Watches Lynx Camera

5 The race image will appear on your screen...


7 Use the mouse to position the cursor

8 The Athlete’s time will appear in this box 9.98

9 Type in the Athlete’s lane, hip or bib number. It will appear in this window 4 9.98

10 Press the “ENTER” key on the keyboard The time for the Athlete with this ID# will automatically appear here The time for the Athlete with this ID# will automatically appear here 9.98 4

11 Press the “ENTER” key on the keyboard The time for the Athlete with this ID# will automatically appear here The time for the Athlete with this ID# will automatically appear here 9.98 4 This Athlete’s place will automatically appear here 1

12 Use the mouse to position the cursor on the next Athlete 9.98 4 1

13 A.Finish Line Judges Duties 1.Record order of finish in all races. 2.After the race is over, judges go onto the track to identify their assigned place. Athletes are either escorted to the scorer’s table or released once place determination is made and the event sheet/card filled out. 3.Record finish on event sheets/cards at the finish line if used there. 4.When judging the finish, the place is judged at the moment when any part of the competitor’s torso ( not including head, neck, arms, hands, legs, or feet) crosses the near edge of the finish line. 5.In case of a disagreement with the order of finish, consult with the head finish line judge to assist in rendering a decision. 6.Tip : When tracking athletes, especially on the sprints, pick them up at the 50 meter mark from the finish. At the 5 meter mark from finish, begin focusing on the finish line. 7.Be aware of oncoming athletes before you step onto the track or step across lanes. 8.Be aware of throwing or jumping events in area adjacent to finish line.

14 A.Finish Line Timers Duties, if timing is used. 1.Record the time of the place assigned all races. 2.Once the race is finished, proceed to the scorer’s table to give time. If events sheets/cards are used at the finish line, record times on the sheet/card. 3.Clear the watch before at the race begins or after a false start. 4.The stopwatch shall be started with the flash/smoke from the starter’s pistol, not from sound. 5.Record the time at the finish. When timing the finish, the place is timed at the moment when any part of the competitor’s torso ( not including head, neck, arms, hands, legs, or feet) crosses the near edge of the finish line. 6.Tip : When tracking athletes, especially on the sprints, pick them up at the 50 meter mark from the finish. At the 5 meter mark from finish, begin focusing on the finish line.

15 ARTICLE III OFFICIALS RULE 110 MEET PERSONNEL 4. The following personnel are recommended as a minimum, including Chief Judges where applicable, for the USATF National Championships specified in Rule 10 and Rule 11: Competition Officials Minimum Indoor Minimum Outdoor Finish Line Judges* 9 12 Finish Line Coordinator 1 1 Timers* 12 12 Photo Finish Judges 2 2 Transponder Timing Judges 2 2 Lap Scorers 2 2 *Where adequate automatic photofinish devices are available, this number should be reduced substantially. See Rules 126.2 and 128.4. 2015 USATF Competition Rules ● 34 & 35

16 RULE 118 PHOTO FINISH OPERATOR The Photo Finish Operators have the responsibility for assembling, positioning, connecting, and properly operating all components used in the capture of images used by the Photo Finish Judges. At the beginning of each session, the Chief Photo Finish Operator shall provide the technical expertise to the Chief Photo Finish Judge to ensure that the official and backup fully automatic timing equipment (i) is started automatically by the Starter's pistol/starting device and (ii) is correctly aligned with the finish line. See Rules 128.6 and 165.10(a). 2015 USATF Competition Rules ● 36

17 RULE 126 JUDGES FINISH JUDGES 1. When an approved imaging device is properly functioning at the finish of an event, the image must be referred to the Photo Finish Judges for the primary determination of the order of finish. In the absence of such a device, the primary determination of the order of the finish shall be made by the Judges at the finish. 2. It is recommended that there be at least four Judges, and normally one more Judge than there are lanes used, at the finish, one of whom shall be designated as Chief Finish Judge, who shall decide the order in which the competitors finish and who shall assign the other finish Judges to their respective duties. The Chief Finish Judge shall only observe the finishes and his/her decision shall be given only in the case of a tie vote on the part of the other Judges. In case of a disagreement, the majority of the Judges concerned with the disputed place(s) shall decide, and if there is a tie vote on the part of such Judges, the Chief Finish Judge shall decide. NOTE: When two or more independent photo finish systems are being used, the number of finish line officials may be reduced to no less than four with Timers and Finish Judges. 3. When possible, Judges shall be placed on the same side of the track, at least 5m back from and in line with the finish, on an elevated platform. 2015 USATF Competition Rules ● 39

