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Published byEsmond Wood Modified over 9 years ago
1 Overview of the MYRRHA accelerator & presentation of the MAX project Jean-Luc BIARROTTE CNRS-IN2P3 / IPN Orsay, France EURATOM FP7 MAX project coordinator J-Luc Biarrotte, 1st Int. MYRRHA accelerator design review, Brussels, November 12th, 2012
2 1.Background 2.The MYRRHA accelerator concept2.The MYRRHA accelerator concept 3.Review of the MYRRHA linac design3.Review of the MYRRHA linac design J-Luc Biarrotte, 1st Int. MYRRHA accelerator design review, Brussels, November 12th, 2012
3 The MYRRHA project MYRRHA Project Multi-purpose hYbrid Research Reactor for High-tech Applications At Mol (Belgium) Development, construction & commissioning of a new large fast neutron research infrastructure to be operational in 2023 ADS demonstrator Fast neutron irradiation facility Pilot plant for LFR technology J-Luc Biarrotte, 1st Int. MYRRHA accelerator design review, Brussels, November 12th, 2012 See Introduction talk by H. Aït Abderrahim (SCKCEN)
4 The MYRRHA accelerator: background End 90’s: several collaborative R&D activities worldwide on ADS accelerators (APT/AAA, TRASCO, etc. w/ especially a CEA/CNRS/INFN collaboration) 2001: “The European roadmap for developing ADS for Nuclear Waste Incineration”, European Technical Working Group on ADS (chaired by C. Rubbia, ENEA) 2002: pre-design “Myrrha Draft 1” (cyclotron 350 MeV) J-Luc Biarrotte, 1st Int. MYRRHA accelerator design review, Brussels, November 12th, 2012 2002-2004: MYRRHA is studied as one of the 3 reactor designs within the PDS-XADS FP5 project (coord. Framatome/AREVA) (cyclotron turns into linac, first reliability analyses show a need for fault-tolerance capability)
5 The MYRRHA accelerator: background 2005: updated pre-design “Myrrha Draft 2” (linac 350 MeV) J-Luc Biarrotte, 1st Int. MYRRHA accelerator design review, Brussels, November 12th, 2012 2005-2010: MYRRHA is studied as the XT-ADS demo within the EUROTRANS FP6 project (coord. FZK) (600 MeV linac conceptual design, R&D activities w/ focus on reliability) 2010: MYRRHA is on the ESFRI list, and officially supported by the Belgium government at a 40% level (384M€, w/ 60M€ already engaged) 2010-2014: MYRRHA accelerator advanced design phase w/ support from the EURATOM FP7 projects (MAX especially) 2015-2019: possible construction phase 2020-2023: possible commissioning phase & progressive start-up
6 MYRRHA within EURATOM FP7: 2010-2014 FREYA GUINEVERE experiment SCK●CEN CDT Reactor design SCK●CEN MAX Accelerator design CNRS J-Luc Biarrotte, 1st Int. MYRRHA accelerator design review, Brussels, November 12th, 2012 See Conclusion talk by R. Garbil (EC)
7 The MAX project J-Luc Biarrotte, 1st Int. MYRRHA accelerator design review, Brussels, November 12th, 2012 MAX = “Myrrha Accelerator eXperiment, research & development programme” 3 years & coordinated by CNRS 2011 – 2012 – 2013 (February 2011 to January 2014) Goal of the project = support the transition from the EUROTRANS “conceptual design phase” to the MYRRHA pre-construction “engineering design phase” Pursue the R&D related to ADS-type accelerators, that request a “beyond the state-of-the-art” reliability level Follow up of FP5 PDS-XADS & FP6 EUROTRANS activities Fine-tune the design of the driver accelerator for the MYRRHA system To initiate a possible MYRRHA detailed engineering design & subsequent construction phase starting at the end of the MAX project Key data Call identifier: FP7-FISSION-2010 Collaborative Project – Small/medium-scale Focused (CP-FP) Project cost: 4.9 M€ total cost – 2.9 M€ EU contribution With a total involvement of about 300 p.m. (8 persons FTE) from 11 partners
8 The MAX project J-Luc Biarrotte, 1st Int. MYRRHA accelerator design review, Brussels, November 12th, 2012 WP1: Global accelerator design WP2: Injector developments WP3: Main linac developments WP4: System optimisation
9 1.Background1.Background 2. The MYRRHA accelerator concept 3.Review of the MYRRHA linac design3.Review of the MYRRHA linac design J-Luc Biarrotte, 1st Int. MYRRHA accelerator design review, Brussels, November 12th, 2012
