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International Business : Challenges in a Changing World International Business: Challenges in a Changing World Guided tour.

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1 International Business : Challenges in a Changing World International Business: Challenges in a Changing World Guided tour

2 International Business : Challenges in a Changing World Introduction Welcome to the guided tour of the book. This PowerPoint presentation will take you through: –The structure and content of the book –Pedagogical features –Online support materials. A sample chapter is available to download from

3 International Business : Challenges in a Changing World But first… What is so unique about International Business? International approach including extensive discussion of emerging and developing economies, and country focus features drawn from an exceptional range of countries (South Korea, South Africa, Slovakia, Switzerland, Sweden, Singapore... ) Outstanding author-written case studies covering a broad range of enterprises (including Heineken, Royal Dutch Shell, YouTube, Gazprom... ) and supported by followup questions to promote discussion and understanding of IB in practice ‘This text fulfils the need for broader awareness of the international dimension of enterprises competing and managing in the global economy. That so much of the book consists of active learning features is remarkable: the wealth of examples covers business issues that are typically international, very much like our student intake.’ – Etienne Bresch, London Metropolitan Business School, UK ‘‘

4 International Business : Challenges in a Changing World … and there’s more Focus on contemporary global issues to equip tomorrow’s managers to deal with the strategic and operational implications of globalization, corporate social responsibility, ethics, global governance, climate change, human wellbeing and development issues Critical approach enabling readers to reflect on key issues from diverse social and cultural perspectives Completely up-to-date, fresh angle with integrated coverage of current issues throughout Strong coverage of SMEs and entrepreneurship to reflect the growing role of these businesses, and how they interact with international networks, state-owned organizations and multinationals

5 International Business : Challenges in a Changing World ‘An outstanding text in international management education. It has a strong and comprehensive profile in its integration of theory and practice. Further, its detailed analysis of CSR practices differentiates it from other texts and contributes to the field of international business.’ Jens Gammelgaard, Copenhagen Business School, Denmark ‘‘

6 International Business : Challenges in a Changing World Structure International Business is divided into five major parts. These parts are, of course, interconnected – but the division provides a convenient teaching device to guide the reader through the learning material.

7 International Business : Challenges in a Changing World What’s each part about? Part I – The international dimension and the organization: Introduces internal and external aspects of the business and its inter- national environment, together with an overview of international trends. –Chapter 1 The business enterprise in the international environment: an introduction –Chapter 2 Globalization: enterprise and society perspectives Part II – The environment of international business: Looks in turn at key dimensions of the international environment. –Chapter 3 The international economic environment –Chapter 4 The changing cultural environment –Chapter 5 The political and legal environment Part III – Competing in the global marketplace: Investigates strategy formation and implementation in the international competitive environment, focusing on both theory and practice. –Chapter 6 International trade and regional dimensions –Chapter 7 Changing organizations and strategy in a globalized world –Chapter 8 International marketing

8 International Business : Challenges in a Changing World What’s each part about? (continued) Part IV – Managing in the global environment: Focuses on a specific specialist business functions, highlighting the international dimension. –Chapter 9 Cross-cultural Human Resource Management –Chapter 10 Managing supply chains –Chapter 11 International finance and accounting –Chapter 12 Innovation in the competitive environment Part V – Global issues and international business: Highlights the major challenges which businesses face in the twenty-first century. This unique section brings together themes of business impacts in societies and environments from earlier chapters, providing an overview and synthesis, as well as a critical perspective. –Chapter 13 Ecological challenges for business and society –Chapter 14 Corporate social responsibility –Chapter 15 Global governance

9 International Business : Challenges in a Changing World Pedagogical features The book includes a number of features to complement, supplement and reinforce the main text. These features have been designed to help students learn the relevance of the theory to understanding life at work, to promote critical thinking and to provide a truly international outlook. Each chapter follows a similar structure, so that students can orientate themselves within the text, and includes: –Start-of-chapter features –Features running throughout the chapters (including case studies) –End-of-chapter features.