18 RULE 128 TIMERS, PHOTO FINISH JUDGES, TRANSPONDER TIMING JUDGES 1. When an approved imaging device is properly functioning at the finish of an event, the image must be referred to the Photo Finish Judges for the primary determination of the finish times for each competitor. In the absence, or failure, of such a device, the primary determination of the finish times shall be made by the Timers at the finish. Timers at the finish shall also be the back-up for races authorized to use a transponder timing system. Timers, Photo Finish Judges and Transponder Timing Judges shall act in accordance with Rule 165. 2. A certified official shall be designated as Chief Timer. 2015 USATF Competition Rules ● 41

19 3. The Chief Timer, among other things, shall: (a) Determine that all running and walking events are hand timed in accordance with these rules; (b) Assign to Timers their assignments; (c) Supervise the recording of all hand times taken; (d) Make note of the records for the events to be timed, so an immediate check can be made in the event of record performances; (e) In the event of a record performance, inspect the watches of the Timers involved and in the case of not fully-automatic timing, certify on the official record application form the times recorded by such Timers, who shall also sign the record application form; and (f) When feasible, examine all watches prior to competition to determine their accuracy. RULE 128 TIMERS, PHOTO FINISH JUDGES, TRANSPONDER TIMING JUDGES 2015 USATF Competition Rules ● 41

20 4. There shall be three Official Timers and one or two Alternate Timers, who shall time the winner of each event. The time recorded by the Alternate Timers shall not be considered unless one or more of the Official Timers' watches fails to properly record the time, in which event the Alternate Timers shall be called upon in such order as has been previously determined so that, if possible, in all races three watches shall have recorded the official winning time. Times for all finishers shall be recorded. NOTE 1: It is recommended that there be four more Timers than there are places being recorded (Chief Timer, two additional first place Timers and one alternate). NOTE 2: When one fully automatic timing system is used, the Timers prescribed in Rule 128.4 should be used in a back-up capacity. When two independent systems are in use, a reduction may be made to one Official Timer and one Alternate Timer who should each time the winner. No back-up capacity is suggested when more than two independent systems are used. RULE 128 TIMERS, PHOTO FINISH JUDGES, TRANSPONDER TIMING JUDGES 2015 USATF Competition Rules ● 41

21 5. When it is feasible to do so, intermediate or lap times should be recorded in races of 800 meters and over and at every 1000m in races of 3000 meters and over. Split times should be given to all competitors in events longer than 400 meters either by use of a visible time clock, orally, or both. For races partially or entirely off the track, split times should be given to the competitors either by a visible time clock, orally, or both at appropriate locations on the course. RULE 128 TIMERS, PHOTO FINISH JUDGES, TRANSPONDER TIMING JUDGES 2015 USATF Competition Rules ● 41






27 35 38 1:40 69 65 1:47 2:45 2:56 65 66 69 3:52 67 3:52 67 5:02 4:06 1:161:10 5:22 6:14 1:12 6:40 7:26 8:42 8:41 9:53 12:13 13:18 14:23 14:25 15:34 1:12 1:18 1:12 7:27 1:13 8:00 1:20 1:15 9:22 1:22 9:55 1:13 1:12 10:42 1:20 11:03 11:05 1:10 11:57 1:15 12:15 1:10 13:20 13:12 1:15 65 14:22 1:10 5-31-15 15 Douglas Glass 031785 1:40 35 38


29 Finish Line Coordinator & Officials Preparations & Duties A.Personal Equipment 1.Uniform prescribed for the meet 2.Rule Book (applicable book) 3.Flags (white, red, yellow and green) 4.Clipboard 5.Pens/Pencils, 3x5 cards or small notebook, Lap Counting sheets 6.Chair 7.Raingear 8.Sunscreen, sunglasses 9.Hat (outdoors) 10.Personal Meds 11.Whistle on lanyard 12.Water USATF Best Practices (credit: G. Kleeman, J. & B. Price, J. Hanley, l. Cornelius Jr.

