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CWIC Open Search Best Practices Doug Newman (NASA ECHO) CEOS WGISS-37 April 15th 2014 Presenter: Archie Warnock (A/WWW Enterprises)

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Presentation on theme: "CWIC Open Search Best Practices Doug Newman (NASA ECHO) CEOS WGISS-37 April 15th 2014 Presenter: Archie Warnock (A/WWW Enterprises)"— Presentation transcript:

1 CWIC Open Search Best Practices Doug Newman (NASA ECHO) CEOS WGISS-37 April 15th 2014 Presenter: Archie Warnock (A/WWW Enterprises)

2 Goals 1.To facilitate the discovery and access of Earth Science data across a range of disparate global data providers (CWIC 101) 2.Achieve goal 1 as simply as possible To achieve this we, Leverage the OpenSearch standard Leverage the IDN dataset metadata repository Leverage CWIC granule access Exploit the 2-step discovery process via IDN and CWIC Develop a sound methodology that can be reused by other Earth Data OpenSearch implementations. Our ‘Best Practices’

3 The CWIC best practices 1.Conform to the Open Search Specification 2.Conform to the OGC Specification 3.Take pertinent ideas from ESIP best practices 4.Add our own recommendations Such as, Make best attempt at coercing clients to provide client ids Extend ESIP ‘two step’ idea to link IDN dataset and CWIC granule searching Embrace hypermedia Navigation by ‘self’, ‘next’, ‘prev’ Media types Achieve a ‘programmatic client’ where possible. Relevance Utilizing the parameter extension for better clarity of service Spatial (MBR) and temporal (Dublin Core) extent representation

4 How it works

5 Visualization (1 of 2) HTTP GET Request IDN dataset OSDD HTTP Response Atom Entry 1 Metadata Link Data Link Search Link Documentation Link Atom Entry 2 Metadata Link Data Link Search Link Documentation Link Atom Entry 5 Metadata Link Data Link Search Link Documentation Link Atom Entry 3 Metadata Link Data Link Search Link Documentation Link Atom Entry 4 Metadata Link Data Link Search Link Documentation Link ATOM Feed

6 Visualization (2 of 2) HTTP GET Request CWIC OSDD IDN HTTP Response Atom Entry 1 Metadata Link Data Link Search Link Documentation Link Atom Entry 2 Metadata Link Data Link Search Link Documentation Link Dataset ATOM Feed CWIC HTTP Response Atom Entry 1 Metadata Link Data Link Search Link Documentation Link Atom Entry 2 Metadata Link Data Link Search Link Documentation Link Granule ATOM Feed

7 Open Search Descriptor Document ‘We essentially ignore everything except the URL element’ Chris Lynnes, ESIP Winter 2014 IDN - one OSDD exposing CWIC datasets (dynamic*) CWIC one OSDD for general granule queries one OSDD per dataset (dynamic*) for IDN coupling Obtain OSDD by URL with mandatory client id parameter Exercising draft 2 of the Open Search parameter extension * Dynamic with respect to client id HTTP GET domain/opensearch/resource(s)/descriptor_document.xml?clientId=d

8 Request (1 of 2) HTTP GET protocoldomaincontextformatmethodresourcequery parameter

9 Request (2 of 2) HTTP GET domain/opensearch/resource(s).atom Free text os:searchTerms datasets.atom?searchTerms=MODIS Spatial geo:box, (geo:geometry) granules.atom?box=-180.0,-90.0,180.0,90.0 granules.atom?geometry=POINT (-5 -5) granules.atom?geometry=LINESTRING (5 5, 4 4) granules.atom?geometry=POLYGON ((30 10, 10 20, 40 40, 30 10)) Temporal time:startTime, time:endTime datasets.atom?startTime=2001-01-01T22:00:00Z datasets.atom?endTime=2001-01-01T22:00:00Z Traversal os:startPage, os:count granules.atom?startPage=1&count=10

10 Response (1 of 3) Navigation - paging 3404 10 2

11 Response (2 of 3) Navigation – to granule search … escriptorDocument?datasetId=1234&clientId=d … …

12 Response (3 of 3) Content ID – URI Spatial Extent – MBR bounding box -1.05426 104.36788 1.04721 106.41068 Temporal Extent – Dublin Core date 2014-01-14T03:11:45Z/2014-01-14T03:12:17Z Links – Data: – Metadata: – Browse: – Documentation: – Alternate:

13 Findings (1 of 2)

14 Findings (2 of 2) ‘Programmatic client’ was achieved Best practices are sound based on the above achievement IDN and CWIC coupling was a hurdle but it was not insurmountable CwicSmart provides an intuitive, user-friendly interface despite being OSDD driven Resource type is missing from the Best Practices ‘you are searching for granules!’ CwicSmart and Earthdata OpenSearch implementations other than IDN/CWIC ECHO – yes Other ESIP implementations – ? OGC implementations - ? Preservation of parameters between APIs required work OSDD to User Interface rendering takes less than a second Geometry input rendering requires some work (future iteration)


16 Questions

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