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19th century infant mortality decline in the Nordic countries 2003 Association for History and Computing Conference University of Tromsø Gunnar Thorvaldsen.

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Presentation on theme: "19th century infant mortality decline in the Nordic countries 2003 Association for History and Computing Conference University of Tromsø Gunnar Thorvaldsen."— Presentation transcript:

1 19th century infant mortality decline in the Nordic countries 2003 Association for History and Computing Conference University of Tromsø Gunnar Thorvaldsen Registreringssentral for historiske data

2 Deceased 0-1 years by 100 live births Infant mortality in a number of countries 1801-1900


4 Infant mortality in Sweden 1848-1852

5 Infant mortality in Norway 1856-60

6 IMR in Norway 1876-80

7 Denmark 1850-54

8 x

9 Infant mortality in northern Finland, Sweden and Norway around 1860

10 IMR around 1920

11 IMR by province

12 CDR and IMR

13 Norway and Sweden

14 Percent of live births 1876-1898 Source: Johannessen (1902) Dead 0-1 in Norway by age in months

15 Dead aged 0-1 in Norway 1876-1898 relative to live births The country RuralTowns Legitimate Illegitimate Black: boys Red: girls

16 Dead infants by month of year 1894-97

17 References Denmark:Anne Løkke, Døden i barndommen, København: 1998 Iceland: Òlöf Garðarsdottir: Saving the Child. Regional, cultural and socio- economic aspects of the infant mortality decline in Iceland 1820-1940, 2002 Finland: Kari J. Pitkänen, ”Infant Mortality Decline in a Changing Society,” in Yearbook of Population Research in Finland 1983, 46-74. Sweden: Sören Edvinsson, Marie C Nelson, John Rogers: Dying Young. Swedish infant and childhood mortality in review. Hygiea Internationalis. Norway: Rural infant mortality in nineteenth century Norway. Hygiea Internationalis: Classic work on neonatology:



20 Wetnurse

21 A History of the Breast


23 Iceland 1920 Survival in days of breast-fed and artificially fed infants in a fishing village in Iceland 1915-1925

24 Biometric test - Norway

25 Causes of death

26 IMR, ethnicity and strata Anders Brändström, Demographic Database, Umeå


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