10 MYRRHA as an ADS demonstrator Main features of the ADS demo 50-100 MWth power Highly-enriched MOX fuel Pb-Bi Eutectic coolant & target k eff around 0.95 in subcritical mode 600 MeV, 2.5 - 4 mA proton beam Demonstrate the physics and technology of an Accelerator Driven System (ADS) for transmuting long-lived radioactive waste Demonstrate the ADS concept (coupling accelerator + spallation source + power reactor) Demonstrate the transmutation (experimental assemblies) J-Luc Biarrotte, 1st Int. MYRRHA accelerator design review, Brussels, November 12th, 2012
11 Choice of the proton beam energy: 600 MeV Accelerator cost J-Luc Biarrotte, 1st Int. MYRRHA accelerator design review, Brussels, November 12th, 2012 Power density deposited in LBE
12 Choice of the proton beam current: 4mA Current / Energy / Sub-Criticity for a 80 MW therm ADS demo (simulation by ANSALDO) J-Luc Biarrotte, 1st Int. MYRRHA accelerator design review, Brussels, November 12th, 2012
13 MYRRHA proton beam requirements J-Luc Biarrotte, 1st Int. MYRRHA accelerator design review, Brussels, November 12th, 2012 Proton energy600 MeV Proton beam current2.5 mA (up to 4 mA for burn-up compensation) Allowed beam trip number (>3 sec)<10 per 3-month operation cycle Beam entry into the reactorVertically from above Beam stability on targetEnergy < ±1% Current < ±2% Position & size < ±10% Beam time structureTBD (CW with regular beam interruptions >200µs for k eff monitoring) High power proton beam (up to 2.4 MW) Extreme reliability level
14 The ADS reliability requirement Beam trips longer than 3 sec must be very rare: To limit thermal stress & fatigue on the target window, reactor structures & fuel assemblies To ensure a 80% availability – given the foreseen reactor start-up procedures J-Luc Biarrotte, 1st Int. MYRRHA accelerator design review, Brussels, November 12th, 2012 Present MYRRHA spécifications: 250h) – derived from the PHENIX reactor operation analysis Far above present HPPA accelerator performance – MTBF is a few hours at PSI or SNS Far above present ADS specifications in US or Japan – mainly based on simulations D. Vandeplassche, IPAC2012
15 The ADS reliability requirement In any case, reliability guidelines are needed for the ADS accelerator design: Strong design i.e. robust optics, simplicity, low thermal stress, operation margins… Redundancy (serial where possible, or parallel) to be able to tolerate failures Repairability (on-line where possible) and efficient maintenance schemes Beam trips longer than 3 sec must be very rare: To limit thermal stress & fatigue on the target window, reactor structures & fuel assemblies To ensure a 80% availability – given the foreseen reactor start-up procedures J-Luc Biarrotte, 1st Int. MYRRHA accelerator design review, Brussels, November 12th, 2012 Present MYRRHA spécifications: 250h) – derived from the PHENIX reactor operation analysis Far above present HPPA accelerator performance – MTBF is a few hours at PSI or SNS Far above present ADS specifications in US or Japan – based on simulations
16 Generic scheme of the European ADS accelerator Modular SC main linac Upgradeable concept (demo, transmuter) Independently-controlled elements The function of a missing element can be replaced by retuning adjacent elements (“FAULT-TOLERANCE”) Redundant injector Fault-tolerance is non applicable (β<0.15) Minimized number of elements Spare stand-by injector with fast switching capabilities J-Luc Biarrotte, 1st Int. MYRRHA accelerator design review, Brussels, November 12th, 2012
17 + Operational injector 1: RF + PS + beam ON Warm stand-by injector 2: RF+ PS ON, beam OFF (on FC) Initial configuration - The failure is localized in injector The switching magnet polarity is changed (~1s) + A failure is detected anywhere Beam is stopped in injector 1 by the Machine Protection System @t 0 - Beam is resumed Injector 2 operational (@t 1 < t 0 +3sec) Failed injector 1, to be repaired on-line if possible Need for an efficient fault diagnostic system ! Strategy for a fault case in the injector J-Luc Biarrotte, 1st Int. MYRRHA accelerator design review, Brussels, November 12th, 2012
18 A failure is detected anywhere → Beam is stopped by the MPS in injector at t 0 The fault is localized in a SC cavity RF loop → Need for an efficient fault diagnostic system New V/φ set-points are updated in cavities adjacent to the failed one → Set-points determined via virtual accelerator application and/or at the commissioning phase The failed cavity is detuned (to avoid the beam loading effect) → Using the Cold Tuning System Once steady state is reached, beam is resumed at t 1 < t 0 + 3sec → Failed RF cavity system to be repaired on-line if possible Fast fault-recovery procedure J-Luc Biarrotte, 1st Int. MYRRHA accelerator design review, Brussels, November 12th, 2012