30 Finish Line Coordinator & Officials Preparations & Duties B. Finish Line Coordinator Preparations 1. Be familiar with start/finish lines, exchange zones, condition of blocks, entry/exit for vehicles 2. Determine path for exit of athletes after races; is there a Mixed Zone? 3. Determine location of: starter/recall starter; electronic equipment; medical personnel; rest rooms; water/refreshment at finish line 4. Verify meet schedule 5. Speak to Head Clerk about paper flow for receiving Heat Sheets at the finish line 6. Verify signals (if any) between starter and finish judges 7. Meet w/Electronic Equipment Operator (EEO) - verify signals between starter/EEO (if any) USATF Best Practices (credit: G. Kleeman, J. & B. Price, J. Hanley, l. Cornelius Jr.

31 Finish Line Coordinator & Officials Preparations & Duties B. Finish Line Coordinator Preparations 8.Synchronize watches for meet schedule with Announcer, Starter, Clerk 9.Coordinate with Clerk on location for athletes awaiting next race & relay team 2 nd /3 rd /4 th runners 10.Check placement of TV cables, cameras and microphones to maintain safety; coordinate w/TV reps as necessary; determine where interviews are being conducted, be as invisible as possible 11.Determine the location of Laps To Go and Time of Race displays for athletes/spectators 12.Determine officials’ meal times & location; refreshment/snacks on track USATF Best Practices (credit: G. Kleeman, J. & B. Price, J. Hanley, l. Cornelius Jr.

32 Finish Line Coordinator & Officials Preparations & Duties B. Finish Line Coordinator Preparations 14.If not done by Head Umpire, determine who will perform Lap Scoring duties; assign athletes to each Lap Scorer (3 runners/scorer); obtain lap scoring sheets, make copies as necessary 15.Conduct meeting for Finish Line officials & volunteers to pass on necessary info USATF Best Practices (credit: G. Kleeman, J. & B. Price, J. Hanley, l. Cornelius Jr.

33 Finish Line Coordinator & Officials Preparations & Duties C. Finish Line Officials Duties 1.Attend Officials’ meeting (if one scheduled) 2.Arrive at track at least one hour before your first event 3.Record finish times and order of finish in all races; assist in placing or relocating blocks for races 4.Keep the start/finish line clear of athletes, coaches, & spectators. Keep the area quiet for starts. 5.Instruct athletes to exit/refreshments/medical assistance as soon as race finishes 6.Use red and white flags to indicate to Starters if race is ready to be started USATF Best Practices (credit: G. Kleeman, J. & B. Price, J. Hanley, l. Cornelius Jr.

34 Finish Line Coordinator & Officials Preparations & Duties C. Finish Line Officials Duties 7.Operate the Laps to Go display for races 800m & over (outdoor) 400m & over (indoor) – flip to next lower number as leader enters the homestretch. Ring bell loudly on last lap for each runner; if multiple races are combined, ring bell for the leader of each original race. 8.Perform Lap Scoring duties 9.Be aware of oncoming athletes before you step onto the track or step across lanes 10.Be aware of throwing or jumping events in area adjacent to finish lines 11.If Referee reverses start direction due to weather, assist in relocation of necessary items 12.Help coordinate volunteers who are holding finish line tape; assist in identifying athletes for drug testing if needed USATF Best Practices (credit: G. Kleeman, J. & B. Price, J. Hanley, l. Cornelius Jr.

35 Finish Line Coordinator & Officials Preparations & Duties C. Finish Line Officials Duties 13.If not done by an Umpire call out lap times for races not starting at the common start/finish line 14.Collect Lap Scoring sheets; attach them with completed heat sheet results and submit accordingly 15.Be as invisible in the competition area as possible during TV events USATF Best Practices (credit: G. Kleeman, J. & B. Price, J. Hanley, l. Cornelius Jr.


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