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Maggie Grant Natalie Barte 8B

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1 Maggie Grant Natalie Barte 8B
Deep ocean life Maggie Grant Natalie Barte 8B

2 Overview Deep underwater, it is full of live. There are many corals and deep sea creatures that aren’t even discovered yet because of how deep they thrive in. But because of our new technology today we have discovered creatures we wouldn’t have believed we existed 20 years ago. Life underwater is another puzzle we are still trying to figure out.

3 vocabulary Frilled Shark – A rare specie of shark that lives deep in the ocean down to 5000 feet underwater. sea01-frill-shark_18161_600x450.jpg Giant Spider Crab – The Giant Spider Crab live on the floors of the ocean up about 1000 feet below surface. They can be about 12 meters just from their claw tip to claw tip. sea02-spider-crab_18162_600x450.jpg

4 vocabulary Dragonfish – A type of fish that lives deep under 5000 feet in water. It produces its own light. Dragonfish have a big head and enormously large fang-like teeth. They use their light to catch prey. Vampire Squid – A vampire squid is a squid that can swim quite fast and (depending on the light) have red or blue eyes. Vampire Squids can be found deep underwater about 90 meters down.

5 vocabulary Gulper Eel – The gulper eel is an eel with an unusual large mouth that can be larger than its own body. Their mouth can be used as a net rather than using it to eat big fish. Their teeth, pectoral fins and their eyes are small for a deep sea creature. They can live from 500 to 6000 feet. Atlantic Hagfish – The Atlantic Hagfish have glands that can be called slime. They can actually “sneeze” when their noses are filled with slime. Atlantic Hagfish prefer to be on the soft sea floor where they can bury themselves just in case. They live down to feet and are found in both sides of the North Atlantic Ocean. And can go as far as Norway.

6 concept The concept of deep ocean life is that there is a whole new world out there right below our feet and under where we cant reach, see or discover yet.



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