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Water Quality LV/2005-IB/EN/01 Final Meeting 26 June 2007 Water monitoring assessment.

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Presentation on theme: "Water Quality LV/2005-IB/EN/01 Final Meeting 26 June 2007 Water monitoring assessment."— Presentation transcript:

1 Water Quality LV/2005-IB/EN/01 Final Meeting 26 June 2007 Water monitoring assessment

2 Water Quality LV/2005-IB/EN/01 Final Meeting 26 June 2007 2 Questions related to monitoring water quality What is the water quality status? What are the ecosystems at risk ? What are the trends ? What are the consequences of land use/cover changes on water quality? What are the fluxes of matter and pollutants ?

3 Water Quality LV/2005-IB/EN/01 Final Meeting 26 June 2007 3 Spatial representation

4 Water Quality LV/2005-IB/EN/01 Final Meeting 26 June 2007 4 Surface water Hydrology Groundwater Climate monitoring network spatio-temporal representativeness Keep the long-term series Re-enforce the connections between monitoring networks

5 Water Quality LV/2005-IB/EN/01 Final Meeting 26 June 2007 5 Water discharge monitoring assessment

6 Water Quality LV/2005-IB/EN/01 Final Meeting 26 June 2007 6 Catchment surface (km 2 ) versus Specific run-off (l/s/km 2 ) 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 020000400006000080000100000 Daugava l/s/km 2 km 2 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 0500010000 km 2 l/s/km 2 Large variability in small catchments

7 Water Quality LV/2005-IB/EN/01 Final Meeting 26 June 2007 7 Catchment surface (km 2 ) versus Average discharge (m 3 /s) 0 20 40 60 80 100 0200040006000800010000 y = 0.0072 r 2 = 0.9198 Discharge (m 3 /s) km 2 0 100 300 500 700 020000400006000080000100000 y = 0.008x r 2 = 0.998 km 2 Discharge (m 3 /s) 0 2 4 6 8 10 020040060080010001200 y = 0.0075x r 2 = 0.672 km 2 Discharge (m 3 /s) Prediction decreases in small catchments

8 Water Quality LV/2005-IB/EN/01 Final Meeting 26 June 2007 8 Catchment surface (km 2 ) versus max discharge / min discharge 0 0 50 100 150 200 20000400006000080000100000 km 2 0 50 100 150 200 0500010000 max discharge / min discharge km 2 Svete - Uzini Amata - Melturi Durbe - Cirava Barta - Dukupji

9 Water Quality LV/2005-IB/EN/01 Final Meeting 26 June 2007 9 Water quality monitoring assessment Existing network

10 Water Quality LV/2005-IB/EN/01 Final Meeting 26 June 2007 10 Forest (%) Agriculture (%) Wetland (%) Lakes (%) Pop. Density (inh / km 2 ) Mean43482.25.428 SE 15174.57.740 Median40490.92.315 Min190003 Max83763347221 Existing water quality monitoring in Latvia Catchment land-cover

11 Water Quality LV/2005-IB/EN/01 Final Meeting 26 June 2007 11 Catchment surface (km 2 ) versus % of forest ? km 2 % Forest 0 20 40 60 80 0500100015002000 km 2 % Forest Existing water quality monitoring network

12 Water Quality LV/2005-IB/EN/01 Final Meeting 26 June 2007 12 Catchment surface (km 2 ) versus % of agriculture ? 0 20 40 60 80 0500100015002000 km 2 % of Agriculture 0 20 40 60 80 0500010000150002000025000 % of Agriculture km 2 Existing water quality monitoring network

13 Water Quality LV/2005-IB/EN/01 Final Meeting 26 June 2007 13 % Forest versus % agriculture 0 20 40 60 80 020406080100 11 37 4 6 112 189 149 136 148 436 % Forest % Agriculture versus % wetland 0 10 20 30 40 020406080100 % Wetland % Agriculture 227 37 6 172 % Agriculture versus % lakes 0 10 20 30 40 50 020406080100 % Agriculture % Lake 11 6 4 3 58 Existing water quality monitoring network

