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Observations at the Lampedusa supersite P. Formenti, A. G. di Sarra, and the ChArMex Lampedusa team.

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Presentation on theme: "Observations at the Lampedusa supersite P. Formenti, A. G. di Sarra, and the ChArMex Lampedusa team."— Presentation transcript:

1 Observations at the Lampedusa supersite P. Formenti, A. G. di Sarra, and the ChArMex Lampedusa team

2 2 Centre National des Recherches Météorologiques

3 ERS MNC LMP 35.5°N, 12.6°E

4 Station Airport 2 km 10 km Bare soil with practically no vegetation (very low and sparse bushes)

5 Scientific objectives Characterise the aerosol physico-chemical properties in the central West Mediterranean Estimate their optical properties used in radiative transfer calculationsale

6 Configuration of the Lampedusa super-site during the ChArMex SOP1 PEGASUS Observatory PEGASUS Laboratory Terrace for radiometric measurements AERONET terrace

7 Aerosol and gas inlets LISA wind-orientable HI-VOL aerosol inlets (PM40) Certified aerosol inlets (TSP) Gaz sampling line

8 Aerosol chemical composition Filter/impactor sampling Particle-into-liquid sampler (PILS) Aerosol mass spectrometer (AMS) Inorganic and organic bulk and size-segregated composition (> 24h resolution) Inorganic and organic bulk ionic composition (< 1h resolution) Inorganic and organic composition (< 1h resolution)

9 Aerosol physico-optical properties Particle scattering 3- nephelometer Particle size distribution (SMPS) CCN chamber Particle size distribution (APS) Water CPC + Particle absorption (7- Aethalometer and 1- MAAP) Particle size distribution (GRIMM OPC)

10 VOCs (Airmovoc) O 3, No x, SO 2 (HORIBA) CO/CO 2 (PICARRO) Gaz concentrations

11 Two lidar systems Daytime and nighttime aerosol backscattering and depolarization profiles at 532 and 1064 nm Daytime aerosol backscattering and depolarization profiles at 355 nm See Di Iorio presentation

12 See di Sarra presentation

13 Frequent moderate to strong NNW winds Two anticyclonic periods associated to light ESE winds (Jun 14-22 and Jul 1-3) Passage of 2 cyclonic systems (Jun 5-9), with a surface dust episode

14 Surface wind speed and direction distribution June – July long-term mean Campaign 2013

15 No local pollution Relatively high ozone levels (reduced diurnal cycle) Pulses of SO2, lasting up to few hours

16 Particle scattering driven by wind speed and direction

17 Relation to particle mass

18 Relation to particle composition

19 Mass concentration, scatteringChloride

20 Submicron particle concentration

21 f44 vs f43 organic fraction f44 representative of the organic acids (-COOH) f43 linked to non-acid oxygenated species, dominated by the C2H3O+ fragments → Highly oxidized aerosol

22 Selected cases 17-23 June: pollution aerosols 9 June: mineral dust 25 June: marine aerosols

23 SO 2 peaks 17 June 2013: low to moderate SE winds EC/OC = 0.30 (0.04) SSA (550 nm) = 0.79-0.82

24 Data being recovered 21 June 2013 EC/OC = 0.19 (0.02) SE winds N winds SSA (550 nm) = 0.89SSA (550 nm) = 0.93

25 Heavy fuel combustion V/Ni ~ 2.3–4.5 exhausts of different auxiliary ship engines Nigam et al., 2006) V/Ni ~ 3 power plant and oil refinery emissions (Pandolfi et al., 2011).

26 17-20/06/2013

27 25 June – high N winds EC/OC = ---- SSA (550 nm) = 0.95

28 9 June MODIS Aqua – 12:35 UTC

29 9 June : dust transport EC/OC = ---- SSA (550 nm) = 0.86 SSA (550 nm) = 0.92

30 In correspondence of ATR-42 flights

31 22 June 201328 June 2013 B GB G R R 80 40 120 50 1.2 1.6 0.8 1.6

32 02 July 2013 03 July 2013 B G R 40 25 120 B G R 40 20 1.2 1.6 1.5 1.6

33 Aircraft overpasses Day22 June28 June02 July03 July Wind direction North South-eastSouth Wind speed ~5~7~5~3 Fine # (cm-3 SMPS) ----45005000 Fine mode diameter (nm, SMPS) ----80 70 Coarse # (cm-3, APS) ~ 5 ~ 4~10 Coarse mode diameter (µm, APS) 1.21.1 0.6 Green scatt (Mm-1) 504030 Angstrom exponent 1.4-

34 Plans and objectives Finalise the study of the chemical composition (various size fractions, soluble, unsoluble…) Various papers –General description of the field campaign, time trends before the end of the year

35 Anthropogenic source Correlation Sulfate / trace metals (V, Ni, Co)  combustion


37 Associated with NOx (no NO) Aged pollution Anticorrelated with O3 Isolated SO2 plumes

38 Variability of aerosol type Northerly winds Wind speed < 5 m s-1 Mass conc ~40 µg m-3 Northerly winds Wind speed > 15 m s-1 Mass conc ~80 µg m-3 High sulfate High chloride

39 Mean and anomalies during the SOP Pressure higher than normal in Central and Western Mediterranean, lower than normal in Eastern Mediterranean Sea level pressure Anomalies

40 Mean and anomalies during the SOP Negative anomaly of meridional wind component: northerly winds more frequent than normal, hence lower temperatures Meridional wind speed Anomalies

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