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How To Play Semut, Orang, Gajah DIMYANNAH AND BAILEY.

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2 How To Play Semut, Orang, Gajah DIMYANNAH AND BAILEY

3 This Game Is Played In Sumatra

4 Semut, Orang, Gajah is the same way as playing the American version of Rock, Paper, Scissors.

5 Number of players needed 2. Ages 3 and up.

6 Players pump their fist up and down to the count of 3

7 On four they straighten their arm and put their pinky out, thumb out, or their pointer finger out.

8 The pinky means ant, the thumb means elephant, and the pointer finger means man.

9 The elephant beats man because the elephant is stronger.

10 The man beats ant because the man can step on it and squish it.

11 The ant beats the elephant because the ant crawls up the elephants ear and bites it.

12 If the players make the same sign they go again.

13 You and your partner play 3 rounds. The player who gets the most wins in 3 rounds wins.

14 Sumet, Orang, Gajah is a great little game to play with family and friends.


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