19 1.Background1.Background 2.The MYRRHA accelerator concept2.The MYRRHA accelerator concept 3. Review of the MYRRHA linac design J-Luc Biarrotte, 1st Int. MYRRHA accelerator design review, Brussels, November 12th, 2012
20 Layout of the MYRRHA linac J-Luc Biarrotte, 1st Int. MYRRHA accelerator design review, Brussels, November 12th, 2012
21 Layout of the MYRRHA linac J-Luc Biarrotte, 1st Int. MYRRHA accelerator design review, Brussels, November 12th, 2012
22 WP1 – Global accelerator design J-Luc Biarrotte, 1st Int. MYRRHA accelerator design review, Brussels, November 12th, 2012 H. Klein (IAP): MYRRHA injector design (Monday 11:00) J-L. Biarrotte (CNRS): SC linac design & associated MEBT (Monday 11:35) F. Bouly (CNRS): Beam tolerance to RF faults (Monday 14:30) L. Perrot (CNRS): High-energy beam lines (Monday 12:10) from the CDT work D. Uriot (CEA): Instrumentation & operation aspects (Monday 15:00)
23 WP2 – Injector developments J-Luc Biarrotte, 1st Int. MYRRHA accelerator design review, Brussels, November 12th, 2012 C. Zhang (IAP): Injector layout & beam dynamics (Monday 15:50) H. Podlech (IAP): Cavity development for MYRRHA (Monday 16:25) D. Vandeplassche (SCKCEN): MYRRHA injector at UCL (Monday 17:00) → towards a MYRRHA R&D platform
24 WP3 – Main linac developments J-Luc Biarrotte, 1st Int. MYRRHA accelerator design review, Brussels, November 12th, 2012 H. Saugnac (CNRS): Spoke cryomodule design (Tuesday 08:30) R. Paparella (INFN): SC elliptical cavities design & associated R&D (Tuesday 09:05) F. Bouly (CNRS): Fault-recovery procedures & associated R&D (Tuesday 09:40)
25 WP4 – System optimisation J-Luc Biarrotte, 1st Int. MYRRHA accelerator design review, Brussels, November 12th, 2012 N. Chevalier (ACS): Cryogenic system for the MYRRHA linac (Tuesday 10:30) D. Vandeplassche (SCKCEN): RF and control aspects (Tuesday 11:05) A. Pitigoï (EA): Reliability analysis (Tuesday 11:35) L. Medeiros (SCKCEN): Conclusion (Tuesday 13:50) → Roadmap towards MYRRHA accelerator construction
26 Charge to the review: Q/A Q: What is the goal of the MAX Euratom FP7 project (Feb 11 – Jan 14)? Deliver a consolidated reference layout of the MYRRHA linac in 2014 so as to initiate its engineering design and subsequent construction phase Q: What is the goal of this MYRRHA linac review ? Review, at MAX mid-project, the design choices and the technical progress made so far and give recommendations for the forthcoming activities Q: What documentation does the review team need to consider ? Because we have no fully consistent TDR-like document yet, the review is to be made on the basis of the slides shown at the meeting. Nevertheless, possibly useful additional documentation has also been made available. o EUROTRANS final report on XT-ADS accelerator design (March 2010) o Already issued MAX deliverables: Project presentation (March 2011), Detailed work programme (April 2011), Cryogenic analysis (Jan 2012), Injector conceptual design (Fev 2012) o CDT deliverables on: Myrrha HEBT design (Feb 2012) and instrumentation needs (March 2012) J-Luc Biarrotte, 1st Int. MYRRHA accelerator design review, Brussels, November 12th, 2012
27 Charge to the review: Q/A Q: On which specific points should the review team focus in particular ? Besides a critical analysis (Findings/Comments/Recommendations) of the various technical contributions, we would like the review team to answer specifically to the following questions: 1)May the adopted general philosophy and methodology lead to the design of a highly reliable accelerator? 2)Are the different design choices appropriate for such a machine? 3)Is the R&D programme coherent, adequately focused and efficient at this stage of the project? 4)In a more global view, what should be the essential points of concern for the MYRRHA project team in the two following years (2013-2014) to prepare for the accelerator construction? J-Luc Biarrotte, 1st Int. MYRRHA accelerator design review, Brussels, November 12th, 2012
28 Thank You for your kind involvement ! J-Luc Biarrotte, 1st Int. MYRRHA accelerator design review, Brussels, November 12th, 2012
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