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How to Flow By: Naomi Duru. What is Flowing?  A way to keep track of the debate  Structured format to organize arguments  Archive of the round.

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Presentation on theme: "How to Flow By: Naomi Duru. What is Flowing?  A way to keep track of the debate  Structured format to organize arguments  Archive of the round."— Presentation transcript:

1 How to Flow By: Naomi Duru

2 What is Flowing?  A way to keep track of the debate  Structured format to organize arguments  Archive of the round

3 Structure of a Flow Sheet  Side: Pro/Con  Observations  Argument/Claim  Evidence (Name and Date)  Warrant: the link- why this is supportive  Impacts: why does this matter?


5 Use Shorthand!  Justice=J  Equality is =  Unequal is = with a slash through it  Quality of life= QOL  Results in/ leads to=   Change = Δ Sanctity of Life= SOL  Not Justified= J with a slash through it  And= +

6 Tips to Flow Better  Write legibly  Use shorthand to write faster  Listen closely for key words “our argument is”, “this matters because”, names and sources, etc.  Practice, practice, practice!  If you have something that directly refutes, * or circle it and write beside it to signal to yourself to come back to it  Color coding system to make things clearer

7 Ways to Practice  Flow a song  Flow using playing cards (partner practice)  Watch rounds on YouTube  Flow a TV show  Flow stand up comedy  Flow a radio show (whose manuscript you can find to check)  Flow as someone reads to you

8 Let’s Practice!  Pick a topic  Google is better than Bing.  Windows is better than Apple.  Get in groups of four (with people you aren't sitting next to)  Pick 3 points for your side  If you have time, find one article for each point!  Write down the source and the date

9 Lets Practice  Pro side: come on down!  State the topic  State your side  State your claim, evidence, warrant., repeat for each point  Con side: come on down!  Do the same thing  Flow the opposing team’s arguments while they speak

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