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Greek Word Studies Lesson One: Greek Alphabet Revelation 1:11 ‘Saying, I am Alpha and Omega, the first and the last:’ There are 24 letters in the Greek.

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Presentation on theme: "Greek Word Studies Lesson One: Greek Alphabet Revelation 1:11 ‘Saying, I am Alpha and Omega, the first and the last:’ There are 24 letters in the Greek."— Presentation transcript:

1 Greek Word Studies Lesson One: Greek Alphabet Revelation 1:11 ‘Saying, I am Alpha and Omega, the first and the last:’ There are 24 letters in the Greek Alphabet

2 Aalphaaa Bbetabb Cgammacg (hard) Ddeltadd Eepsilonee (short) Fzetafz Getage (long) Hthetahth Iiotaii Jkappajk Klambdakl Lmulm

3 Mnumn Nxinx Oomicronoo (short) Ppipp Qrhoqr Ssigmas or rs Ttautt Uupsilonuu Vphivph Wchiwch Xpsixps Yomegayo (long)

4 Practice learning and writing Greek letters Learn Greek letters in 6 groups of 4. When writing many of the Greek letters the pen is not lifted from the paper.

5 Aalphaaa Bbetabb Cgammacg (hard) Ddeltadd

6 Eepsilonee (short) Fzetafz Getage (long) Hthetahth

7 Iiotaii Jkappajk Klambdakl Lmulm

8 Mnumn Nxinx Oomicronoo (short) Ppipp

9 Qrhoqr Ssigmas or rs Ttautt Uupsilonuu

10 Vphivph Wchiwch Xpsixps Yomegayo (long)

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