14 Water Quality LV/2005-IB/EN/01 Final Meeting 26 June 2007 14 % of Agriculture versus density of population 0 50 100 150 200 250 020406080100 % Agriculture Inh / km 2 Catchment surface (km 2 ) versus density of population 0 50 100 150 200 250 0500010000150002000025000 Inh / km 2 km 2 % of Forest versus density of population 0 50 100 150 200 250 020406080100 Inh / km 2 % forest Existing water quality monitoring network

15 Water Quality LV/2005-IB/EN/01 Final Meeting 26 June 2007 15 Water quality monitoring assessment Proposed network

16 Water Quality LV/2005-IB/EN/01 Final Meeting 26 June 2007 16 Temporal representation Biogeochemical monitoring Proposed water quality monitoring in Latvia Sampling effort Nutrients (N & P) & Basic indicators (O 2 – pH, conductivity, SM) 1172 analyses

17 Water Quality LV/2005-IB/EN/01 Final Meeting 26 June 2007 17 Proposed water quality monitoring in Latvia Sampling effort Nutrients (N & P) & Basic indicators (O 2 – pH, conductivity, SM) Total of analysesNb of sites with Monthly sampling Nb of sites with Seasonal sampling Daugava5525123 Lielupe208925 Venta260744 Gauja152329 128 34 51 32 245 24 221 1172 3050560 1412216 1520260 815156 80 26 35 23 164 67971192 Choose the best spatio-temporal framework for water quality monitoring Water quality monitoring

18 Water Quality LV/2005-IB/EN/01 Final Meeting 26 June 2007 18 Sampling at low waterin summer in winter Sampling at high waterduring snowmelt in autumn 1 - Easy to planify 2 - Meaningfull in terms of representativeness of low flow (baseflow) conditions 3 - Provides realistic values to calculate nutrient fluxes Proposal for nutrients and basic indicators 67 sites with monthly sampling instead of 24 including low and high water seasonal sampling 97 sites with seasonal sampling instead of 221 Purchase autonomous automatic samplers Measure Dissolved Organic Carbon

19 Water Quality LV/2005-IB/EN/01 Final Meeting 26 June 2007 19 Proposed water quality monitoring in Latvia Sampling effort Major ions (K – Na – Mg – Ca – HCO 3 – SO 4 – Hardness – Cl) Total of analyses per year Nb of sites with Monthly sampling Nb of sites with Seasonal sampling Daugava1210 Lielupe2420 Venta1210 Gauja1210

20 Water Quality LV/2005-IB/EN/01 Final Meeting 26 June 2007 20 Proposed water quality monitoring in Latvia Minor ions (Cd – Pb – Hg – Ni – Cu – Zn – As – Cr) Total of analysesNb of sites with Monthly sampling Nb of sites with Seasonal sampling Daugava 28 (Pb – Hg – Ni – Zn) 24 (Cu) 12 (As) 10 (Cr) 04 (every 2 months) 1 (every 4 months) Lielupe 38 (Pb) 34 (Cd – Hg – Ni – Cu) 30 (Zn) 12 (As – Cr) 04 (every 2 months) 4 (every 4 months) Venta 50 (Pb – Hg - Cu) 46 (Cd – Ni - Cu) 20 (Cr) 6 (As) 07 (every 2 months) 3 (every 4 months) Gauja 26 (Cd) 22 (Pb – Hg – Ni – Cu – Zn) 16 (As) 4 (Cr) 03 (every 2 months) 2 (every 4 months)

21 Water Quality LV/2005-IB/EN/01 Final Meeting 26 June 2007 21 Proposed water quality monitoring in Latvia Organic pollutants (naphtas, pesticides, phenols) Total of analysesNb of sites with Monthly sampling Nb of sites with Seasonal sampling Daugava24 (Naphtas) 2 (pesticides) 10 (phenols) 000000 4 (every 2 months) 2 (once a year) 1 (every 2 months) 1 (every 4 months) Lielupe18 (Naphtas) 5 (pesticides) 16 (phenols) 000000 3 (every 2 months) 5 (once a year) 3 (every 2 months) 1 (every 4 months) Venta36 (Naphtas) 2 (pesticides) 6 (phenols) 000000 6 (every 2 months) 2 (once a year) 1 (every 2 months) Gauja12 (Naphtas) 1 (pesticides) 0 (phenols) 000000 2 (every 2 months) 1 (once a year)

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