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Science – lesson #5 what group of organisms is the most numerous ? Outcomes ( 205-7) and (300-18)

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Presentation on theme: "Science – lesson #5 what group of organisms is the most numerous ? Outcomes ( 205-7) and (300-18)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Science – lesson #5 what group of organisms is the most numerous ? Outcomes ( 205-7) and (300-18)

2 What is an arthropod ?  article/_0/arthropods_01 article/_0/arthropods_01  What are characteristics common to arthropods ?

3 Vocabulary to know  Arthropod: an animal that has an exoskeleton and three or more pairs of jointed legs  Exoskeleton: a hard outside covering of an animal that has no skeleton inside its body  Identification key : a set of questions, descriptions, and/or pictures that guide you through a process of identifying an organism.

4 Who are they ?  Arthropod means “jointed foot”  They have a hard external skeleton covering the whole body ( including legs)  And a segmented body  Arthropods might be lobsters, centipedes spiders and insects

5 adaptations  One of the reasons there are so many of them is the adaptations to their environments.  They live almost anywhere  Exoskeletons protect them from enemies and prevent moisture loss ( they shed their exoskeletons and grow new ones)

6 How to sort them out (classify)  Since there are so many kinds of arthropods scientist use an identification key to sort them out.  If you compare descriptions with the organism you are observing you refine your search and narrow down to a single species or class.  Turn to page 18 in the student book, read the opening paragraph and then the questions in the exploration.

7 Questions for identification key  How many legs ?  What are their bodies like ?  How many body sections do they have ?  Do they have eyes ? How many ?  Do they have antennae ? How many ?  What other structure do they have ?

8 Hard exoskeleton ? With  Butterfly  Bee  Dragon fly  Scorpion  Centipede  Snail  Grasshopper  Crab  Ant  spider without  Worm

9 Number of legs ? 3 pair or moreLess than 3

10 # of body sections ? Three or moreLess than 3

11 Eyes ? Antennae? Two or morenone

12 In your groups…  Use the arthropod samples and pictures provided for your group.  Make up charts using the identification key ( the questions) to classify your samples.  Each person hands in his/her own chart/table

13 Done ? Try these  e/arthropodstory e/arthropodstory  htm htm  cience/ocr_gateway/understanding_environ ment/classificationrev3.shtml cience/ocr_gateway/understanding_environ ment/classificationrev3.shtml  No net book ? Look on page 20 and classify those creatures.

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