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Ancient Mesopotamia Katarina Montoya | Mrs.Crain | 6 th Grade.

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1 Ancient Mesopotamia Katarina Montoya | Mrs.Crain | 6 th Grade

2 History Ancient Mesopotamia was a civilization that existed from 3500B.C to 2000A.D. One of the seven wonders of the world in Mesopotamia included the Hanging Gardens, created by King Nebuchadnezzer II.

3 Society Structure In Mesopotamia there were different classes. They needed social classes beacause every civilization needs order. If there was no social classes than there would be no one to tell anyone what to do.

4 Pioneers of… 1 st civilization 1 st irrigation system 1 st laws 1 st written language

5 Geography Mesopotamia is located in middle eastern, modern day Iraq. Mesopotamia means “between two rivers” because it is literally between two rivers, the Euphrates and Tigris rivers. Having two rivers nearby was very helpful for trade and for traveling.

6 Goverment The Mesopotamia empire was made up of the Sumerian, Akkadian, Babylonian, Assyrain, and the Persian Empires. All of these empires had different leaders or kings.

7 Language Mesopotamia created the first written language, Cuneiform. Cuneiform is wedge- shaped marks on clay tablets. They created Cuneiform because they needed to keep track of buissness papers.

8 Religion People in Mesopotamia believed in many different kinds of gods, their main gods included Earth, Water, Air, and the Heavans. In every city there was a ziggurat honoring their religion or leaders.

9 Crops/Food The fertile soil in Mesopotamia allowed crops to be grown very well. The main crops were barley and wheat. Mesopotamia also had gardens that grew peas, beans, lentils, and vegatables such as, cucumbres, leeks, lettuce, garlic, and fruit such as, grapes, apples, melons, and figs.


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