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SIT WHEREVER YOU WOULD LIKE. Page 28 CHAPTER 2  Go over our homework SA8  Share our Tower of Babel account. FIRST THING FIRST.

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2 Page 28 CHAPTER 2

3  Go over our homework SA8  Share our Tower of Babel account. FIRST THING FIRST

4  Study your vocabulary.  Study SA8  Your quiz will not be EXTREMELY hard this time around but I do expect you to know your vocab.  AP/H study ALL of your vocabulary what you did over the summer and then the few words we added to our list in class. WHAT WILL BE ON YOUR QUIZ

5  Gen. 10:6-32 The descendents of Noah spread throughout the earth.  Then the Tower of Babel happened which confused the people and they spread farther apart.  By 3000 BC people (from Shem and Ham) had settled between the Euphrates and Tigris river WHAT WILL WE STUDY NEXT?


7  Mesopotamia (Sumaria and Amorite)  Egypt  Canaan (Lebanon, Syria, Jordan and Israel)  Eastern Empires (Assyria, Chaldea and Persia) THE ANCIENT WORLD

8  Summer was about a dozen city-states that had no political unity.  Similar culture is what linked them together.  They fought with themselves ALL the time.  The believed that their cities belonged to the gods (polytheists).  That means that places of worship was considered the center of education, government and trade. MESOPOTAMIA

9  Sumerians form of writing (the earliest form of writing that we know of).  Also students would learn the Samarian numerical system- a system based not on ten like our system but on sixty. CUNEIFORM (KYOO-NEE UH FORM)

10  Farming was a major occupation.  They built canals and other irrigation systems to water their crops.  The most outstanding example of Sumerian architecture are the temple towers called Ziggurats (ZIG uh RATS). WAY OF LIFE

11  Came to power in the city-state Kish.  He conquered other city-states and established the first empire that we know of today.  He made the city of Akkad his capital.  His empire was called the Akkadian Empire.  During this time many people began to view the kings as gods.  About a century after Sargon I died a new city rose to power the city-state of Ur. SARGON I

12  This city-state may be the same city state mentioned in Genesis 11:31. (the birthplace of Abraham)  The city of Ur was a city with many gods and they did not follow Christianity.  Weakened by war the city will fall to the Amorites invaders. Ending the strong civilization that was known as Sumaria. UR

13  The Sumerian civilization had died out.  Though, historians can see their influences on such civilizations like the Amorites, Hittites, Assyrians and even the Persians who used cuneiform as their own written language.  Even today we use Sumerian inventions: the wheel, the division of a circle into 360 degrees, the division of hours and minutes into sixty unites. BY 2000 BC

14  Hammurabi (1795?-1750 BC) was the 6 th king of the Amorites. He united the Mesopotamia land.  He is best known for his code of laws. HE DID NOT write these laws himself but he did collect and organized laws of the land to make up one large law book.  The Amorites had their own account of a flood called the Epic of Gilgamesh ( a good example of Babylonian literature).  Do you think there are other accounts of the Flood in other religions? AMORITE

15  Trade in gold, silver, tin an textiles.  Worked with algebra, geometry and astronomy.  They attempted to interpret human events and destiny by practice astrology.  After the leadership of Hammurabi (he dies) the Amorite kingdom declined AMORITE ACCOMPLISHMENTS

16 Answer the questions as best you can in just 8 minutes! SECTION QUIZ

17  Egypt was not what it is today. It followed the Nile River, therefore it was just a narrow strip of land.  It was divided into Upper and lower Egypt.  Without the Nile Egypt would have been a desert waste land. But the Nile provide it with the irrigation it needed to sustain a civilization.  The people of Egypt were descendants of Mizriam the son of Ham. (The Hebrews called Egypt Mizriam (Gen. 50:11))  A man named Menes (MEE neez) united the two lands and ruled from a capital called “White Walls” EGYPT

18 Old KingdomMiddle KingdomNew Kingdom EGYPT’S HISTORY

19  Social structure was shaped like a pyramid. CULTURE OF EGYPT

20  Most Egyptians were poor but anyone from a lower class could move up to a higher class if the pharaoh allowed it.  Women were especially favored in their society.  They wrote with hieroglyphics.  Created a paper from papyrus.  Built pyramids.  Were advanced in astronomy and medicines CONT.


22  With one other person share your notes from our readings yesterday. If you find something you do not have or feel is important go ahead and write it down. These are notes not graded points….(just participation)  APH: Share your focus questions from the additional readings with another APH student. CANAAN

23  Open to pages 46.  See if you can answer the questions using your graphic organizer from the section….if not use your textbook.  APH: Discussion about your focus questions. Today I want you to brake into three small groups. The 10 th grade girls will be the leader of each group.  We all will only have 15 minutes! SECTION QUIZ

24  Assyrians built the largest empire that the world had seen to that point.  They used the previous Mesopotamian cultures: gods, language, art, architecture, science and literature were all adapted from Sumerian and Amorite cultures.  Their military was very strong. They had iron weapons, siege towers, battering rams, and war chariots. They also had almost every kind of solider, from foot to cavalry. They were strong!  They earned a reputation for fierceness and cruelty. ASSYRIAN EMPIRE

25  Under Tiglathpileser (TIG lath puh LEE zer) they captured the Aramean capital of Damascus.  10yrs later (722 BC) they were led by Sargon II, destroyed Samaria and took captive the ten northern tribes of Israel (2 Kings 17).  They also went into Egypt and took a lot of the territory. VICTORIES

26  They became to big, their pride also grew.  They attempted to take Jerusalem.  Sennacherib (sih Nak er IB) was the ruler at that time.  Jerusalem was stronger.  Christian historians believe that Jerusalem was protected by angels who fought for them. WHAT HAPPENED?

27  In the book of Jonah we see Jonah going to the city of Nineveh. This city was part of the Assyrian kingdom.  It talks of them being wicked but turning to God.  However, they will turn back to wickedness later on.  They will be defeated in 612BC by Chaldean and Median armies bringing the Assyrian Empire to an end. NINEVEH


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