10 International Business : Challenges in a Changing World ‘This text will serve as a superb core textbook for undergraduates or as the perfect primer at postgraduate level. The well-placed learning features are crafted for developing further critical understanding at a variety of levels. It is a beautifully written, clearly organised and comprehensive expedition into the complex subject of international business.’ Jennifer Lane Lee, University of Liverpool Management School, UK ‘‘

11 International Business : Challenges in a Changing World Start-of-chapter features At the beginning of each chapter you will find: Chapter outline and Learning objectives, to summarize the key concepts that will be covered and the knowledge students will gain Introduction, to engage student interest by illustrating the relevance of each IB topic to the real world.

12 International Business : Challenges in a Changing World Features running throughout Within the main body of each chapter you will find a range of innovative pedagogy, designed to facilitate understanding and prompt students to reflect on ideas, competing perspectives and implications of international business. These include: –Pause to reflect feature –Recap feature –On-page glossary –Web links. In order to help students understand and explore the subject, you will also find graphic exhibits, tables and photographs.

13 International Business : Challenges in a Changing World Pause to reflect feature This feature has been designed to encourage students to think critically about key issues and apply concepts and principles in differing contexts.

14 International Business : Challenges in a Changing World Recap feature This feature has been designed to reinforce learning by highlighting the main points of each section.

15 International Business : Challenges in a Changing World On-page glossary and Web checks Web checks are placed throughout the text and are designed to direct students to relevant online resources to further their knowledge. The on-page glossary is designed to provide a handy quick reference tool for students.

16 International Business : Challenges in a Changing World Figures, tables and photos –Graphic exhibits and tables help explain key concepts. –Photos are used to illustrate ideas and prompt discussion.

17 International Business : Challenges in a Changing World Case studies and vignettes The case studies cover an outstanding range of countries and company types. All are author written. All are supported by follow-up questions to promote discussion and help students link theory with practice. The book contains three types of case study: –Full case study –Country focus –Strategic crossroads

18 International Business : Challenges in a Changing World Full case study There are two full case studies per chapter They are used to cover in-depth case material and include graphs, figures, tables and illustrations

19 International Business : Challenges in a Changing World Country focus feature There are two country focus features per chapter. They present a snapshot of key areas of the business environment in a particular country.

20 International Business : Challenges in a Changing World Strategic crossroads feature There are two strategic crossroads features per chapter. They focus on a key strategic issue.

21 International Business : Challenges in a Changing World End-of-chapter features At the end of each chapter you will find a range of features designed to consolidate learning, prompt further discussion and application of the concepts covered and encourage further research. These include: –Conclusions, to draw together the different strands covered in the chapter and offer a reminder of the chapter’s key findings –Chapter review questions, to initiate discussion and encourage analytical thinking about what has been learned –Further reading, to aid further exploration of the subject.

22 International Business : Challenges in a Changing World At the end of the book At the end of the book you will find two appendices: –Atlas section to help students’ improve their geographical awareness –Country data section to provide quick access to key socio-economics details about a country, for reference or comparative purposes. For ease of reference the book also includes a glossary and index.

23 International Business : Challenges in a Changing World Web support materials As you have seen in the previous slides, International Business: Challenges in a Changing World takes an innovative approach to teaching IB and is packed with tasks and discussion questions that can be used in the classroom. addition, the companion website at offers extensive resources aimed at saving lecturers valuable time …

24 International Business : Challenges in a Changing World Web support materials (continued) Free access to selected articles from the Journal of International Business Studies, supported by author-written commentary Lecturer manual including suggested answers to questions in the test, discussion guidelines, sample course outline and sample exam paper PowerPoint slides to build into your classroom presentations Test bank of 25 multiple-choice questions per chapter and 5 short answer question Additional assignments and reflection questions Quarterly newsletter with updates to the case studies

25 International Business : Challenges in a Changing World ‘International business is a complex field and hard to grasp. This book gives an excellent overview and is a “must-read” for every IB student.’ Henk W Volberda, Rotterdam School of Management, Netherlands ‘‘

26 International Business : Challenges in a Changing World Thanks for taking the time to view this presentation. We hope you will consider adopting this exciting new textbook and we look forward to hearing your comments on it. If you would like more information, please contact our Lecturer Services team on: +44 (0) 1256 302794.

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