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Training Exercise #3 Use the Design CoPilot to find a list of CFR 14 Part 25 Regulations that pertain to display-related fatigue.

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Presentation on theme: "Training Exercise #3 Use the Design CoPilot to find a list of CFR 14 Part 25 Regulations that pertain to display-related fatigue."— Presentation transcript:

1 Training Exercise #3 Use the Design CoPilot to find a list of CFR 14 Part 25 Regulations that pertain to display-related fatigue.

2 To find information related to display-related fatigue we could either search the Topics list for the term ‘fatigue’ or … …we could enter the term into the search box at the bottom left. For this example, we will use the search box.

3 Type in the word ‘fatigue’ and click on the ‘Search’ button.

4 A Results Summary is provided for your search here in the main viewer. The Search Results are also broken out in these 3 Results Panes. Let’s start by focusing our search here on the Recommended HFCs for Displays. Click to expand the list of HFCs.

5 Here we have a list of 4 Display-related Human Factors Considerations (HFCs) that address fatigue. It appears the most relevant HFC will be “Display characteristics do not induce fatigue”. We will click on that title to access the summary information for that HFC.

6 We are now able to see the Overview page for this HFC. This page includes a list of all of the summary pages available for this HFC. For this example, we are looking for Part 25 Regulations addressing pilot fatigue. So let’s select the link to the summary page entitled ‘Part 25 – Relevant Regulations’

7 This page provides a list of all of the Part 25 Regulations that were identified by our Human Factors team as being related to display design and pilot fatigue. The full text of each Regulation paragraph is provided. Finding the Regulations provided on this page completes one approach to solving this exercise. This page of Relevant Regulation paragraphs can be printed or copied and pasted to the Design CoPilot My Notes page or to a separate Word Processing application. Now, we will walk through a second approach to finding fatigue-related Regulations using some of the other search results provided.

8 The bottom right display pane provides a list of Regulations that contain the term ‘fatigue’. This pane can be resized by clicking on and pulling the pane borders.

9 Let’s zoom in on these results a bit more to take a closer look at the specific Regulations that are listed.

10 When reviewing this list of Regulations, note that this approach provides many results that do not directly apply to pilot fatigue and display design. All of the Regulations listed do include the term ‘fatigue’ but the majority of these are addressing fatigue in the mechanical/structural sense for aircraft materials rather than fatigue in the sense of human physiology. Also, if there any Regulations that address fatigue-related issues without actually including the term ‘fatigue’, these would not be listed here. Sec.25.771 looks like it might address pilot fatigue rather than structural fatigue. Let’s click on the title to see the full text of the Regulation.

11 After selecting Regulation Sec. 25.771 from the list of Text String Matches we can view the full text of the Regulation here.

12 As you can see there are a variety of methods that may be used to find information in the Design CoPilot. The best method to use will depend on the exact nature of the information search you are conducting. In this case we were able to find a more relevant list of Regulations by referencing the Recommended HFC summaries rather than by using the Text String Match Results. However, at other times, the Text String Match Results may be more effective.

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