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Empires of Mesopotamia 3500 BCE to 530 BCE. Geography The land between two rivers (Tigris and Euphrates Modern day Iraq South was a flat flood plain with.

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Presentation on theme: "Empires of Mesopotamia 3500 BCE to 530 BCE. Geography The land between two rivers (Tigris and Euphrates Modern day Iraq South was a flat flood plain with."— Presentation transcript:

1 Empires of Mesopotamia 3500 BCE to 530 BCE

2 Geography The land between two rivers (Tigris and Euphrates Modern day Iraq South was a flat flood plain with unpredictable floods. The upside was rich fertile land. North was more mountainous with resources of Iron, wood, gold and silver

3 Southern Iraq - Kish

4 Sumer3500 - 1900 Migrated from the northeast (Iran) Established independent city-states (Define) Ur would be the largest city-state at 24 000 people The city-states of Sumer would unite under Etana of Kish. Their success made them attractive to outsiders. Enter Sargon the Great.

5 Sumerian Ziggurat


7 Sargon The Great

8 Sargon 2340-2305 Came from Semetic tribes in the mountains He would rule over all of Sumerian and would conquer from the Persian Gulf to Egypt.

9 Sumerian Empire

10 Technology Cuneiform- first written language using wedges and symbols. The wheel – used chariots for warfare Math based on the number 60 The oldest piece of literature – The Epic of Gilgamesh The shoulder yoke for using animals to plough fields


12 Babylonia With the death of Sargon, Sumer would fight for power. This made them weak and open to invasion. The Amorites were a Tribe from the west (Syria) The First great king was Hammurabi (1792- 1750). He created the first codified system of law. The Babylonians were seen as great traders, trading as far away as India and Egypt. After Hammurabi there came a series of invasions. The Hittites from Turkey, Indo Europeans from Russia and the Kassites from the east.


14 King Hammurabi

15 Assyria 1300-609 Capital is Ashur Sargon II attacks Israel (722) Esarhaddon captures Egypt Ashurbanipal is their greatest ruler A violent war like people who ruled through fear Built the Palace of Nineveh, a library with 22000 clay tablets, sewage system, and a postal service.

16 Palace of Nineveh

17 Ashurbanipal


19 Neo-Babylonia- Chaldea Combined forces with the Medes to defeat Assyria. Great ruler was King Nebuchadnezzar. It is said that he built the Hanging Gardens of Babylon. Turned Babylon into a great walled city. Nebuchadnezzar would crush Jerusalem, destroy the Temple and force the Hebrews into slavery. Belshazzar would be the last King of the Mesopotamians. Cyrus the Great would establish the mighty Persian Empire.

20 Hanging Gardens

21 Ishstar Gate

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