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Week Two Entrance/Exit Tickets. Make Up Exit Ticket From 1/10/14 Use the ACE strategy for the following questions. 1. In the chapter “The Letter” what.

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Presentation on theme: "Week Two Entrance/Exit Tickets. Make Up Exit Ticket From 1/10/14 Use the ACE strategy for the following questions. 1. In the chapter “The Letter” what."— Presentation transcript:

1 Week Two Entrance/Exit Tickets

2 Make Up Exit Ticket From 1/10/14 Use the ACE strategy for the following questions. 1. In the chapter “The Letter” what does Marjane realize is the cause for the revolution and how does this make her feel?

3 Monday 1/13/2014 Entrance Ticket 1.Why was Marjane’s uncle arrested? a.Because he consumed alcohol. b.Due to his abandoning his wife c.His involvement in the revolution and his time in Russia made him appear to be to progressive d.His behavior was deemed unacceptable for an Islamic nation and he was therefore arrested and 2.What was suspicious about Mohsen’s death? a.It was an accident. b.He was executed in prison c.He drowned even though he was an accomplished swimmer d.He was found drowned in the bath tub, but only his head was submerged. 3. Why was Taji traumatized and couldn’t get out of bed for days? a.She lost her wallet b.She discovered her mother was ill c.She was harassed by two fundamentalist men for not wearing the veil d.She was almost for not wearing the veil.

4 Monday 1/13/2014 Exit Ticket 1.Where did the family travel for vacation? a.Italy and Spain b.U.S.A and Canada c.France and Portugal d.Greece and Turkey 2. Why did the family go on vacation? a.To avoid being arrested b.To avoid the violence and because they feared soon they would not be allowed to take vacations. c.To Visit family that had fled Iran d.To visit Taji’s mother. 3. Why did Mali and her family go to Marjane’s house? a.To deliver jewelry to Marjane’s mother b.To drop off her two sons for a few days. c.In order todiscuss the next demonstration and plan their attendance. d.Because they are displaced due to a bombing of a factory.

5 Tuesday 1/14/14 Entrance Ticket 1.Why were the universities closed a.Because of the shortage of teachers. b.Because the schools were not teaching fundamental Islamic beliefs. c.Because the schools had been co-ed. d.Because of the riots and demonstrations in the area. 2.When did Marjane realize that her dad loved their country as much as she did? a.When he cheered after 140 Iranian bombers attacked Baghdad. b.When he started dressing in a more fundamental manner. c.When he sang the Iranian revolution. 3. Why was the class moved so much by Pardisse’s report. a.Because she had done the most research. b.She included graphics and specific examples. c.She wrote a letter to her father about his heroism. d.Because she wrote the longest report.

6 Tuesday 1/1/14 Exit Ticket  Use the ACE strategy to answer the following question. 1. Why was Mali insulted by two women in the supermarket? Be sure to follow ACE carefully and include specific details.

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